Live a fulfilling life

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Steps to Living a Fulfilled Life | Brian Tracy
Video: 7 Steps to Living a Fulfilled Life | Brian Tracy


How wonderful would it be if you were to jump out of bed happy and full of life every morning? Or to go to sleep every night with a grin on your face and a sigh of satisfaction? This may seem like something that only happens to other people, but such a happy and satisfied life is also very possible for you. First you need to find out why you are not so happy with your life so far. Then you start changing / improving your daily habits so that you can get a little closer to achieving your goals and improve yourself. Remember, it is quite difficult to live a happy life without good physical, mental, emotional and social health; if you neglect any of these four areas, sooner or later you will have problems with them. So educate yourself in some positive lifestyle habits and that way support your own wellbeing and health.

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Method 1 of 4: Address your problem areas

  1. Find out where the problem is. To live a more fulfilling life, you must first know which part of your current life is troubling or unsatisfying. Think about different aspects of your life to find out where you are experiencing the most problems.
    • Close your eyes and ask yourself, "What part of my life am I most dissatisfied with?" What comes to mind first is probably the most important problem you want to start with.
    • For example, your mind may have immediately turned to work or school, or to a relationship or friendship. What comes to your mind first is probably what bothers you the most.
  2. Make a step-by-step plan with SMART goals. Focus on the most important area in your life that you want to change and create actionable goals for improvement. Use SMART goals - that is, goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
    • For example, if your job is unsatisfactory, you can decide to quit, go back to school to change careers, or maybe find creative ways to make your current job more fulfilling.
    • If you choose to switch careers, you may need to set a few other goals first, such as securing financial aid and gaining admission into a desired study program.
    • Divide each of your goals into different parts so that you can tackle them step by step. Also set a reasonable deadline for completing the end goal.
  3. Check your progress regularly. As your goals get closer, take a moment to reflect on your progress. Sometimes by looking at how far you have already come, the motivation to continue is strengthened. It also helps you determine whether you are satisfied with the result achieved and are ready for the next step.
    • You can track your progress by writing the steps of your goals on a chalkboard or piece of paper and ticking off each step.

Method 2 of 4: Develop good habits

  1. Do something every day that you find difficult. One of the best ways to build good habits and create a fulfilling life is to do something every day that you find difficult. Identify one thing to do on a daily basis that pushes you out of your comfort zone and do it.
    • At the start of each day, ask yourself, "What can I do today to challenge myself?" The answer will vary. On some days this could be, for example, leaving your home to connect with others. On other days, this could be discussing your ideas with your boss when you were actually not used to doing such a thing.
    • End each day by thinking about your daily challenge. Write down your thoughts in a journal, and be sure to record any achievements you have made during the day.
  2. Replace your bad habits with good ones. Look for the areas of your life with the least growth, or the most stagnation, so that you can start tackling your unhealthy habits. Then replace them with better, healthier habits.
    • For example, if you're trying to lose weight but spend a lot of time on the couch in front of the TV, reduce your TV time or do gymnastic exercises while you watch.
    • Try to replace one bad habit at a time to keep it from getting too much for you or going too fast.
  3. Motivate yourself daily. A fulfilling life is a full and exciting life, so look for inspiration daily. Review your goals, use a bulletin board and hang it full of things that inspire you, listen to podcasts and / or audiobooks, or recite positive affirmations or inspirational quotes every day.
    • If you are not so happy with your current life, seeking daily motivation can help you change your situation and achieve your goals.
  4. Take responsibility for your own life. Reach out to your social circle for help sticking to your goals and building better habits. Post on this topic on Facebook and expand your network, talk about your plans with your family or friends, team up with a buddy, or create a reward system to encourage yourself to be accountable.
    • For example, if you go back to school, you might be able to post a message on Facebook that says, "I'm finally going back to high school. I'd appreciate your support and encouragement!"

Method 3 of 4: Put your own values ​​into practice

  1. Find out which things are most important to you. What are your personal values? They are the guiding principles and beliefs that help you move forward in life, such as honesty, or being faithful to your partner or family. If you find it difficult to define your own values, ask yourself a few questions:
    • What qualities do I value most in myself? What qualities do I appreciate most in others? "
    • What achievements am I most proud of? Are there any similarities between these performances? "
    • What would I like to change about my neighborhood, community, region or country?
    • What would I save from my burning house if all living things were already safe and saved?
    • It can help to write down your personal values ​​(for example in a diary) or to make a nice collage.
  2. Figure out areas where you don't want to compromise and stick to them. The key to a fulfilling life is living according to your own values, but this sometimes also means letting go of certain people, activities or situations that jeopardize your values. Spend some time thinking about where you draw the line, what you still accept and what not.
    • For example, if you value honesty, you may decide to avoid relationships with people who are often dishonest or who keep trying to mislead you.
    • Write down where your limits are and read this regularly, so that you can be sure that these limits are not exceeded.
  3. Find work that will help you positively impact the world. Enjoy a fulfilling life by doing work that aligns with your values. Make sure you can use your special talents to make a meaningful contribution to the world - whether it's a day job, a side job, a hobby or volunteer work.
    • For some people, meaningful work can be starting a business, for others it can be a career in the service of others. For some, meaningful work may consist of sharing their passions with others, engaging in art making alongside their regular work, or otherwise using and displaying their talents to the world.
    • Not everyone can experience their day job as completely meaningful and satisfying, and that's okay. Then just make sure that you use your talents in your spare time and let them flourish. You may think that you have no talents, but if you take a good look at yourself, you will certainly discover something that you are good at!
  4. Gather a group of like-minded people around you to help you stay positive. Take a good look at your social relationships and ask yourself if they are nourishing and positive. If not, draw your conclusions and act accordingly. Don't feel guilty about it. Sometimes you simply have to remove dead weight and toxic relationships from your life in order to truly thrive and make room for healthy connections.
    • If your social circle needed a big cleanup, don't worry too much about it. Make small changes to connect with new people. For example, you can invite a nice colleague to have lunch together, you can take an interesting course or join a new club.
  5. Volunteer or help those in need. A fulfilling and fulfilling life also includes charity, so find ways to give something to those around you. This can be as simple as lovingly assisting a neighbor or friend in need, or volunteering for a few hours a week.
    • You will feel most fulfilled when you give your love and energy to things that you believe are valuable, so donate your time and money to causes and organizations you believe in.

Method 4 of 4: Feeling good both mentally and physically

  1. Make time for yourself on a regular basis. It's hard to feel satisfied and fulfilled when your energy is always only going one way. Just as you give love and support to others, you also have to give that love and support back to yourself. Take your time for things you enjoy; a hobby, pampering yourself, or other activities that make you happy.
    • Set aside at least an hour each day to do something for yourself. Use that time constructively, such as writing in your journal, taking a meditative nature walk, or reading a book about personal development.
  2. Spend 30 minutes a day in physical activity. Optimal mental and physical health ensures that you feel good about yourself, so make time for sports and exercise regularly. Schedule it every day. That way it just becomes an extra task on your to-do list.
    • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical exercise per day. Choose activities that you enjoy, such as swimming, dancing, or cycling.
  3. Eat healthy foods that give you energy. Unhealthy foods can endanger your health and well-being, affecting your energy and mental clarity. Treat your body to real - preferably natural - foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat proteins, whole grains, and nuts and seeds.
    • Avoid foods that are nutrient-deficient, such as foods that are sugary, processed, and high in calories.
    • Use little or no caffeine and alcohol. The latter, in particular, can seriously jeopardize your mental and physical functioning.
  4. Manage stress in a healthy way. Know how to spot signs of increasing stress, such as trouble sleeping, trouble focusing, or unexplained pain. Then take measures to reduce the stress in your life.
    • Keep stress at bay by not taking on too many non-essential responsibilities or overloading your schedule, by staying away from negative or fatiguing people, and by practicing relaxation techniques.
    • A regular self-care routine can keep the stress in your life from getting out of hand.
  5. Get in touch with your spirituality. Spirituality is often an important aspect of a fulfilling life, as it can be a source of strength and comfort in difficult times, keeping you resilient. Connect with that deeper, spiritual part of yourself to feel more connected to the universe and better able to deal with life's stressors.
    • Regularly perform a spiritual ritual such as meditation, prayer, yoga, chanting (chanting mantras or religious songs) or meditative nature walks.