How to organize a productive day

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you have a very busy schedule, chances are you strive to be as productive as possible each day. When there is so much to do, your head can go dizzy. To make every day you spend productive, you need to develop your organizational skills, as well as the skill of time management (effective time management). For example, you can start your day with a healthy, healthy breakfast, a glass of clean water, and morning exercises.This routine will keep you energized and energized before going to school or work. Prioritize your tasks and rank them according to the degree of importance. In order not to get tired and "burn out" from work, it is important to take breaks from time to time. At home, focus on getting your thoughts back on track and planning for the next day. Be sure to do something for your soul to unwind and distract. Taking care of yourself is very important to maintaining high productivity at work.


Part 1 of 3: How to start your day

  1. 1 Start preparing the night before. If you want to have a productive day, you need to plan ahead. Before you go to bed, make a to-do list for the next day. It is important to make a realistic list of very doable important things. If there are too many tasks on this list, you will rather succumb to stress than spend a productive day. Therefore, it is better to plan 3-5 important things for the day.
    • If the tasks are truly global and complex, you can reduce the number of such tasks. For example, if you need to complete a report for work, chances are you will need to list a few more smaller steps. You can frame this global goal like this: “Finish the report by the end of the day,” and then just below list the steps you will need to take to achieve this goal.
    • If you don't have big, important things to do yet, you can add 4-5 small tasks to your to-do list. For example, you can write this: "Reply to the email to Sasha, rewrite the press release, check the article for the site for errors, call Kolya back."
    • Remember, you can do more. After all, if you try hard and strive for productivity, it is likely that you will be able to complete all the tasks on the list. When compiling this list, the main task is to highlight what necessarily should be done by the end of the day regardless of the circumstances. Writing down your goals and objectives for the day helps you prioritize.
  2. 2 Drink a glass of lemon water. Lemon juice in the morning energizes and invigorates, which can increase productivity throughout the day. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water with squeezed lemon juice. You shouldn't drink concentrated lemon juice because it has a negative effect on your teeth. It is a good idea to put a glass of water with lemon juice squeezed into it in the refrigerator in the evening before going to bed.
    • For best results, drinking lemon juice water on an empty stomach is recommended.
    • After that, you need to wait 15-30 minutes and only then start breakfast.
  3. 3 Take your time to check the news on social networks. VKontakte, Twitter and other social networks only lower your concentration. Therefore, it is not recommended to turn on the phone and check social networks first thing in the morning. Instead, try to focus and channel your energy in the right direction.
    • Relax - start the day positive. Social networks often cause a storm of different emotions and experiences in us, which sometimes makes us irritable in the morning. Instead, take time to stretch or meditate, watch the birds, or listen to your favorite song.
    • Set aside a specific time to visit social media. For example, you can promise yourself not to enter the VKontakte app until you have breakfast.
    • If this has become a serious problem for you, you can even block access to third-party sites and remove applications that distract you on your smartphone.
  4. 4 Have breakfast. A good hearty breakfast is essential for a successful and productive day. It's not without reason that breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. A healthy, hearty breakfast improves mood, energizes and generally sets you up for productivity.
    • Make yourself a normal, hearty breakfast. Don't overdo it on convenience foods or quick sugary snacks like donuts.
    • Oatmeal, yogurt, fruit and eggs are great choices for a delicious and hearty breakfast.
    • If you're in a hurry, you can grab a snack on your way to work or school. Even a plain banana that you can eat on the road can help increase productivity.
  5. 5 Exercise before work. Exercise can help improve mood and reduce stress levels. In addition, physical activity recharges and gives strength. Wake up a little earlier in the morning so that you have time to do some light exercises before work or study.
    • You don't have to do a full workout. Even a gentle warm-up for 10 minutes will help improve your overall well-being.
    • You can go for a walk for 10 minutes, do some cardio exercises right in your kitchen, and if you love yoga or Pilates, find a set of basic exercises online for about 10 minutes.

Part 2 of 3: How to be productive at work or school

  1. 1 Eliminate distractions. A truly productive day starts with as few distractions as possible. When going to work or school, turn off all gadgets in advance and remove any items that confuse you. You want to focus on your work and not on other little things.
    • If you are working on a computer, close all extraneous tabs in the browser and any applications that distract your attention. Sign out of your social media accounts. Close tabs with extraneous websites as you explore new articles. If you have an unrelated program running in the background, close it.
    • Remove unnecessary distractions from your desktop. If there is an interesting book on the table that you bought yourself to read in your free time, put it aside. And also put aside all the gadgets - your phone and tablet - that steal your time and energy.
  2. 2 Know how to say no to requests, the fulfillment of which does not fit into your plans and does not correspond to your priorities. There is nothing wrong with rejection, especially if you have a really difficult day ahead of you, and people ask you to do something for which you have neither the strength nor the time. If a person asks you for a favor that doesn't fit into your daily routine and your priorities, just tell them you can't help them.
    • For example, you can say this: “I will not succeed, today every minute is planned, and I simply will not have time for extraneous activities,” or so: “No, I'm sorry. I cannot help you today. "
  3. 3 Organize your workplace. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to work productively in a chaotic atmosphere. Before you get started, take a few minutes to clean up the mess. Just fold or distribute documents and papers lying on the table, or throw away unnecessary ones. If the table is dusty or dirty, quickly wipe it down. If you spot any rubbish in your office, like a soda bottle or candy wrapper, throw it in the trash bin. A clean, tidy and tidy workplace plays a big role in increasing productivity.
    • Sort papers and documents. For example, those documents that need to be checked or completed can be put in one pile, and those that do not require revision - in another.
    • Organize your office supplies. Place all the basic supplies you use (stapler, scissors, pens) in your desk drawer.
  4. 4 Try to focus on just one thing. While you are working on a task, try to focus all your attention only on it. When working, for example, on a report, you should not think about how you will get home. Until you've finished working on a specific task, don't think about the next one. By focusing on a single goal, you can be more productive because all your attention will be directed towards completing a specific task.
    • Multitasking is usually not the best for productivity. You will spend a lot more time trying to do three things in a quality way than if you did each of these tasks in turn.
    • Instead of jumping from one task to the next, pick one and finish it, then move on to the next. While you're working on a task, don't be distracted by your phone or check your email.
  5. 5 Tackle the most important task first. If difficult and important matters do not keep you waiting, accept this challenge and finish with them first. Thus, you do not have to send really important things on the back burner and put them off until tomorrow. Plus, after completing a big and important task, you will feel more relaxed and satisfied, because the rest of the day can be devoted to easier tasks that will bring less stress. This approach will help you increase your productivity.
    • Go back to the to-do list you made the night before. What important things (there should be from 3 to 5) do you absolutely need to do before the evening? Start with one of them.
    • Let's say you are very worried about sending an email to an important customer. Instead of putting it off until the last minute and worrying about it all day, just get it over with in the morning.
  6. 6 Take breaks throughout the day and reward yourself for your successes. An important part of being productive is giving yourself the opportunity to relax from time to time. If you do not take breaks, you will very quickly get tired and "burn out" before the end of the working day. As you work, keep track of the time and please yourself with small breaks every 15-30 minutes.
    • You can delight yourself with small rewards for your efforts. You will most likely work harder and more productively if you know that the next task or task will bring you a pleasant reward. For example, you can treat yourself to a small morsel of some sweet treat after you finish writing your essay. And after you have drawn up a presentation plan, you can go to social networks for 5 minutes.

Part 3 of 3: Be Productive at Home

  1. 1 Analyze how your day went. When you get home, take some time to simply reflect on your day. Don't jump straight to the next task - this approach will only bring stress and frustration. Better to sit quietly and analyze how your day went.
    • Think about all the cases that you have managed to sort out. Give yourself the opportunity to feel proud of the completed work. Congratulate yourself on the successful completion of specific tasks. For example, you might say to yourself, "I am very glad I did give a speech at today's meeting."
    • And then forgive yourself for anything you did wrong today. Remind yourself that everyone is wrong, accept the fact that none of us are perfect, that mistakes and wrongs are a natural part of our life. For example, say to yourself, “Yes, I know there was a typo in that letter, but there’s nothing to worry about — each of us makes mistakes from time to time.”
  2. 2 Prepare your clothes for the next day. It's a good idea to pack up ahead of time and get your clothes ready for the next morning. Just in the evening before going to bed, think about what you are going to wear the next day to work or school. Prepare these clothes and hang them next to your bed. Thus, you do not have to spend time in the morning choosing what to wear, and you will not get out of your usual morning routine.
  3. 3 Get organized. A little daily cleaning helps you feel more comfortable and productive at home.Plus, a tidy and tidy environment helps keep you focused on business, and last but not least, regular cleaning really saves time! Take time to tidy up every day so you don't have to spend hours on weekends doing boring spring cleaning.
    • If there is something that your hands can't reach, start with it. Once you feel that the main obstacle has been removed, you will be inspired to do the rest of your household chores.
    • You can split household chores over several days of the week. For example, you can do your laundry on Mondays, do the dishes on Tuesdays, pay your bills on Wednesdays, and so on.
  4. 4 Make time for hobbies that help you relax. It is impossible to constantly spin like a squirrel in a wheel. It is important to take a break every evening, to take time for yourself and your interests. Before going to bed, do something that helps you relax and recover. You can read a book, take a warm bath, or just watch a movie. All of this helps to relax and prevents burnout, which undoubtedly reduces productivity.
  5. 5 Before bed, make a to-do list for the next day. Yes, you need to make a to-do list again! You want to make the next day as productive as possible, don't you? Be sure to write down 3-5 important things to do before tomorrow night.


  • Do things in order of priority so that the most important and urgent matters come first. This will allow you to deal with any emergency issues that may arise during the day in time without disrupting your daily routine.
  • Be prepared to adapt to your circumstances. Plans may change from time to time, and this is completely normal.
  • Try to make your bed every morning. Completing a small task after waking up has been shown to stimulate the brain and enable you to have a more productive day.