How to lend money to a friend

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lend Money to Family and Friends And Get Paid Back
Video: How to Lend Money to Family and Friends And Get Paid Back


Probably with everyone it happened when a friend / girlfriend said: “Can you lend me some money? I promise I will return it. " Whether you decide to borrow money or not is up to you, but this article provides some tips on how to get your money back and keep your friendship.


  1. 1 First, decide whether you want to borrow money or not. If your boyfriend / girlfriend asks to borrow money, this does not mean that you have to agree. First, think about whether you will be comfortable in this situation. You might want to consider some details:
    • How does your boyfriend / girlfriend handle money? If he / she has never had financial difficulties and has always paid bills on time, you can safely borrow some amount. But if your buddy is constantly in debt, like in silks, and your pockets are empty, think twice before agreeing.
    • How much does your boyfriend / girlfriend want to borrow? Borrowing money is a risky business. Even if your friend / girlfriend can be completely trusted and he / she intends to repay the debt on time, something unexpected may happen. Therefore, lend as much money as you can afford to lose. If you cannot cover your own financial obligations, in case your friend does not return the money on time, you cannot afford to lend.
    • Why does your friend / girlfriend need money? You have the right to know why he / she needs the money and why he / she does not have the opportunity to earn it on his / her own. This information will help you decide if this is a good idea or not. If your friend / girlfriend needs money to cover expenses in the event of a one-time emergency, you do not need to worry about him / her asking for money again. But if your boyfriend / girlfriend throws away a lot of money to buy an expensive item, and at the same time is unable to pay the bills, you have less confidence that he / she will not ask for a loan again.
  2. 2 Be clear about the terms of payment of the debt, regardless of the amount.
    • If you decide that the debt will be repaid gradually, then agree on the amount and the day and stick to this schedule.
    • Discuss the details of the late payment. Despite the fact that you hope that the debt will be repaid on time, it is better to discuss the circumstances in which your boyfriend / girlfriend, for any reason, will not be able to return the money on time. This way you both know how to deal with the situation.
    • Agree that if a friend has a problem, he / she will let you know.You can even strongly ask for it - "If you cannot pay part of the debt, be sure to let me know about it." Misunderstandings or misunderstandings can lead to the destruction of a relationship. You may feel like a bad person reminding a friend of a late payment, or suggest that he / she breaks the “contract” by not paying. Imagine that your boyfriend / girlfriend might feel ashamed or embarrassed if they cannot pay on time, and therefore clearly explain what you want to know if something goes wrong.
    • If you are asked to lend a lump sum that you do not risk losing, in case of unforeseen circumstances, you can negotiate a collateral in exchange for money. The collateral can be anything like an iPod, guitar, etc. Discuss the details of the default (non-payment of debt), that is, how long you will be willing to wait before selling the pledged item to recover the debt. Reinforce the agreement with a receipt. You do not need to notarize it, just sign and date it.
  3. 3 Be practical. Make a note in the calendar to remind your friend / girlfriend of this a few days before the payment of part of the debt. After that, make sure he / she makes the payment without reminders. If he / she has not done so, call the next day and remind. Ask when you can expect payment and ask for an explanation of the reason for the delay. After you have heard the explanation, set a new date.
  4. 4 Accept any excuses and put an end to it as soon as possible. As we have already said, the state of a person, by its nature, is changeable, something always happens. One of the best things about borrowing a friend is that you can be more accommodating than a big, faceless corporation. However, if your boyfriend / girlfriend is abusing your good nature, you shouldn't indulge his / her wrongdoings.
    • Jason borrows $ 100 from you and promises to return the money in a week. At the end of the week, he says he will repay the debt the next, because his car broke down. You agree. A week later, he says that his working hours have been cut and he still cannot pay you. Meanwhile, Jason has enough money to afford beer, movies, and video games. He does not take this debt seriously and simply fools your head. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you can get it over with.
    • If Jason turns out to be a frivolous guy, you will have to get used to the idea of ​​ u200b u200bthat money you will not see and take stock, deciding to never lend him money again.
    • If you really need to get that money back, you should consider that there could be a serious argument between you and Jason and that your friendship could end. Think about how best to handle this situation.
  5. 5 Don't be too harsh about duty if your boyfriend / girlfriend is a good person. As mentioned above, if you behave like this, then you will not see either money or friendship.
    • You lent Kara $ 1000 and she promised to pay in installments, $ 100 a month. For several months she paid the required amount on time, but then she lost her job. You assured her that there is nothing to worry about and that she can resume payments when she finds a new job. It took 4 months until she got a job. When you try to contact her to arrange payments, you cannot find her. Your call is redirected to voicemail, it is clear that Kara dodges you. Her behavior is easy to explain, she knows that she owes you money and because of the inability to pay off the debt, she feels bad. She will avoid talking to you until she can repay the debt, which can take time. Again, you can lose either money or a girlfriend.
      • The difference is that Kara really feels guilty. She knows she has to pay back the debt. If you let it go, she will continue to avoid you out of guilt.Even if you can forgive the debt, don't let her do that. Instead, call her or visit her at home and say face to face, “Kara, I know you feel guilty, but I don’t want you to avoid me. You're my friend. I borrowed this money because I had it and because I trust you. My attitude towards you has not changed. I know that there are difficulties on your way, but I also know that once you are on your feet, you can repay my debt. Don't worry about it, I believe in you. Get your money back when you can.
    • Give Kara 6 months and observe the situation carefully. If she continues to avoid you, it's time to step in and remind you to pay. "If you can't give $ 100 a month, how about $ 20?" This is a small enough amount that she can afford and will no longer shirk. You will stop bothering her, and she, in turn, will stop avoiding you. If you decide to forgive her the last payment, she will definitely appreciate it, but she will know that she has paid most of the debt on her own. When she gives the last amount, her self-esteem will increase, because she was able to see the case through. And finally, until she returns the debt, it will be difficult for her to look you in the eyes, but do not let her leave you, the main thing is that your relationship remains good.


  • Start a small journal in which you will mark your debtors.
  • As collateral, take a thing that will not be lower in value than the borrowed amount.
  • Remember how much money you loaned.
  • Please note that if the debtor does not intentionally return the money, then you should forget about this person forever.
  • Never forget about debt. The kopeck protects the ruble. But do not act like a curmudgeon, just say: "Today I cry, you - next time, okay?" Even if your spending isn't exactly equal, it's okay between friends.
  • You can contact a loan company to monitor the loan transaction. The company will provide you with the necessary securities and will automatically make payments for a small percentage.


  • Do not forget that a person who constantly asks to borrow money does not know how to properly dispose of his own money and sees you as a bank. Such a person must learn to manage his own means. Advise him some courses.
  • Don't steal money if you want to get it back. This will make you look like a thief and possibly ruin your friendship. This behavior can be called passive-aggressive. Either ask to return the debt or forget about it.
  • In general, lending money to a friend is not a good idea. If a friend / girlfriend does not return the debt, you will lose both money and a friend / girlfriend. Borrow a small amount as an alternative.
  • This is your money, so know who to lend it to.