How to Look Hot

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Video: 7 WAYS TO INSTANTLY LOOK HOT! (real tricks)


A hot look is ideal for attracting attention and gaining confidence in yourself! There are many ways to have an attractive look. However, being hot has less to do with your appearance, but more to your appearance and behavior! Let's start with the steps below.


Part 1 of 3: Hotter with makeup and hairstyle

  1. Skin care. People will usually notice your skin first. This is why you need to make sure your skin is properly cared for. Most people (including celebrities!) Have acne-prone skin and many blemishes. Instead of worrying about acne, try to take care of the overall health of your skin.
    • Using a mild, gentle cleanser every day will help remove oil and dirt, without completely losing the skin's bio-oil layer. Wash your face in the morning when you wake up and repeat before going to bed.
    • Know your skin type to properly wash and moisturize your face. Dry skin tends to flake off. Oily skin looks greasy or shiny just a few hours after washing. Sensitive skin often feels tight or itchy and is susceptible to chemical allergies.
    • Moisturize the face, hands and body especially during the dry season of the year (such as winter or summer). Keeping skin hydrated will help you look radiant and healthy!
    • Avoid touching your face with your hands, as the oil on your fingers can irritate your face and cause lots of pimples.

  2. Highlight lines with makeup. We don't have to wear makeup, but it can be a great way to build your confidence and appeal. You can use makeup to highlight different facial contours.
    • Makeup will really work in this case. If one day your skin deteriorates, cover up the blemishes and put on makeup to bring out your eyes (if that's one of your most attractive traits).
    • If you have pretty eyes (and you know it!) You can accentuate eye color with eyeshadow. Avoid choosing eyeshadow that matches your eye color, as it will look pretty monotonous.For example, if you have blue eyes, try purple eyeshadow (lavender purple for the day and a dark plum color for the evening). If you go dancing, use metallic tones like emerald green or silver.
    • Lipstick can be a great way to create an impressive, dynamic look. Red lipstick is like a best friend of girls. Combine red lips with smoky eye colors and a classic black dress and you'll look great!

  3. Use "natural" makeup. Means makeup to bring out a hot look while preserving the natural facial features. This will make your look (especially your eyes) stand out without being too flashy or obvious.
    • Add highlights to the eyes with an eyeliner that is sharp and natural (eg brown). Apply some wine-colored or light brown eyeshadow.
    • A little mascara will flatter your lashes and make them look longer. Make sure you have a working mascara, as some can be clumpy and dirty, and you won't like this.
    • Contour the face using a volume powder to accentuate the cheekbones. Blush powder can make your face look rounder or slimmer, depending on what you want (spread horizontally to look round or spread over the ears and jaw for a slimmer face).

  4. Try smoky eye colors. Smoky eye color always makes the eyes look deeper, and it can be put on bold or light makeup. This will add emphasis to the eyes, accentuating the eye color. Apply the eyeshadow to the eyelids to make the darker eye color not smudge.
    • Apply the nude colored eyeshadow to the entire eye shadow. From the contour to the eye socket, apply a layer of light eyeshadow. Line the upper and lower lids out with a dark (brown or black) eyeliner. Use a cotton swab to blur the contours.
    • Apply the darker eyeshadow to the entire eye area and into the wrinkles. Blend colors in the upward direction and spread outwards.
    • Apply a layer of light under the eye sockets and in the tear glands. Draw out the outline of the lashes with the eyeliner for added effect. Attach false lashes and curl them up.
  5. Hair cleaning. No matter what style you put on your hair, healthy hair is always the most attractive. Wash your hair as often as needed. However, for all hair types, make sure you only clean the scalp. Shampooing too well can dry out the scalp!
    • Good hair should be washed once a day to every three days, as long as you feel comfortable. Nowadays, there are some rumors that washing your hair every day can actually cause your hair to dry more quickly and thus start producing more oil. You can try washing your hair less, or maybe even changing your shampoo.
    • If your hair is oily, you will need to wash it every day. Consider changing your shampoo, as it can be the cause of greasy hair.
    • Coarse (and often thicker!) Hair does not need to be washed as often. Several times a week, three times at most, otherwise it will dry out faster and make it frizzy.
  6. Have the right hairstyle. Hair is something that can make you very attractive and make your face stand out, or can be reversed. Once you have determined the shape of your face, choosing a suitable hairstyle will become simple. There are six basic face shapes: oval, circle, square, rectangle, heart shape, and diamond shape.
    • The oval face will be one and a half times as long as it is wide. The forehead is usually wider than the chin. With an oval face, you are in luck as it suits most hairstyles.
    • The round face has high cheekbones, the length and width of the face are equal. Avoid bangs and try to create volume on the top of your head (ponytails and buns will work for this). This will shape the oval face for you.
    • The square face has wide jaws and square chin. The contour of the jaw and forehead are of equal width. Short bangs and bangs will make the face look more square, so it's best to avoid those hairstyles. The layered and shoulder-length hairstyles for long hair will help the face look slimmer.
    • Rectangular faces are slightly longer than oval faces (so often mistaken) and not as wide. People with rectangular faces may also have a pointed chin. Hair and chin-length bangs are usually suitable for this face shape, making your face look less long.
    • With a heart-shaped face, the forehead and cheekbones are wide. Having a heart-shaped face means you'll have narrow jaws and a pointed chin. Let the hairstyle be long, and the chin will look fuller.
    • Diamond-shaped face with narrow jawline and forehead. The cheeks are the widest part of the face. Creates volume around the hairline and jaw, and reduces it around the jaw. The bangs and the layered hair on the ends can help mask the narrowness of the hairline and chin.
  7. Find the right hairstyle. Sometimes finding the right hairstyle is the way to look hot. Come up with an idea of ​​a few of your favorite hairstyles that will make you look cool. Change a few hairstyles a week to keep it from looking boring. Try out new hairstyles from time to time to keep things interesting.
    • For wavy hair try: messy updo with soft curls; or pull the sides back and tie, curl the ends; Or try a low, simple bun.
    • For straight hair try: parting and dropping rest of the hair; or styling a ponytail and bulging the top of the head with a little hairspray; or braid French hair on the sides and tie them back, while lowering the rest.
    • For curly hair try: cut it short; or release some hair and parting to create volume on top of head; or take a little bit of hair at the top of the hairline and tie it back, side and back; Or take small pieces of hair and pin them back.

Part 2 of 3: Hot with clothes

  1. Wear clothes that fit. Clothes that are too loose or too tight will make you look messy. You will also feel uncomfortable, which will make you less confident and less attractive. The right clothes also flatter your body shape no matter what they are.
    • Take measurements. Measure the fullest part of your bust, holding the tape firmly but not too tight. Loosen the measuring tape around the waist, this is where the body naturally flexes. Measure around the fullest part of the hips and buttocks. Keep these measurements in mind when looking at the size chart.
    • Wear a bra that fits well. Most women are wearing bras the wrong size. It's too small or too big. The best way to make sure you get the right size is to get advice from someone with bra knowledge (usually a lingerie company, like Victoria's Secret).
  2. Combine the right clothes. Part of her hot look is having an outfit that flatter and enhance your look. If you wear inappropriate clothes, it doesn't matter how you look. Finding the right suits takes a bit of patience and experimentation.
    • Choose "uniforms". Meaning there are a few (about two or three) fancy clothes that are right for you. Using these clothes as your base will create a style that will catch people's attention. For example, if you like to wear a skirt, choose a dress that's similar to your "uniform", like the nostalgic style of the 50's. For more variations, you can add a belt. different dress colors and different. Depending on the weather, you can wear leggings and boots, or leave bare feet and flats.
    • Neutral colors can help neutralize your outfit, so that it doesn't get too stained. This means a few simple shirts, neutral trousers and skirts (like black, dark blue, white, gray). You can pair these with a lighter shirt or trousers, or an accessory. For example, wear a red patterned T-shirt with tight black jeans, a gray jacket, and gray boots. You can bring extra large, light colored board earrings (yellow or orange) or a scarf.
    • Red is proven to be the color that is most likely to attract attention. Women wearing red were generally considered sexier than others (or who weren't wearing red at the time). Wear a daring red dress (cool red with a hint of orange), or even just a red scarf to increase the heat.
  3. Bring fun accessories. Whether it's a fun, colorful purse, a large belt or flashy earrings, accessories are a way of expressing your own personality without going overboard. There are many ways to highlight an outfit so people will notice your style!
    • The handbag is quite stylish and handy. If you use distinctive colors (like green and brown), bring a handbag that matches those colors (like glossy yellow).
    • Jewelry is definitely a way to attract attention. Identify your favorites and show them off! Long suspended earrings are great for those with short hair, or hair that is combed back. Wearing pearls with jeans and a T-shirt makes for a chic look. You can also use jewelry to accentuate your outfit (for example, if you are wearing a yellow dress with a green trim, you can wear green earrings. to match the dress).
    • Shawls, belts, and hosiery (leggings, socks, socks, etc.) are all practical items that can make you look hot! You can get a light colored scarf and belt to match with your pants / t-shirt. You can wear a dark gray dress with vividly colored and textured leggings.
  4. Wear suitable shoes. You need shoes that match your outfit, as well as be comfortable. For example, if you can't wear heels, it's best to skip heels and use flats. When you feel uncomfortable, others will notice it and think you are not very hot.
    • Flats are quite handy. You can wear casual clothes, or chic clothes. Depending on the color of the shoe, they can be a highlight (like red) or create relaxation (like gray or brown).
    • Turtlenecks add elegance to almost any outfit, especially if they have a little high heels. Black turtlenecks are versatile and if they are convenient, they can be worn anywhere. Ankle-height shoes go well with tight jeans, skirts, even shorts and socks!
    • High heels are something you definitely need to get used to before you begin to incorporate into your outfit. Wearing colorful high heels can make you feel and look so hot! They can quickly be combined with any outfit (including jeans and a T-shirt), but if walking on heels the wrong way, you will look uncomfortable.
  5. Find a signature style. Following trendy trends is definitely the way to go unnoticed. Those who combine current trends with their own distinctive style will be labeled "hot." That's because, these people stand out and they know what suits them best.
    • A good way to form a unique style without breaking into a whole new category is to find a few key accessories that stand out. You can include things like jewelry, scarves, shoes, even colors that are unique to you. For example, you can wear simple skirts and dresses, but the leggings will be colorful and unique (like Monet's painting, or wearing space-printed leggings).
    • Find clothes in different areas. Women's clothes tend to be the same, however you can get cool t-shirts (with universe, dinosaurs, and comic characters) at the boys' booth. Also, finding unique items (like handcrafted jewelry) can help you stand out.

Part 3 of 3: Choosing a hot lifestyle

  1. Strive towards staying healthy. Health is extremely important to your physical and mental well being as well as your appearance. Things like getting enough sleep and exercise can significantly affect your appearance (especially your skin).
    • Exercise is an extremely important part of looking so hot! You don't have to lose weight, you should maintain a healthy body. Exercise releases chemicals that improve your mood and keep your body healthier. Recommended exercise time is 30 minutes per day. So play some music and dance, or go for a run.
    • Get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep will both make you look haggard, make you feel bad, and increase existing problems. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night (if you're a teen, get about nine hours of sleep). The deeper you sleep before midnight, the happier your body will be. Turn off all electronic devices (phones, computers, iPods) at least 30 minutes before going to bed.
    • Drink enough water. Many people today fall into a state of dehydration because they don't drink enough water. Drinking enough water will help control your weight, make your skin look better, and make you less dizzy. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you don't like water, mix a regular effervescent or citrus-flavored effervescent tablet, or squeeze some lemon into a water bottle. Avoid drinking a lot of caffeine or sugary drinks, as these will dehydrate you.
  2. Eat nutritious foods. What's put into the body makes a huge difference to the health of your skin and hair. It also makes a big difference to your mental health. Make sure you're eating foods that boost your physical and mental health, instead of foods that make you feel worse.
    • To have a healthy diet, you need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The best fruits and vegetables are those that are dark green, colorful (like red peppers, red onions, etc.), and blueberries, strawberries, and bananas.
    • Eat foods that contain essential fatty acids such as salmon, walnuts, avocados, and flaxseeds. They are really good for your mental health, as well as for your skin.
    • Low-fat dairy products, containing vitamin A and beneficial bacteria acidophilus, can regulate the intestinal tract to help remove toxins from the body. As a result, your body and skin will be healthier.
    • Try to avoid junk food and processed foods and sugary foods as much as possible. Not only do these have a negative effect on your skin, but they also make you feel worse and worse. You don't have to cut these foods out entirely, but cut back on them.
    • Eat three main meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks (between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner). This will help in regulating blood sugar and metabolism. In particular, make sure you always eat breakfast, as it will support you throughout the day. A typical day can include: oatmeal with raisins and walnuts for breakfast, hard-boiled eggs and apple for a snack, whole wheat pasta with a low sodium tomato sauce and cheese. For lunch, celery and peanut butter for snacks, grilled chicken and brown rice with salad for dinner.
  3. Build confidence. More than your physical appeal, confidence is what gets you noticed and considered "hot." You may not be really good-looking by social standards and still have the confidence that gets people to see and notice. Fortunately, confidence is something you can practice until you master it.
    • Avoid judging yourself too harshly. People make mistakes sometimes, or say something stupid, and no one is always hot. The more you criticize yourself when things don't go as planned, the less confident you will feel.
    • Avoid judging others.Scientists have found that people who constantly judge others harshly tend to have bad thoughts about themselves and therefore lack confidence. If you find yourself making negative judgments about others, stop and replace the judgments with something positive or neutral. For example, if you find yourself thinking "oh she has a bad voice" replace it with "no one can change her natural voice" or "she tells great jokes! "
    • Avoid comparing yourself to others. This is useless. There will always be someone who is hotter, has more attention, has better hair than you. Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel worse about yourself, which gradually diminishes your confidence.
    • Practice confidence through body language. Walk confidently; Stand up straight with your shoulders and chest out. Make eye contact when you are with others. Eye contact is both incredibly sexy and a sign of confidence.
  4. Eliminate the negativity. To maintain a positive attitude and boost your confidence, try to let go of the negativity. Negative thoughts about yourself and others will make you feel worse and others will embrace those feelings, intentionally or not.
    • For example, if you look in the mirror every morning and say to yourself, "Wow, I'm ugly," not only deluding yourself of how ugly, but convincing others as well.
    • Pay attention to your thoughts and where the most negative thoughts about yourself remain. By paying attention to how you think about yourself, you will notice all the terrible things you say to yourself every day. Once you recognize these thoughts, you can take action to change them.
    • When you have negative thoughts about yourself, replace them with positive or neutral thoughts. For example, if you think "oh, I'm ugly," every time you look in the mirror, look at yourself and replace it with "My teeth look so beautiful today," or be grateful for the health of your body. You can range from a neutral to a positive attitude. Tell yourself how beautiful you are and you will start to believe it.
    • Get as many negative people out of your life as possible. The people who make yourself feel bad, the people who constantly criticize you, the people who drain you of your energy, are the people you need to stay away from as much as possible. If you can't eliminate them completely from your life, limit the time you spend with them for a short period of time.
  5. Show off the best qualities. Although "hotness" often comes from looks and confidence, people often assume that people with good personality traits will be more attractive than others.
    • Kindness, good listening, and respect for others are all qualities that make someone more attractive than they appear. Cultivating these qualities can improve your attractiveness in the eyes of others.
    • Help others without expecting reciprocity. Take your friends to see the doctor, buy some coffee for the person in line behind you, and spend time and money in the homes of the homeless.
    • This doesn't mean you have to live for others. Helping and listening to others is good as long as you take care of yourself.
  6. Enhance knowledge in the perception of beauty. One of the things you need to keep in mind when trying to get "hot" is that the concept of "hot" is constantly being redefined. This is why it is most important to be yourself, and to have confidence in yourself.
    • Stop comparing yourself to women and girls in magazines and TV. Those "perfect" women didn't really look like that. They have a team of hairstylists, fashion experts, makeup specialists, special lighting and Photoshop to make them look amazing.


  • If your eyes become red and puffy from not getting enough sleep, you can place a cold, damp tea bag over your eyes and use a cold washcloth to get rid of the redness and puffy eyes.
  • Get your hair cut for at least a few days before starting school, or before starting a new job. This will give you a chance to get used to your new hair before entering a new environment.
  • If you like perfume, use it in moderation. The scent of perfume will add charm to you and those who are near you.
  • Walk with pride, full of confidence.
  • Real people are not perfect and perfect people are not real!


  • Remember that no one is attractive all the time. This is true for everyone: celebrities, the "hot" people. Very few people get out of bed every morning and look like a movie star.
  • Remember that you have no obligation to be beautiful for anyone. The standards of beauty in this day and age, especially for women, are difficult to keep up with. Even if you wear makeup every day and wear only the most attractive clothes, you won't be able to satisfy everyone's standards. Don't try to do anything. Live up to your own standards of beauty.
  • Try to avoid being obsessed with "hot" looks. That is a far-fetched standard. This doesn't mean you can't comfortably wear fun, make-up, and attention-grabbing clothes!