How to dress in a gothic style

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Dress In A Gothic Style
Video: How To Dress In A Gothic Style


Being a goth means leading a whole lifestyle, from music to unlaced soldiers' boots. However, in a time when everyone is wearing Abercrombie, it's hard to figure out how to dress properly in this style. Read on to find out.


  1. 1 Become a goth gradually. Don't change your image overnight. Smoothly immerse yourself in the Gothic subculture.
  2. 2 Decide on the style. Some people love the romantic look: they wear tailored velvet jackets, historical clothing and lace. Others are closer to the punk style with their embellished zippers, straps, buckles, rings and pants chains and studded collars. Still others tend to be futuristic or cyber-gothic. They can be seen wearing goggles, latex, large industrial boots and colored thread dreadlocks. There is no single Gothic style, it has many branches.
  3. 3 Search the internet for images of ready-made and themed films for inspiration. Take a look around and think about what you would like to include in your wardrobe. Avoid directly copying anyone, unless you are going for Halloween.
  4. 4 Go to a second hand or thrift store for cheap and original clothing. Even regular outlets have basic items like pinstripe trousers, black sweaters, and so on. And this will cost much less than updating your wardrobe at the expense of specialized stores.
  5. 5 Sew the clothes yourself, or at least consider decorating the ones you have with lace, braid, and the like. You can find a lot in used clothing stores, but you already have the cheapest in your closet. Unleash your imagination: make it a unique piece of art.
  6. 6 Try on tight clothes (both girls and boys). Guys, don't try to wear such things unless you want to look more feminine. Also make sure it fits and suits you perfectly, because unless you're thin or out of shape, chances are it's not for you. Be aware that skinny pants may call you emo, but remember: members of the emo subculture wear women's jeans, and goths and death rockers hate such things, they buy cheap black jeans and sew them in or take quality skinny black stretch jeans from proven brands such as Lip-service, DogPile or Tripp Clothing. If this doesn't look good on you, go for casual or even loose fitting clothing.
  7. 7 Wear band name shirts. For example, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Christian Death, Bauhaus. But it should be T-shirts from bands that you REALLY like. If you buy one just because it is "gothic", you will look idiotic. Many goths and death rockers cut their shirts so that they hang over one shoulder, or cut the sleeves so that they go down the arms and bare the shoulders.
  8. 8 Think about boots. Many goths wear high black boots. There are many different styles of shoes, take a look around and pick the one that suits your taste! Or not: boots are optional, because the gothic subculture is completely involved in a sense of originality. Some romantic Goths wear their distinctive shoes every day.
  9. 9 Hair. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to dye or even style your hair to look like a goth. There are many prominent representatives of the Gothic subculture with natural hair color.If you decide to paint them, start by figuring out which colors suit YOU. Not all of them decorate! Then, explore the hairstyles of members of different gothic bands for inspiration. Some people like to style their hair in spikes, shovel to one side, or wear matted hair. Remember that the Goths descended from punks, so many of them comb their hair in the style of "explosion in a pasta factory", put on mohawks, fancifully bend huge hair spikes and, in general, do whatever they can imagine. It doesn't matter what color or hairstyle you choose, just remember that it's all about SELF-EXPRESSION! So get creative!
  10. 10 Color palette. Black is not the only color that exists in the Gothic subculture. Deep red, purple, blue, cyan, and white often complement the base black. Cyber ​​or industrial goths adopt neon colors, but they become gothic thanks to you, and you do not need to listen to what others have to say.
  11. 11 Wear appropriate makeup. In the Goths, it often looks dramatic: thick black eyeliner, red lipstick and thick dark shadows of black, red and purple around and on the eyelids. Feline arrows have become almost a cliché, but they look just fabulous. Black lipstick has become much less popular than it used to be. However, there are no rules here.
  12. 12 Complete the look with accessories. This can be an elegant collar, lace gloves, a bdsm bracelet, goggles or goggles, bat earrings, wristbands, and so on.


  • Be yourself. Don't blindly follow what some other goth is doing.
  • A few good quality items are much better than a huge wardrobe that you hate. Think quality over quantity. Buy basic items - a skirt, pants, boots, jacket - and build on them. Take only those things that you really like and fit you perfectly. Then you will look great and feel confident, which is very important for self-esteem and comes in handy when you have to defend your style of clothing.
  • Being a goth doesn't just mean dressing in this style, although dark clothes play an important role. The main thing is how you behave. Goth is an outcast in society, but at the same time he is integrated into it better than anyone else. They appreciate that we are all different and never judge others. Even if they fail, they try to ignore negative feelings and find out more about the person before forming an opinion about them.
  • The Gothic subculture means a lot of things. Goths are pacifists, but they are not afraid to stand up for themselves. It's all about the attitude, feelings, emotions ... Black reflects all this. It means loneliness, dissimilarity, uniqueness and much more.
  • Be creative. Try to make your look special. Don't try to look like a stereotypical goth, or you will be branded as a poser.
  • Black has a lot of shades: blue, red, green, brown. It goes without saying that red and green shades should not be worn together.
  • Try to learn to act like a goth by listening to gothic music, reading related literature, and going to gothic clubs.


  • There is a lot of androgyny in the gothic look, so you have to get used to it. This does not mean that someone is gay, bi, and so on. It's all about fashion. And do not think that you have determined someone's sexual orientation only by their appearance. Be respectful.
  • Some people will change their attitude towards you just because you look different now. Ignore their opinion.
  • There is a big difference between goths and emo. And the gothic community distinguishes true goths from posers.