How to dress like Bella Swan

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bella Swan Inspired Hair, Makeup and Outfits | Twilight Saga
Video: Bella Swan Inspired Hair, Makeup and Outfits | Twilight Saga


Do you like Bella? If so, this article will help you find the right clothes and look like your idol!


  1. 1 Dress the same as Bella. Don't be overly imaginative. Bella almost always wears long sleeves because she lives in Washington DC. If you live in a hot climate, choose appropriate clothing that is comfortable for you. Wear short sleeves and blend in with the crowd to avoid being the center of attention. Bella didn't dress up differently every day (remember, Bella only had one skirt). But she was known to wear comfortable, practical clothes. Bella mostly wears dark colors such as black, navy blue, dark green, gray, brown, sometimes white. Dark blue would be a good choice because blue is Bella and Edward's favorite color. It is mentioned several times that the color blue suits Bella very much.
  2. 2 Consider what Bella's outfits are described in the books. In the books, she wears these things:
    • White lace shirt
    • Plain black jacket
    • Blue jacket
    • Jeans
    • Boots
    • Beige sweater
    • Khaki skirt
    • And, of course, her famous prom outfit: a blue dress with frills, flowers from Edward in her hair, sandals with ribbons and boots on the second leg.
  3. 3 Remember about her outfits from the movies:
    • Dark Long Sleeve T-Shirts
    • Jeans
    • Black and white sneakers
    • Boots
    • A green dress
  4. 4 Think about Bella's overall style. Her image can be called neat and slightly boyish. She wears striped clothes, loves plaids, her hair is slightly curled, and she wears skinny jeans. Bella often dresses in a "tomboyish" style, but from time to time she also wears beautiful, feminine dresses. Bella loves comfortable shoes and didn't like it when Alice made her wear stilettos for prom.
  5. 5 Dye your hair dark brown (chocolate) if you like. But if you are good in your color, do not dye your hair. You don't have to be an exact replica of Bella. If you have black hair, this is also a good color for your look.
  6. 6 Get your hair done like Bella's. Bell has a very natural beauty. She just brushes her hair and that's it, except on special occasions. There are three ways to be like Bella Swan in this matter. Parting in the middle or side bangs are the best guidelines for all three hairstyles.
    • Leave your hair in its natural state. Just comb them and you're done.
    • Your hair should be slightly wavy, like in the movie. There are many ways to do this. You can tie your hair in buns after showering, curl it with a pencil, and then fluff it up with your fingers. You can also use a large curling iron. Choose what works best for your hair. You can also wear a headband like she wears in the movie, or just use hairpins.
    1. Straighten your hair. Stephenie Meyer actually describes Bella with straight hair (mentioned on her website), but choose what looks best and suits you best.
  7. 7 She also wears a lot of thin hoops in the movies.
  8. 8 Do Bella's makeup. In the book, Bella doesn't wear makeup. In the film, she wears very natural makeup: foundation, brown eyeshadow and pink lipstick. You can choose cosmetics of your choice. If you like her looks in movies, check out relevant YouTube videos - like this one.
  9. 9 Buy brown contact lenses if you don't have brown or at least dark eyes.
  10. 10 Maintain your natural skin tone. Bella doesn't worry about being more effective. If you have slightly pale skin, use sunscreen before going outside. It will maintain pale skin tone and keep it healthy. If you like your skin color, you don't need to do anything.
  11. 11 Bella prefers things in dark solid colors, and she does not wear pretentious dresses. Bella has a "boyish" style, but moderate jewelry helps her to look more feminine.


  • Don't act like a popular girl, Bella hates getting attention!
  • Be nice
  • Don't draw too much attention to yourself
  • Don't overdo your clothes
  • Help others with household chores
  • Be yourself