How to stop feeling pain

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Stop Any Pain In Minutes
Video: How To Stop Any Pain In Minutes


Are you now feeling pain from the loss of a friend, a breakup, betrayal, or other life circumstances? Regardless of what made you feel this way, and regardless of the force of the blow, you must acknowledge the reality - pain is an integral part of life. Fortunately, you can count on the pain to subside over time. Read the article and you will learn how to quickly recover from pain and return to a fulfilling life.


Part 1 of 3: Positive Emotional Change

  1. 1 Recognize and accept what is causing you pain. Identify the pain and be clear about it, rather than pretending it doesn't exist. It is often difficult to admit unpleasant things that have happened contrary to our expectations. The pain can be intense and almost unbearable. However, first you need to acknowledge this pain in order to cope with it later.
    • Becoming aware of painful feelings will allow you to distance yourself from negative emotions. Don't be ashamed of your feelings - whatever you feel does not make you a bad person or a failure, and in no way belittles you as a person.
    • For example, if a loved one cheated on you, you should not look for your own fault in this. It's only natural for you to feel offended and rejected, but don't let these negative emotions take over because someone else has done the wrong thing.
  2. 2 Control your emotions. You may be experiencing severe pain, but in this case, you should control your emotions. Emotions are an important part of personality - they allow us to feel and understand ourselves and those around us. However, sometimes a situation may arise where emotions are able to prevail. In this case, it is necessary to regain control over emotions, for which there are a number of techniques and methods.
    • Keep yourself busy to distract yourself and control your emotions. In this case, your thoughts will be busy with current affairs, and negative emotions will recede into the background.
    • Try to shift your focus to something else to better control your emotions. Take a break from negative thoughts and give yourself time to cool down and bounce back. Go to the gym, call a fun-loving friend, go to the supermarket, or walk around the neighborhood. Movement and changeable surroundings will distract you from gloomy thoughts.
  3. 3 Let yourself be sad. If you need to grieve or even cry, give free rein to your feelings. However, set aside a very specific time for this. Give yourself a day or two (or a little more, depending on the specific situation), and then pull yourself together again.
  4. 4 Put a point. Any relationship or event has both a beginning and an end, natural or created by you. Determine in advance what you will do in order to put an end in time and move on.
    • To get over your situation, you can meet with the person who hurt you and try to forgive them. If you choose this path, refrain from accusations and reproaches.Just talk about your feelings and explain how you see the future relationship. For example, say, “Your actions caused me great pain. I need time to understand if I want to continue our relationship. If I decide to continue them, I will call you. ”
    • Another possible way is to simply return the property of a former loved one and say goodbye to him forever. Give yourself some time to make the final decision. However, this time should not be too long, so that doubts begin to overcome you.
  5. 5 Don't live in the past. Become aware of the situation that hurt you, and understand that the situation is over and there is no need to continue to be sad and constantly return to what you have experienced. Do not let what happened to enslave you and remember that this is just an event that happened to you. After you accept the unpleasant reality and try to complete the current situation, you need to move on. You should change your thoughts and not constantly think about what happened.
    • Take action to overcome obsessive thoughts about what happened. Remember that you are in for a trap: constantly thinking about what happened and how you could have prevented it. This type of thinking can lead to depression.
    • You can overcome the urge to mentally return to what happened over and over again - just tell yourself that it will never happen again. Analyze the situation, outline ways to overcome it and measures that will prevent the repetition of similar situations in the future. Consider various ways to improve your current state of affairs, and write down the lessons you learned from what happened. These steps will help you get through adversity and move on.

Part 2 of 3: Developing Positive Thinking

  1. 1 Appreciate all the good things in your life. No matter what happens, remember that you are yourself and life goes on. Situations and circumstances may change, but that doesn't change the fact that there are still a lot of good things in your life.
    • Take some time each day to do positive things. Do what you enjoy and pay attention to the positives. Keep a diary and write down all the good things that happen to you. Over time, you will learn to find more positive moments in life and appreciate them.
  2. 2 Get rid of the negativity. Think positively. Realize that if your head is constantly filled with negative thoughts, it will negatively affect your whole life. As soon as you notice that you are thinking about something negative, pull yourself up and try to switch to more positive or realistic thoughts.
    • For example, discard negative thoughts such as “I will never meet good people who will not try to manipulate me,” and instead think of someone who has been kind and trustworthy to you. You will realize that you are wrong as soon as you remember at least one such person.
    • Instead, try to think lovingly and kindly about the one who has wronged you. Learn to forgive and move on, and don't let negative thoughts about injustice and hurt fill your heart. You will be greatly relieved if you realize that your abuser no longer has any power over you. This does not mean that you should completely forget about what happened - no, you just need to get rid of the negativity and make room for positive thoughts.
  3. 3 Surround yourself with positive, happy people. Relatives, friends, a new loved one, and many others can help you regain faith in people. Communicate more with people you like to help you recover from pain faster and return to your normal life.
    • Find friends with whom you can talk and even confess and openly share your concerns. Perhaps your experience will help them protect themselves from such troubles.
    • For example, approach your good friend with the words: "Hello, Anya! Can I talk to you? I would like to tell you about what happened to me ...". Share your story. Then you can say that you need support.

Part 3 of 3: Recovery

  1. 1 Don't shy away from responsibility. If part of the blame for what happened lies with you, admit your mistakes and take them into account in the future. This does not mean that you should take all the blame on yourself and sprinkle ashes on your head. Just honestly analyze what happened and learn from the situation the appropriate lessons. This way you will gain valuable experience, even at the cost of suffering and pain.
    • Knowing how to behave in the future so that this does not happen again will help you feel calmer and more confident. So you will regain independence and self-confidence.
  2. 2 Share your story. It is often worth speaking out to relieve pain. Give yourself free rein: cry, laugh, and share your story with someone. Perhaps your problems will not seem so dire after you tell your friends about them.
    • Do not hide your sadness and pain from others, as this can make you feel wrong and ashamed. Try to honestly understand the situation and move on.
    • Be honest with your friends. You can say the following: "I would like to tell you about everything that happened to me. Your support means a lot to me ...".
    • You can also attend a support group for people who have had similar experiences. There you can share your story.

Take care of yourself. Constant reflection on what happened can lead to poor health and even illness. Remember to eat, sleep regularly, and maybe even exercise. This will make you feel better and prevent you from getting depressed.

  1. 1
    • Taking care of yourself on a daily basis will gradually push back the sadness. You will begin to value yourself again, which will help you cope with the current adversity.
    • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, and sleep at least 7 hours a day. Also, do activities that help reduce stress, such as reading a book or playing with your dog.
  2. 2 Set personal boundaries for the future. Outline a plan for how to overcome your current situation and avoid similar problems in the future. Stick to your plan. Make a list of the basic, non-revising requirements that must be met in any future relationship. Evaluate your relationships with others judiciously and let them know what you expect from them if necessary.
    • This list can serve as a guide to your relationships with others. If you feel that your relationship is at odds with this list, you can end it in time before more pain is inflicted on you.
    • You can include rules such as not getting involved with people who force you to compromise your principles, not dealing with people who abuse drugs or are involved in criminal activities, and not trying to mend relationships with someone who does not reciprocate.

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