How to calculate volume in liters

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Is the Volume of Water in a Fish Tank in Liters?
Video: What Is the Volume of Water in a Fish Tank in Liters?


Liter is the metric unit for volume. A liter is widely used to measure the volume of drinks and other liquids (for example, a 1.5 liter bottle of water). Sometimes the volume of an object must be calculated in liters, given its size. In other cases, you need to convert the volume, which is specified in other units of measurement, such as milliliters or gallons. To calculate or convert volume to liters, you need to perform simple multiplication or division operations.


Method 1 of 3: How to Calculate Volume in Liters by Object Size

  1. 1 Convert the object's dimensions to centimeters. If dimensions are given in meters, millimeters or other units of measurement, convert them to centimeters (cm); this makes it easier to calculate the volume in liters. Remember the following relationships:
    • 1 m = 100 cm.For example, if the edge of a cube is 2.5 meters, it is also 250 cm, because 2,5×100=250{ displaystyle 2.5 times 100 = 250}.
    • 1 inch = 2.54 cm. For example, if the edge of a cube is 5 inches, it is also 12.7 cm, because 5×2,54=12,7{ displaystyle 5 times 2.54 = 12.7}.
    • 1 foot = 30.48 cm.For example, if the edge of a cube is 3 feet, it is also 91.44 cm, because 3×30,48=91,44{ displaystyle 3 times 30.48 = 91.44}.
  2. 2 Calculate the volume of the object (figure). The calculation method depends on the shape of the volumetric object (three-dimensional shape), because the volume of different shapes is calculated differently. Formula for calculating the volume of a cube: V=l×w×h{ displaystyle V = l times w times h}, where l, w, h are the length, width and height of the cube, respectively. Volume is measured in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters (cm).
    • For example, if the tank is 40.64 cm long, 25.4 cm wide, and 20.32 high, multiply these values ​​to calculate the volume:
      V=l×w×h{ displaystyle V = l times w times h}
      V=40,64×25,4×20,32{ displaystyle V = 40.64 times 25.4 times 20.32}
      V=20975{ displaystyle V = 20975} cm
  3. 3 Convert cubic centimeters to liters. To do this, use the following ratio: 1 L = 1000 cm. Divide the volume measured in cubic centimeters by 1000 to get the volume in liters (L).
    • For example, if the volume of the aquarium is 20975 cm3, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 20975÷1000=20,975{ displaystyle 20975 div 1000 = 20.975}... Thus, the volume of the aquarium in our example is 20.975 liters.

Method 2 of 3: How to Convert Metric Units to Liters

  1. 1 Convert milliliters to liters. 1 liter (l) contains 1000 milliliters (ml). To convert milliliters to liters, divide milliliters by 1000.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 1890 ml, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 1890÷1000=1,89{ displaystyle 1890 div 1000 = 1.89} l.
  2. 2 Convert Centiliters to Liters. 1 liter (l) contains 100 ceniliters (cl). To convert centiliters to liters, divide the centimeter value by 100.
    • For example, if the volume of the item is 189 cl, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 189÷100=1,89{ displaystyle 189 div 100 = 1.89} l.
  3. 3 Convert deciliters to liters. 1 liter (l) contains 10 deciliters (dl). To convert deciliters to liters, divide deciliters by 10.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 18.9 dl, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 18,9÷10=1,89{ displaystyle 18.9 div 10 = 1.89} l.
  4. 4 Convert Kiloliters to Liters. 1 kiloliter (cl) contains 1000 liters (l). To convert kiloliters to liters, multiply the value in kiloliters by 1000.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 240 cl, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 240×1000=240000{ displaystyle 240 times 1000 = 240000} l.
  5. 5 Convert hectoliters to liters. 1 hectoliter (hl) contains 100 liters (l). To convert hectoliters to liters, multiply the value in hectoliters by 100.
    • For example, if the volume of an object is 2,400 hl, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 2400×100=240000{ displaystyle 2400 times 100 = 240000} l.
  6. 6 Convert decalitres to liters. 1 decaliter (dal) contains 10 liters (l). To convert decalitres to liters, multiply the decaliter value by 10.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 24,000 dal, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 24000×10=240000{ displaystyle 24000 times 10 = 240000} l.

Method 3 of 3: How to Convert Imperial Units to Liters

  1. 1 Convert fluid ounces to liters. 1 liter contains 33.81 fl oz. To convert fluid ounces to liters, divide the fluid ounce value by 33.81.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 128 fluid ounces, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 128÷33,81=3,786{ displaystyle 128 div 33.81 = 3.786} l.
  2. 2 Convert pints to liters. 1 liter contains 2.113 liquid pints. To convert fluid pints to liters, divide fluid pints by 2.113.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 8 fluid pints, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 8÷2,113=3,786{ displaystyle 8 div 2.113 = 3.786} l.
  3. 3 Convert quarts to liters. 1 liter contains 1,057 quarts. To convert quarts to liters, divide the quart value by 1.057.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 4 quarts, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 4÷1,057=3,784{ displaystyle 4 div 1.057 = 3.784} l.
  4. 4 Convert gallons to liters. 1 gallon contains 3.7854 liters. To convert gallons to liters, multiply the gallon value by 3.7854.
    • For example, if the volume of an item is 120 gallons, the volume in liters is calculated as follows: 120×3,7854=454,248{ displaystyle 120 times 3.7854 = 454.248} l.