How to cleanse the pores of the nose

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose
Video: Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose


Sweat, dirt, dust, and makeup can build up on your skin and clog your pores. And in this case, the pores on the nose stand out the most. Keeping them clean will not only make your pores less visible, but also less prone to infections that cause acne and acne. You can cleanse your pores naturally with diluted oatmeal or lemon juice. You can also use special products such as a facial scrub and nasal cleansing strips.


Method 1 of 3: Cleansing Pores Naturally

  1. 1 Use oatmeal to unclog pores on your nose. Mix 1 cup (100 g) oatmeal with a glass of scalding hot water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a fork or spoon. When the mixture is cool enough to touch, apply it to your nose (and optionally the rest of your face) for about 2 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
    • To keep the mixture on your nose, you can soak it on a clean, lint-free cloth and cover your pores with the cloth.
  2. 2 Apply lemon juice once a week. During this process, citric acid will remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Apply either squeezed lemon juice or a fresh lemon wedge directly to the pores of your nose. Wait 1-5 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of your skin, and then wash off with warm water.
    • While this method is great for periodically cleaning your pores, you will see better results if you do it every week.
  3. 3 Apply egg white to the pores of the nose. Separate the protein into a deep bowl. Wash with mild soap and warm water. Then, use a clean sponge or lint-free cloth to cover your nose with the egg white. When the protein is dry on your skin, wash it off with water.This completes the procedure.
    • After washing off the protein, use a moisturizer that won't clog your pores.
  4. 4 Use steam to open and cleanse the pores on the nose. Fill a large, deep bowl with hot water. Cover your head with a towel and gently bend over the bowl. The towel will trap steam, warming your face and unclogging pores. Perform the procedure for 10-15 minutes.
    • Be careful with this method. Water and steam that is too hot can cause burns. Slowly bring your face to the steam, checking the degree of heating.
    • For an extra cleansing effect, add essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree oil to the water. Tea tree is great for skin prone to breakouts.

Method 2 of 3: Using Skin Care Products

  1. 1 Unclog the pores on your nose. Electronic exfoliators like the rotating bristle brush are great for deep cleansing your pores. Follow directions for use for best results. Usually, it is enough to soak the bristles in warm water and clean the pores on the nose with the device.
    • To enhance the effect, first squeeze some mild facial cleanser onto the bristles.
    • As a bonus, your pores will be less visible if you use the appliance with a cleanser on your nose first.
  2. 2 Clean your pores with a facial scrub. Use a facial scrub about 2-3 times every week. For best results, follow the directions for use. However, in most cases, it is enough to lather the nose scrub with warm water, wait a little and rinse.
    • If you have dry skin, try cream-based exfoliators. Conversely, for oily skin, use a facial scrub that contains salicylic acid.
    • You can usually find these products at most beauty or skincare stores.
  3. 3 Unclog pores with a charcoal mask. Charcoal masks penetrate deep into pores to remove oil and blackheads. They are sold in most beauty stores or departments. All products are different, so follow the directions for use.
  4. 4 Get rid of impurities with the nasal cleansing strips. Pressing on pores to clear them or release pus can further irritate your skin and make the situation worse. Instead, apply specific cleansing strips to your nose according to the directions for use. After the specified time has elapsed, tear off the strip to remove dirt from the pores.
    • The cleansing strips are very sticky, so be careful when using them if you have sensitive skin.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping Your Pores Clean

  1. 1 Wash your face and nose daily. Clean your nose twice a day, morning and evening, to keep your pores clear. Also, wash your face after every sweating activity.
    • Products formulated specifically for your skin type will help keep your pores in check. With oily skin, the pores are the most sensitive and require special care.
  2. 2 If possible, stay awake with makeup on your face. The cosmetics will remain on your skin and not only harm it in general, but also clog the pores. Rinse off your makeup using warm water and mild soap.
    • Sleeping with makeup overnight will likely not cause long-lasting damage to your skin, but the more often you do it, the more clogged your pores will become.
  3. 3 Apply sunscreen. The skin can be exposed to the sun, which makes the skin less elastic. This may cause the pores to become larger than usual. To avoid this, apply sunscreen to your nose every time you go outside. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep out of the sun on your nose.
    • Many moisturizers offer light sun protection with an SPF of 15 to 30.Apply this cream every time before going out into the open air.
  4. 4 If the problem persists, see a dermatologist. If these methods have proven ineffective in your situation, you may want to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor may use special treatments such as laser therapy, physical cleansing, topical medications, and so on.