How to deal with a guy after he rejected you

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
He Rejected Me! (EXACTLY How Every Woman Should React)
Video: He Rejected Me! (EXACTLY How Every Woman Should React)


Opening up to people can be scary. And it can be even scarier if you are rejected by a guy you like. However, you cannot just sit and feel sorry for yourself forever, especially if there is no way to avoid meeting with him in the future. Give yourself a little time to recover from rejection, and with a little effort on your part, you can continue to communicate with him as if nothing had happened.


Method 1 of 3: Deal with embarrassment

  1. 1 Reframe the situation. Don't see it as a failure. Being rejected does not mean that you have suffered some huge and significant setback.On the contrary, it means that you showed courage, were able to open up and gave yourself the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
    • Try to think of rejection as an opportunity to grow as a person and find out what works for you.
    • Take some time to think about what you could do differently to turn rejection into consent. This will help you learn from your mistakes and make changes in the future.
  2. 2 Don't rush things. Rejection can be tricky - afterward, people often feel hostility, embarrassment, and sometimes even deny the situation. Do not rush to take any action after rejection, and work through any feelings that arise in you.
    • The guy also needs to "digest" his feelings. If you want to be friends again after he rejected you, you need to give him some time and space to understand how he thinks about it. This will help remove any potential awkwardness.
    • Of course, the waiting time varies depending on the situation. But it's better to wait at least two weeks or until you start to get used to the idea of ​​talking to him again.
  3. 3 Be yourself. Even if he rejected you, you probably had a reason why you liked him. And, obviously, you got close to him to realize that he likes you too (at least as a friend). Don't change just because you were rejected. Dress and talk as before, continue to love the same things that you loved to the utmost, and carry on the usual activities on the Internet. Continue posting photos and posts on social media, and do whatever else you did to failure.
    • Never change for someone else. Your uniqueness is how you attract other people.
  4. 4 Avoid obsession over rejection. When dealing with a guy after he has rejected you, the hardest part is letting go. Don't get hung up on what you said, what you might have said differently, or what you might have done differently in the situation. It happened. Move on.
    • Replaying alternative scenarios in your mind over and over will only prolong your suffering. Just accept that it happened and try not to dwell on it.
    • Tell your friends that you don't want to stir up the past, and that you would like them to support your desire not to talk about it.
    • If you find yourself obsessed with the situation, try to distract yourself by doing something else. Call a friend and make an appointment or watch a movie. Try rereading your favorite book or taking a walk on the street.
  5. 5 Use rejection as an opportunity to become better friends. Consider the situation differently - not as something painful, but rather as a chance to get to know the guy better and, possibly, find a good friend. Behave in a civilized manner after refusal and show him that you want to continue to be friends.
    • Don't shut yourself off or ignore it to pretend that what happened didn't hurt your feelings. Instead, make an effort to continue your friendship and get to know him better.
    • If you want to build contact with him to try to maintain a friendship (or start from scratch), you can try talking to him about it. Tell him that you value him as a friend and do not want to lose your friendship. Invite him to spend time in a friendly way, such as going to the movies or hanging out with mutual friends.

Method 2 of 3: Talk in person

  1. 1 Wait for the right moment to talk. Don't try to get back into his life right after he rejected you. Try to wait until both of you are more comfortable. It may take weeks or even months before you can muster the courage to speak to him again. Just try to be patient and give yourself the time you need to heal your wounds and move on.
    • You can understand that he begins to feel more comfortable, judging by his behavior: if he begins to treat you the same way as to failure, then he is close to the fact that everything will return to normal.
    • Here are a few more signs that might be the right time to renew contact: When your eyes meet, you stop looking away from each other. you are no longer embarrassed to meet him; your mutual friends tell you that they think he is ready to mend a relationship.
  2. 2 Use your friends as a buffer zone. Instead of moping like it's the end of the world, spend more time with your friends. This is especially important if the guy who rejected you is part of your company. Spend time with your friends and show him that you are not locked up grieving over what happened.
    • Throw a party at your home and invite him. Or go to the movies with friends, even if you know that he will be there. Show him that you can have fun with you.
  3. 3 Chat with him. Starting a conversation with someone who rejected you can seem like a daunting task. But you will quickly get over the awkwardness with a little effort. Try to talk to him as before, before he rejected you. If you find it difficult to do this, try asking a few questions about his life. This is a good way to make him open up, and it’s also a chance for both of you to put things in the past.
    • Try asking questions like this: "How did the math test go?" "Did your sister come home for the weekend?" - or: "What were you doing this weekend?" In fact, just ask about anything to get him to talk.
    • If you are friends or become friends, do not mention rejection. This will only complicate things and will likely regret it. He will simply be ashamed that he had to reject you for any reason. And it will probably give the impression that you cannot let go of the past.
  4. 4 Try to be friends. Moving on after giving up can be tricky, and you will need to put in a little effort if you want it to work. Try to forget about the embarrassment you probably feel about the situation. Make an effort to be friends with him and show him that you are not someone who cannot handle this. Stand next to him and talk to his friends. Be sure to look at him in the lessons. And if he looks back, chances are good that he wants to talk. So he will understand that you are not afraid to talk to him.
    • Treat him like any other person with whom you usually interact.

Method 3 of 3: Chat online

  1. 1 Use social media. A good way to start chatting with a guy little by little after a time after rejection is to do it on social media. These platforms allow you to let your guy know that you are thinking of him, without having to bombard him with messages, text messages, or impose potentially awkward face-to-face interactions.
    • First, like the photo he posted. Don't leave a comment, just like it. Wait a few days and then leave a light-hearted comment below the post (nothing too personal, just a joke or a funny link).
    • During this period, be sure to continue posting to your own account to give him the opportunity to make a reciprocal gesture. Don't go crazy posting a lot of posts - it's enough to make it clear that you are still a fun person living your life, and not just a girl who is moping after a rejection.
  2. 2 Send a moderate amount of messages at first. You don't need to bombard him with text messages (or messages on any online platform), especially in the first few weeks after he rejected you.Once some time has passed, try sending a simple message asking him about something that has nothing to do with your relationship or what happened between you.
    • Try writing something like, “Hi. Have you seen the film that I recommended to you? " - or: “Hello. Are you going to the party this weekend? " Keep the conversation light and relaxed. From this point, you can move on.


  • Just be friendly. After all, if he hints that he enjoys being friends with you, it could lead to something more in the long run.
  • If he rejects you, that's okay. There are a lot of guys around. And remember: there may be guys next to you who are crazy about you, but you just don't notice it.
  • When trying to reconnect with him, do not mention anything that you are in love with him. This can lead to a very embarrassing situation, and it will likely make it harder for you to treat him like a friend and take longer to get back to normal.
  • Don't chase him. Give him space from time to time, otherwise he will think that something is wrong with you.
  • Continue to be yourself. Move on. Always remember: if he is destined to be with you, he will definitely return ... If not, you will never be together. Never forget that there are other guys out there who are much better than him.


  • Try not to spend too much time on it. If someone rejected you, it happened because he is not interested in you, and you need to come to terms with this. It can be very painful, but just remember that he is the one who is missing out, not you.