How to gently flirt with a guy

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can’t Resist (+FREE Gift) (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: 3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can’t Resist (+FREE Gift) (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


Flirting is often touted as an art form. That’s probably why it’s scary. But in reality, flirting is just a way to show that you are interested in the person. Unobtrusive flirting is a great way to get to know people better and understand if it's worth moving on in a relationship at all.


Method 1 of 2: Flirting with a guy

  1. 1 Be confident in your flirting skills. If you're still unsure of yourself, just pretend. Smile, try not to be nervous, and look straight in the eyes when you talk. These are a few basic steps to subtly grab a guy's attention.
  2. 2 First of all, joke, keep the conversation going, laugh. Humor is something that can break the ice. Making a joke will help you appear fun, unpredictable, laid-back, which in turn will show the guy that you are interested in him.
  3. 3 Use body language. Body language is the "secret" weapon when flirting. On a subconscious level, the guy understands that you are showing interest. Flirt with your body language:
    • Rotate your shoulders and hips in his direction.
    • Play with your hair.
    • Don't forget about eye contact.
    • Smile and nod when he talks.
    • Try not to cross your arms, look down, or stare into space while he speaks.
  4. 4 Smile. Smiling is the best flirting tool. Show off your pearl teeth and you will see that he smiles at you too.
  5. 5 Touch it lightly. By crossing a certain barrier with a touch, you can distinguish between normal friendly conversation and flirting. Touch his shoulder or knee, you can lightly touch his back when you go to powder his nose.
    • Looking for adventure? Offer to play nice, for example, or come up with your own secret handshake.
  6. 6 Be sincere. The fastest way to not even get a date is to pretend. Ask him questions about him, laugh when you like a joke, be natural. If you are having a good time, flirting is more likely to be successful. However, if you can't be sincere with him, he probably isn't right for you.
  7. 7 Avoid awkward and suggestive questions. Never ask a guy about marriage, his last relationship, or if he wants to have children. These are complex questions and are more appropriate later in the relationship. Remember that flirting involves a light, unobtrusive conversation.
    • Topics such as religion, politics and income are topics to avoid.
  8. 8 Feel when to slow down. Flirting can turn from fun to something intimidating if you can't stop in time. If he wants to go to meet friends, constantly looks at his watch, answers in monosyllables, you need to step back in order to give him space.

Method 2 of 2: Pay attention

  1. 1 Put on something cute. A pleasant appearance attracts attention and interests the partner in further romantic relationships. You don't need to step out of your comfort zone. Wear what you feel confident and comfortable in.
  2. 2 Eye contact. Try to make eye contact and get them to notice you. If you manage to establish contact, you do not need to look away immediately, smile first.
  3. 3 Talk to him as soon as the opportunity arises. Conversation is the best way to connect with someone. This will show your interest, allow you to get to know each other better. Plus, talking will allow you to flirt. Here are some helpful tips:
    • Find common topics of conversation. Maybe you love the same shows, grew up in the same area, or both love to cook.
    • Ask questions. Show your interest in his life. You don't have to constantly talk about yourself.
    • You're kidding. Jokes can show a guy that you are interested in communication.
  4. 4 Have a place to yourself and be available. He should not feel that he is violating someone's personal space by communicating with you. You do not need to merge with the crowd of friends and acquaintances, try to step back so that he has the opportunity to communicate with you.
  5. 5 Take the first step. Most guys love it when girls take the first step. Make sure you are irresistible, take a deep breath and walk straight to him to start a conversation.
    • Buy him something to drink.
    • Ask him a few questions about himself, his shirt and the like.
    • Incidentally tell him: “I noticed you earlier at the bar, what is your name?”.
  6. 6 Tease him a little. Making him nervous will only increase his interest. Make sure your jokes aren't too violent, but it's okay to mock him if he spills something or says something stupid. This kind of flirting shows that you are ready to have fun and are not afraid to seem stupid.
    • Don't be surprised if you get teased in revenge, this is also a way of flirting.


  • Look at him. Make sure he notices your gaze, hold him for a second, then quickly look away and look at him again. You need to make it seem to him that he is so irresistible that you cannot look away. When you look at him a second time, smile a little and look away for a long time.
  • Be cool and calm. Overly excited conversation will seem strange.
  • Smile lightly, after smiling at all 32 you will have a sore jaw.
  • Use your body language, touch your hand, or move closer to it.


  • You don’t have to look at him every second, it can make him feel uncomfortable, especially if he doesn’t see you as a potential girlfriend yet.
  • Don't act unnatural, it can be a complete failure.