How not to become a viabu

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DJ Vianu - Beloved
Video: DJ Vianu - Beloved


It's okay to love anime and, as a result, get interested in Japanese culture. However, the average fan is one thing, and viabu is another. And if you think you are at risk of becoming a viaba, then read this article and take action!


  1. 1 Do not speak Japanese if you are not fluent in the language. No, if you teach him - say it is necessary. Nevertheless, you should not constantly throw in phrases like “Aaa, ___ - kawaii!”. Speak either your own language or Japanese. You shouldn't mix them together.
  2. 2 Know the difference between fact and fiction. Anime is fictional, fictional characters. If you announce that you have taken one of these characters as a wife / husband, then people will think bad about you and find it strange. You may of course think that being weird is kawaii kawaii. But, how can I tell you, this behavior is going to be really weird.
  3. 3 Don't fight over anime characters. Everyone has their favorite heroes. The fandom is big, yes. Respect other people and their opinions as well.
  4. 4 If you're writing fanfiction, forget about Mary Sue! Yes, I want to create on the basis of myself, my beloved almighty and the coolest character, write his fan fiction according to my favorite setting ... This is a stereotypical viabu behavior that greatly annoys all other fans. If you are already creating something original, then do not go too far.
  5. 5 Don't be limited to anime alone. The world is full of other interesting things as well.
  6. 6 Cosplay does not count as a combination of what you usually wear and anime merch. If you put on a thing from some anime that you bought at an exorbitant price in an anime store, then this is not yet cosplay. Do you want cosplay? Then devote yourself to the cause with all your heart, without a trace, to recreate what you saw on the screen. Don't just wear clothes that resemble the clothes of an anime character. Either all or nothing. And yes, everything has its place, and cosplay too (at school you may not be understood).
  7. 7 Do not forget about reality and be yourself, do not try to become an anime character. Dress appropriately.
  8. 8 Don't get obsessed with manga or anime. If you constantly dream of something like “oh, if they were real”, then you will not only waste time, but also, faced with a harsh reality, will be a lot of disappointment. Remember, fantasizing a little is okay. An unhealthy obsession is not normal. So don't let fantasies interfere with your life.
  9. 9 Try not to act or look like Japanese if you are not Japanese, and do not act like a Japanese if you do not, accordingly, live in Japan. Be yourself, do not be ashamed of your country that this is not Japan.
  10. 10 Don't call yourself an otaku, call yourself an anime fan. Just the fact that you've reviewed and re-read a dozen or two titles does not make you an otaku.As a matter of fact, in Japan the word "otaku" has a purely negative meaning - this is how people are called who are obsessed with something to the extreme. If you call yourself an otaku, you must be very interested in Japanese culture, anime, manga and so on, and not just because you have read a couple of manga issues.


  • Don't be limited to manga and anime, the world is full of other interesting things.
  • Be polite even when cosplaying the villain - there is no need to copy his actions.
  • Don't be immature.
  • Do not use Japanese nominal suffixes (-chian, -san) in your life unless you are fluent in Japanese.


  • Respect those around you, act humbly and with respect, remembering the golden rule of ethics.
  • Chat with someone pretending you don't know anything about Japan.
  • Be yourself.
  • Don't rush around shouting "Kawaii des!" or "suha!" - you will not be understood and taken seriously.