How not to be distracted by the Internet while working

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why You’re Always Distracted (and how not to be)
Video: Why You’re Always Distracted (and how not to be)


We all know how familiar to us Facebook, Twitter, various blogs and other sites can be distracting when you are trying to do any work on the Internet.

This article will walk you through some of the techniques you can use to keep your focus on work or school instead of being distracted by time-consuming sites. With the extensions and apps you can install, you'll find that it's much easier to stop distractions while you're online.


  1. 1 Get to know your enemy. Determine what exactly distracts your attention while surfing the Internet. The most common distractions are:
    • social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
    • forums
    • Email
    • chats
    • news sites
    • financial sites
    • online games such as FarmVille, CityVille, etc.
    • interactive sites like Wikipedia or your blog.
  2. 2 Deactivate alerts from resources that distract you. Sometimes it is the notifications (sound, signal, pop-up message) that make you return to such a site and get distracted from work. Fortunately, you can turn off alerts in most cases. On Facebook, for example, click on "Settings" in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings" then "Notifications" and turn off all notifications.
  3. 3 Set clear goals for what you want to do online. It's very easy to get distracted if your goals are vague. For example, instead of telling yourself, "I'm going to answer emails," define a goal: "I'm going to respond to 20 emails and do X."
  4. 4 Use distractions as rewards. Once you have a clear task, as described in the previous step, make it a rule that you don't go to sites that distract you until you complete the task. Define tasks for yourself for the next 1-2 hours. When the task is completed, visit one of these sites as a reward. It's easy to lose track of time while on a site like this. Set a timer so that your visit to the site does not turn into a waste of precious work time. For example, give yourself 10 minutes to visit a news site. Once 10 minutes are up, move on to the next task.
  5. 5 Stop accessing these sites. If you cannot control yourself to limit your time on entertainment sites, you should place such sites out of reach. There are many browser tools and extensions that can prevent you from visiting entertainment sites.Practice your willpower before taking this step!

Method 1 of 3: Use StayFocusd (Google Chrome)

  1. 1 Install the StayFocused extension from the Chrome Web Store. Direct link:
  2. 2 Use the extension. You will see a small blue clock-shaped icon at the top of your browser. Click on it.
  3. 3 Click on "Block this site" if you want to do everything quickly and easily. If you want to take advantage of a finer setting, read the next steps.
  4. 4 Click on "Advanced Options". Enter the URL you want and select "block" or "allow".
  5. 5 Click on "Settings" and select the maximum time before the site is blocked. Enter the number of minutes in the input field and click "Install".
  6. 6 Add the list of sites to settings. Each time you visit any site on this list, the amount of time spent on the site will be deducted from the timer. Thus, if the timer is set for 15 minutes, and you added Facebook and Twitter to the list of sites, then you will have only 15 minutes a day to visit these sites.
  7. 7 Go to last resort. If none of the above helps, use StayFocusd's "The Nuclear Option" option. In the settings click on "The Nuclear Option". With this option, you can block either the entire network, or all except sites from the "Allowed" list. Enter the amount of time that will elapse before the network is completely disconnected, configure other options and click on "Nuke 'Em!" Use this option with caution - you may not complete the assigned tasks, as you can block any desired site, for example, e-mail, which you need to complete the current task.

Method 2 of 3: Use LeechBlock (Firefox)

  1. 1 In Firefox browser, download the LeechBlock extension. You can do it here: Install the extension. you may need to restart your Firefox browser after that.
  2. 2 Click on the "Firefox" tab located in the upper left corner of your browser. (Note that this applies to Firefox 6. In earlier versions of Firefox, click on Tools -> Add-ons.
  3. 3 In the Add-ons Manager, which will open in a new tab, click on "Options" opposite LeechBlock.
  4. 4 Select the sites you want to block.
    • Enter a name for this block.
    • Enter the URL of the sites. Don't add "www". Click Next.
  5. 5 Set the period when the unit will be active.
    • Enter the time periods. Do this in a 24-hour format, but don't put a colon in the middle. For example, enter: 0900-1700 instead of 9-5.
    • Set the "allowed period" before activating the block. For example, you can set the "allowed period" to 15 minutes per day for these sites, but no more.
    • Select the days of the week on which the block will be active. Click Next.
  6. 6 Choose which URLs LeechBlock will skip when a block is active.
    • Click on the tab "Deny access to the options of this block" - to prevent the possibility of changing the operating time of the block before its activation.
  7. 7 Click "OK" to activate the add-on.

Method 3 of 3: Use KeepMeOut (Any Biser)

  1. 1 Go to the KeepMeOut website. It is located at:
  2. 2 Enter the parameters.
  3. 3 Click on "More options" to set the time for this blocker to be active. Use the arrows to adjust when the site will block sites that distract you.
  4. 4 Click on "Confirm". Wait for the site to load.
  5. 5 Open the link provided in a new tab.
  6. 6 Bookmark the link following the method suggested for your browser.
  7. 7 Place a bookmark in your browser's bookmarks bar or favorites bar.
  8. 8 Use this bookmark to access blocked sites. Do not enter the site URL directly, as KeepMeOut will not work! Use only a bookmark.


  • In KeepMeOut and LeechBlock, you can use different blocks for different sites.


  • Think carefully before blocking sites that you might need, such as email or Internet banking. You cannot predict when you might need to access these sites when they are blocked.