How to learn to love yourself

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Love Yourself to the Core | Jen Oliver | TEDxWindsor
Video: How to Love Yourself to the Core | Jen Oliver | TEDxWindsor


Sometimes life presents us with unpleasant surprises, and sometimes it seems that bad events follow one after another. When things go wrong in life, we tend to forget about ourselves. It is possible that you begin to hate yourself, and when you turn to your friends for help, they do not understand you, which makes you feel even worse. This little guide can help you get through tough times.


  1. 1 It is very important to have the support you need. If you really do not know how to love yourself and increase your self-esteem, you need to surround yourself with people who will help you with this, perhaps they should be psychologists. Spend time with people who value you (and yourself) and seek professional help if needed. A psychologist or psychotherapist can help manage low self-esteem and advise on how to create a plan to improve the situation.
  2. 2 Pamper yourself. Do what you want to do. Life is sometimes incredibly difficult and full of stressful situations, and it is very important to find time to pamper yourself. Taking a relaxing bath, going to a nail salon, exercising or finding a new hobby will improve your overall well-being and help you see yourself in a new way.
  3. 3 Tell yourself that you are strong, smart, and deserve the very best. Or add some other qualities that you are not sure you have. Repeat this as often as possible. By doing this, you are replacing negative thoughts such as “I’m stupid, worthless” ... with more positive thoughts.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods and exercise often. If you are hungry and malnourished, your health - including mental health - is likely to deteriorate. Exercise keeps you healthy and also allows the body to produce the hormones of happiness - endorphins.
  5. 5 Forget about hard feelings. If you are struggling with memories from the past, find a professional therapist to help you get over it. Think about what you've learned from past experiences, and then allow yourself to move on. Eventually, you will be able to leave these thoughts behind, and it will make you stronger.
  6. 6 Take care of your appearance. You don't need to go overboard with makeup and hair care, but a well-groomed look will help you feel your best. Find a style that makes you feel comfortable and at the same time helps you look good.


  • Spend time with yourself doing what you enjoy doing.
  • Surround yourself with loved ones and loved ones who care about what happens to you.
  • Don't feel like you need a man to be happy.
  • Don't harass yourself if you make mistakes. You learn from mistakes.
  • If you really feel bad, go out with your friends. It will help you feel better.


  • Stay away from negative people who make you feel bad. Leaving and forgetting such people is pretty hard, but don't give up.