How to learn to play Call of Duty better

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Call Of Duty Warzone | Ultimate Beginners Guide & Tips
Video: Call Of Duty Warzone | Ultimate Beginners Guide & Tips


Are you constantly getting killed in Call of Duty? Want to reach your enemies and get awesome points? Want to kill over 20 enemies in a team-on-team game? Then this article is for you!


Method 1 of 3: Use Your Equipment Properly

  1. 1 Practice fights are very useful. You can improve your skills in the game, as well as study the cards. If you're new to Call of Duty, this is the recommended place to start.
  2. 2 Use whatever you have at your disposal. This is especially true for equipment. If your average K / D (the ratio of your killed to your deaths) is one, then the use of mines can bring it to two.
  3. 3 Use whichever firearm suits you best. It may be difficult for you to obtain, but you will have an advantage.
  4. 4 Use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a jammer. These funds are not used often enough, but they can provide you with a significant advantage. It is recommended to use the Jammer as it offers a real advantage.
  5. 5 Do not use laser sight. Learning how to use a traditional scope may seem difficult, but it is definitely worth it. Also use a double magazine, handle or sawn-off for real benefit.
  6. 6 Sound is your friend. If you own a gaming headset, then you will understand what that means.You will be able to hear that someone is shooting at you, and sometimes even react before they hit you.
  7. 7 Find your own play style. Decide what you're good at. If you are a fast runner, it is recommended to use a slot machine. If you are more patient, use an assault rifle or light machine gun. If you prefer to wait in position, use mines and possibly a sniper rifle.

Method 2 of 3: Use Dexterity and Combat Skills

  1. 1 Find the right sensitivity. Sensitivity 2-3 gives you more accuracy than higher sensitivity values, but if you are not being fired directly at you, you may not be able to react in time. When using a higher sensitivity, you will be able to turn faster, but your accuracy may be reduced.
  2. 2 Don't go over the corners thoughtlessly. Many people do this without you. Take your time, go around the corner with your aim. You will have a significant advantage. When in doubt, use a flash or noise grenade.
  3. 3 Practice accuracy. Practice one-on-one with someone of the same skill level or higher (if you so desire). Practice on a large map. Switch between workouts and regular games every pair of play sessions. Your accuracy can improve significantly.
  4. 4 Shoot down helicopters. If you use "ghost", you can help your team by removing the helicopter without much risk to yourself. Keep one class slot empty to be able to take down all the helicopters.

Method 3 of 3: Study the cards

  1. 1 Explore the territory. A thorough study of the various maps can really help if you're playing in modes other than Deathmatch.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the respawn points. Knowing the cards will help you kill enemies if you know where they appear.
  3. 3 Use the cards to your advantage in Hardpoint mode. Another case where knowing the maps can help is in Hardpoint mode. If you know where the next Hardpoint is, you can react early, score points and suddenly attack enemies who are trying to capture it, not knowing that you are already there.


  • Look at the radar.
  • Playing real online with real people may be the best way to improve your skills, as even if you play well against bots, it can be different with real players.
  • Try not to stop shooting based on how many hits it takes to kill someone. You should always consider lags or possible missed hits.
  • If you are caught reloading and you have enough bullets to kill the character, stop the animation by running or switching to a secondary weapon and back. If you are caught reloading an empty magazine, run away or hide around the corner, finish reloading, or switch to a secondary weapon.
  • Know the area of ​​effect of your weapon and shoot only when the enemy enters it.
  • Online play with friends allows you to maintain better communication while playing than playing with random players.
  • Do not run out into an open area while recharging.
  • If you spot a mine or a sentry gun, then you may need to shoot at them. Use the machine for this.
  • Place explosives in those places from which enemies can get close to you.
  • Never throw grenades back. This does not always work out and takes a long time. Just run away.


  • Wearing headphones for a long time can ruin your hairstyle.
  • Sitting in one place for too long while playing can be bad for your health.