How to learn to walk gracefully

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to have a good posture and walk elegantly (Deportment, Part 1)
Video: How to have a good posture and walk elegantly (Deportment, Part 1)


If you want a graceful gait, you need training, but here are the steps to help you get there. Try to keep your posture at all times and learn to present yourself in the best possible way. Make sure your body language speaks to your confidence. If you want to walk gracefully in heels, choose shoes that make it easy for you to move.


Part 1 of 3: Maintain Your Walking Posture

  1. 1 Keep your head held high. The first step to a graceful walking posture is to keep your head in a naturally straight position, not tilt it down or lift it up. With the correct head position, your chin will be parallel to the floor.
    • Also, be careful not to stick your head forward, this often happens when walking in heels. If you catch yourself doing this, try to lean back slightly so that your head is in line with your spine.
  2. 2 Don't forget about your shoulders. Try to lower your shoulders down and push them back. Do not slouch or lift your shoulders up to ears, neither when walking nor at rest.
    • If you are not sure if your shoulders are in the correct position, lean your back against the wall. You will have to pull your shoulders back so that they reach the wall, but not so hard that they prevent you from touching the wall with your cervical vertebrae.
  3. 3 Try to keep your back straight. If you try too hard not to slouch, your back may bend over to the other side. This is also not ideal posture. So relax a little. Keep your back as straight as possible and avoid noticeable tension in your shoulders and lower back.
    • The easiest way to check how straight your spine is by looking in a full-length mirror. Your back should form a straight line from your neck to your tailbone. If you hunch your back, it will be noticeable that the shoulder blades protrude slightly.
  4. 4 Don't forget your legs. Your legs are the basis of your posture, so it is very important to keep them in the correct position when walking. Correct leg position not only helps you look more elegant, but also relieves back pain. When positioned correctly, the feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart. And don't pinch your knees.
  5. 5 Hold your abs. Your abdominal muscles go a long way in maintaining your posture. Always try to suck in your stomach while walking.
    • If your abdominal muscles are not strong enough, find a set of exercises that will help you build abs and improve your posture.
  6. 6 Exercise. If you want to achieve a beautiful gait, you will have to find time to exercise. Whenever possible, record on video as you walk. Then carefully review the notes to figure out how to improve your gait.
    • An excellent exercise for forming a beautiful gait is walking with a book on your head. The more you do this, the easier and more natural your gait will be.
  7. 7 Imitate others. Not only pay attention to your gait and posture, but also observe others. If you see someone with a particularly graceful gait, take a closer look at the way that person walks and try to learn how to walk in the same way.

Part 2 of 3: Walk Confidently

  1. 1 Look straight ahead when walking. Don't stare at every passerby, but don't be afraid of short eye contact. Even with perfect posture, you will not be able to achieve gracefulness if you look at your feet all the time.
    • The following exercise may help you. Imagine a straight line on the floor and focus on the far end. This will help you look straight ahead and not worry about direct eye contact.
  2. 2 Watch your hands. Nothing spoils an otherwise graceful gait like erratic hand movements. When walking, keep your arms along your torso, and let them only move slightly in time with your steps. Don't cross your arms, stick them in your pockets, or touch your hair or clothes. These movements will make you look restless and insecure.
    • Finding a natural hand position is important. Do not swing your arms, but do not hold them motionless like a robot.
    • If you are having trouble keeping your hands at your sides without looking pinched, try wearing a clutch. This will help keep your hands occupied and will eliminate erratic movements.
  3. 3 Walk slowly. Sudden, impulsive movements create an impression of nervousness and uncertainty, while calm and measured movements will give you a graceful and confident look.
    • Pay close attention to your walking speed when you are concerned about something. At times like this, you may unconsciously speed up your walking pace. The more balanced your movements, the more natural your gait will look.
    • If you are trying to move slowly, make sure that your movements are not deliberately slow.
    • Moving slowly is especially important if you walk in heels. With heels, your stride is slightly shorter, so brisk walking will look awkward. Plus, you can lose your balance.
  4. 4 Smile when walking. You don't need to put on a fake grin, but a contented and welcoming expression will give you a more confident and graceful look when walking.

Part 3 of 3: Find the Right Shoes

  1. 1 Choose shoes that fit. If the shoes are too big for you, it will be difficult to walk in them. If the shoe is small, it will hurt you to walk in it, and you will look awkward. When shopping for shoes, go around the store in them, make sure that the shoes fit well on your feet and do not press.
    • If your shoes are a little too big for you, you can buy insoles to slightly raise your foot and prevent chafing.
  2. 2 Get the right heels. There are many high heels in all varieties and sizes. In order to walk gracefully, you need to choose the heels that are right for you.
    • Start walking in low heels and gradually increase their height. Keep in mind that not everyone can wear very high heels. As a rule, women with small feet are better off walking in less high heels.
    • Stiletto heels are much more difficult, so if you are not used to walking in high heels, try to choose shoes with wider heels.
    • If your ankles wobble when walking in heels, purchase shoes with ankle straps.
    • Pointed toe heels are less comfortable than the rest.
    • If you have no experience in walking in heels, it is not worth buying platform shoes.
  3. 3 Practice walking in heels. Walking in heels is not so easy, you can look awkward and awkward in them. Before going out in heels to people, practice walking in them around the house. Here are some tips to help you walk in heels:
    • Always put your heel on the ground first.
    • Heel strides should be shorter than flat heels.
    • Avoid uneven or soft surfaces where your heels can get stuck.
  4. 4 Wear comfortable shoes. You can walk gracefully in any shoe, so don't feel like wearing high heels is a must. If you are more comfortable walking in flat shoes, just work on your posture and so that your body expresses confidence. And your gait will become very graceful.
    • You should not wear flip-flops, as they make a lot of noise, have a bad effect on your posture, and can easily trip over them. All this does not look too graceful.


  • Always tie your laces to avoid tripping.
  • Practice - and you will achieve perfection! Do not give up!
  • Try not to stomp. If you stomp too much when walking in heels, then perhaps these heels are simply too high for you.
  • Do not try to walk like a model on the catwalk in everyday life. This type of gait looks graceful in certain situations. Walking around school hallways or at the grocery store this way will make it look out of place.
  • Always watch where you are going.
  • Do not swing your hips pronouncedly when walking.