How to learn to flirt if you're a shy girl

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 Proven Tips on How to Flirt With Anyone
Video: 11 Proven Tips on How to Flirt With Anyone


You like the boy in class and would like to get to know him better. However, you are too shy. Do not worry! These tips will help you.


  1. 1 Choose the right time and place. Very often flirting fails because it happens at the wrong time and place, so plan everything in advance before moving on to action. Speak in the hallway, in the dining room, before class, or during exercise. If he's surrounded by friends, don't try to get his attention, unless he takes the first step himself.Is he always with someone? Approach him when there are 1-2 friends nearby.
  2. 2 You're kidding. Most guys love girls with a sense of humor. Mention sitcoms / movies like The Simpsons or Family Guy. If you are not watching them, have a guy tell you about them. Or tell a funny story from the life of a class.
  3. 3 Be at ease. Guys don't like girls who are constantly dramatizing. Your dream boyfriend doesn't want to hear about your big fight with your best friend, especially if he doesn't know her. Stick to general themes: movies, teachers, homework, sports, and books. If you become friends at first, then everything will become much easier!
  4. 4 Ask questions and tell stories. Don't just talk about yourself all the time! He will think that you are narcissistic and will not want to communicate with you. If he stops taking part in the conversation, ask him: "So what did you get on the math test?" or "You won't believe what they did in physics today!" Entice him to listen.
  5. 5 Flirt physically. If you are sitting next to each other during a conversation, lightly touch him with your hand and laugh when he pinches you back. Even if you've known each other for a long time, wink or lightly touch him.
  6. 6 Be slightly unapproachable. You don't have to go all out to win it. Let the guy himself want to conquer you. For example, if he offers to go to the movies, say, "I don't know, I might have other plans." Say this with a slight smile so that he knows you are joking. If you really like him and want to move on to the next level, mention that you are in love with someone. This will stir up feelings in him, and he will want to know who this person is. It will also help cheer up the conversation.
  7. 7 Know when to stop. If you've tried everything to get his attention, but all in vain, back off and move on. Perhaps he is not interested in you. Sometimes it happens that when a girl starts flirting with others, the guy starts to fall in love with her. But this is not always the case, and often guys just switch to another girl.


  • Believe in yourself. Even if you're afraid to talk to your boyfriend, pretend you're talking to one of your friends.
  • If you're afraid to flirt, just say hello first. He will appreciate it, especially if he is shy himself.
  • Be fresh and clean! Don't forget to shower and shave off unnecessary hair, use deodorant and, if desired, apply a little perfume with a light scent. For example, citrus or vanilla.
  • Always be true to yourself. Despite everything.
  • Smile! Even if you have braces, slightly lift the corners of your lips. He will smile back.
  • If you are very shy, try to get over yourself and look attractive and funny. Most guys love girls like that.
  • Remember, flirting can be fun. It is not difficult. If it did not work with him, it will work with another.
  • Turn your quirks into virtues! If you grunt while laughing and the guy started making fun of you, say in a casual tone: "Well, I'm sorry I'm not afraid to be myself!"


  • You don't have to be slim, beautiful, or rich to please a guy. Be smart and sweet.
  • Flirt carefully. It sometimes hurts people. Protect your heart!
  • If a guy says: "I don't know what I want at the moment", and says this often, then he is not interested in you! Many girls make this mistake. And guys say that because they are afraid to tell the truth.
  • If you tried to flirt in the correspondence and ruined everything, write: "Damn! My friend took my phone!" and quickly switch to the other guy.
  • Flirting can be fun. If the guy doesn't like you, move on. There are a lot of them around!
  • Don't flirt with guys who have a girlfriend. This can lead to bad consequences, especially if it's your friend's boyfriend. Wait until they break up!