How to Naturally Treat Low Blood Pressure

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Home Remedies to cure LOW BLOOD PRESSURE
Video: Best Home Remedies to cure LOW BLOOD PRESSURE


Blood pressure is a very important indicator of health status. If the pressure rises too high or falls too low, this could indicate a serious problem in the body. High blood pressure may indicate that you are at risk for diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Low blood pressure can feel dizzy, confused, and have trouble concentrating when performing even the simplest tasks. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take yourself to keep your own pressure at an acceptable and stable level.


Method 1 of 3: Checking Your Blood Pressure

  1. 1 Check out the blood pressure numbers and what they mean. Normal blood pressure parameters should be as follows: systolic pressure (upper limit) should be approximately 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure (lower limit) should be approximately 80 mmHg.
    • Systolic pressure reflects the pressure exerted on the arteries by the force of the blood pumped through the heart.
    • Diastolic pressure reflects the pressure that is stored in the arteries between beats of the heart.
    • Remember that all people have a different body, and therefore some deviations from the optimal pressure values ​​are permissible. However, the pressure should be kept within the above average values.
  2. 2 Consult your doctor. Usually, doctors begin to regularly check blood pressure in patients from childhood. This increases the likelihood of early detection of blood pressure problems, which is very important, as high and low blood pressure often do not lead to any symptoms until the problem is seriously aggravated.
  3. 3 Take advantage of the free blood pressure measurement. From time to time in the regions the action "Find out the level of your blood pressure" is held. In this case, everyone can contact local public service centers and check their pressure completely free of charge.
    • Also, similar promotions can sometimes be arranged in separate pharmacy chains. However, if you are really concerned about your blood pressure, it is best to see your doctor.
  4. 4 Buy a tonometer. These devices are sold in almost all pharmacies, and their cost starts from just 600 rubles. These devices allow you to monitor your own blood pressure directly at home. However, the instructions for measuring pressure must always be followed exactly in order for the instrument to give an accurate reading.
    • Sit for 5 minutes before taking your blood pressure so that physical activity does not interfere with your reading. Also, when measuring pressure, be sure to place your soles on the floor and do not cross your legs.

Method 2 of 3: Fight Low Blood Pressure Naturally

  1. 1 Find out if you have low blood pressure. The constant presence of a pressure of 90 (systolic) by 60 (diastolic) mm Hg indicates a low blood pressure. However, it should not be a cause for concern unless you have other accompanying symptoms. Dealing with low blood pressure is necessary when it is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, nausea, and problems with concentration. Light-headedness may also be felt.
    • Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your blood pressure.
    • Low blood pressure is usually not a big problem until it goes down. too low... In fact, many people, on the contrary, tend to ensure that their pressure was lower.So if you have mildly low blood pressure, don't worry about it until your doctor tells you that you do have cause for concern.
  2. 2 Increase your salt intake. Although in most cases doctors recommend that patients limit salt intake, which can raise blood pressure, for people with low blood pressure this property of salt may be beneficial.
    • Be sure to consult your doctor before significantly increasing your salt intake, as excess salt can lead to heart failure, especially in the elderly.
    • If you start to increase the amount of salt you use to increase blood pressure, be sure to constantly monitor its indicators in one of the above ways (with a doctor, in free promotions for measuring blood pressure, or at home using a personal blood pressure monitor).
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. Drinking water is good for everyone, and water can help raise blood pressure if it gets too low.
    • Aim to drink about 2 liters of water a day. If you are active or thirsty, increase your water intake even more to help you stay hydrated.
  4. 4 Wear compression stockings. Special stockings can help raise blood pressure by reducing blood congestion in the legs.
    • When worn correctly, compression stockings rarely lead to negative side effects. However, if you use stockings that are too tight or do not take them off for too long, they can injure the skin that comes in contact with them.
  5. 5 Watch for proper nutrition. Eat a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean chicken or fish. This step is beneficial for anyone, not just those struggling with low blood pressure. However, this is a good way to ensure that your arteries are getting all the nutrients they need.
  6. 6 Eat small meals more often. Eating small meals frequently throughout the day helps prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure after meals.
    • Try to eat low-carb foods.

Method 3 of 3: When to Seek Medical Help

  1. 1 See your doctor if your low blood pressure is accompanied by additional symptoms. In most cases, low blood pressure is not a problem unless it causes other accompanying symptoms. But if you have anxiety symptoms and natural ways to deal with low blood pressure are not helping you, see your doctor. He will try to find out what is happening to you and, if necessary, prescribe medication. Common symptoms of low blood pressure include:
    • dizziness and fainting;
    • blurry vision;
    • nausea or vomiting;
    • concentration disorders;
    • fatigue.
  2. 2 When symptoms appear shock call an ambulance immediately. If blood pressure drops very low, it can lead to life-threatening shock. Call an ambulance at 103 (mobile) or 03 (landline), or have someone give you a ride to the nearest emergency room if you experience any of the following symptoms:
    • confused consciousness;
    • pale skin (cold or clammy to the touch);
    • rapid shallow breathing;
    • fast and weak pulse.
  3. 3 Work with your doctor to treat any health problems that may be causing your blood pressure. Low blood pressure is sometimes a symptom of certain diseases. Treating them can help you get your blood pressure under control. If you have persistent low blood pressure, see your doctor to find out the cause and start treatment. The following are possible causes of low blood pressure:
    • pregnancy:
    • some heart disease;
    • endocrine disorders such as thyroid disease and low blood sugar;
    • dehydration;
    • blood loss;
    • serious infections and allergic reactions;
    • anemia.


  • Avoid excessive consumption of fat (especially saturated) and sugar in your diet. This can lead to sudden increases and decreases in blood pressure, causing intermittent fatigue and dizziness.