How to set yourself up for the best

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!
Video: Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!


On the way to success and happiness, there are always numerous obstacles. But you can handle and overcome all difficulties. If you want to reach your goals and live a happy, fulfilling life, first of all, you need to set yourself up.


Part 1 of 3: Part One: Stop Living in the Past

  1. 1 Understand what makes you look back. Ask yourself what thoughts and ideas are bothering you and disturbing you. Be honest with yourself, think about which thoughts and ideas are good for you and which are destructive.
    • For example, you might be constantly distracted by something before getting down to business. You think that the interior can inspire you, but in reality you are only distracted and wasting time, which often turns out not in the best way for you.
  2. 2 Get rid of bad habits. Even if the habit seems harmless to you at first, it can prevent you from achieving your goals. Weigh everything and change your lifestyle.
    • Even small changes can change the world around you! Instead of starting your morning with a cup of coffee out of habit, start with a cup of tea or a sports drink. Instead of constantly updating the news on your smartphone or playing during a break, take a walk or read a book.
    • Once you accustom yourself to new good habits and different little things in your daily life, you will be ready for major and more meaningful changes in your life.
  3. 3 Pay attention to your feelings, but don't let them take control of you. If you feel anxious, vague, doubtful, or contemptuous, pay attention to it. Try to figure out why you are feeling this. Then continue to act no matter what.
    • Getting rid of negative emotions is not an easy task! But if you hope and expect that someday these emotions will pass on their own, you will never be able to get your life right.
    • Recognize that you have hidden worries and fears. Take it for granted, but tell yourself not to let your emotions get the best of you.
    • If you move on no matter what, you will definitely have positive emotions that will help you overcome negative ones.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to others. Constant comparison with others will eventually torment you, because every time you suddenly find that you do not have something that this or that person has, you will feel worse. Your self-confidence will help you overcome feelings of inferiority or jealousy, motivating you to work on yourself and your life.
    • Each person has their own individual characteristics and talents, so you must understand that you have a special place in this life, like other people.
  5. 5 Stop striving for the ideal. The ideal is a literary phenomenon. You will definitely fail if you strive for the ideal. The only way is to accept your mistakes and learn from them, and then move on without looking back. Once you learn to accept and benefit from your mistakes and failures, the fear of being wrong and failing will cease to haunt you.
  6. 6 Stop trying to please everyone. It's important to treat people well and with respect, of course, but remember that you can't please everyone. Stop pushing yourself to please everyone you know. Stop blaming yourself for what you are not to blame.
    • Learn to say no to people, especially if their requests are arrogant and overstep all boundaries.
    • If you have a problem, don't be silent! Problems rarely resolve on their own, and if you don't comment or speak up in time, perhaps no one else will.
    • Stop apologizing every time someone feels uncomfortable. Only ask for forgiveness when you know you are wrong, but don't make it a big problem out of it.
  7. 7 Stop being lazy. Instead of making promises - act! Sometimes it is quite difficult to force yourself to do today what you can do tomorrow, but putting things on the back burner, you only go astray in achieving your goal.

Part 2 of 3: Part Two: Move Forward

  1. 1 Find what motivates you.Most people need some kind of motivation to inspire them to take action. Sometimes it is very difficult to act when there is a lack of motivation and support.
    • If you are hesitating between two events or are unable to make a decision, ask yourself why this is so important to you. Compare. Think about what you can lose by acting in one way or another, whether something bad will happen if you postpone the decision for a while. Find several reasons to do what you need to do now.
  2. 2 Focus on the desired result. Think about the goal you are going to achieve more often. If on the way to your goal you feel exhausted and powerless, start thinking about the goal itself. Focus on what you can do to make things a little easier for yourself.
    • If the expected result no longer inspires or motivates you, you may need to turn off your track. Be honest with yourself: is this goal worth your efforts? Perhaps you will realize that you have a completely different goal and different steps to achieve it.
  3. 3 Take small steps forward. Big, big steps can be too daunting, and if you miscalculate somewhere, a mistake can ruin all your previous efforts. Take small steps - this will not only be more useful, but also calmer for you.
    • For example, if your goal is to find “that one” and be happy in your relationship, you might start by asking a few good friends to introduce you to someone. Or go to a verified dating site, fill out the form and chat! Of course, these are not too big and serious steps, but if your attempts are unsuccessful, you will not be too offended.
  4. 4 Make plans based on your observations. Watch your every step and notice the results for yourself. Based on whether a particular step was successful, you can easily plan the next steps.
    • Perhaps online acquaintance will get you nowhere. Also, your friends' acquaintances will probably not be so good. Think about what went wrong. Maybe you should try meeting other people or visiting other sites? Or is it better to try something different, like attending some parties or enrolling in courses?
  5. 5 Stick to the promises you made to yourself. Good discipline is essential. If you have set a goal, you must go for it! Failure to keep promises to yourself always leads to negative images and low self-esteem, which leads you astray.
    • Think about how good you will feel after a productive day. Now think about how lazy and dreary you will feel if you have been fooling around all day.
    • When you start to break your plans and promises on a regular basis, you start to lose faith in your ability to succeed. Focus on the present - only then can you succeed.
  6. 6 Reward and praise yourself for any accomplishments. Take the time to reflect on your achievement. People often fixate on their shortcomings, and sometimes it takes effort to notice and acknowledge their victories and merits.
    • Recognizing your success will give you a sense of confidence and a huge boost forward. The more confident you feel, the more promising your future will be.

Part 3 of 3: Part Three: A Little Push Forward

  1. 1 Get inspired by good music.Only listen to music that inspires you. We assure you, music works wonders! It tunes you in the right mood and motivates you to act!
    • Listen to music of different genres and choose the one that suits you best.
    • Listen to the same music for a while. The next time you listen to these songs, you will associate them with an uplifting and "fighting" mood.
    • If the music gets in the way or bothers you, find a different genre for yourself or sit in silence.
  2. 2 Fragrances will help you concentrate. Smells are often overlooked, but they can affect your thoughts and feelings. Find a specific scent that will motivate and inspire you and improve your mood. This scent will help you focus.
    • Find "your" scent. The most popular scents are: cinnamon, mint, lemon, orange, rosemary.
    • Find scented candles or essential oils and place them near your workplace or home.
    • Once you start working, you will need to focus on the scent. Pay attention to the smell as often as possible.
    • As a result, you will find that the scent helps you focus. Once you understand that a scent inspires you, you can add that scent to your clothes or items on your desk so that you can focus whenever you need it.
  3. 3 Learn to drive away fatigue. If you feel tired after sedentary work or feeling lazy, just start moving. Take a walk, do a warm-up.
    • Activities that trigger an adrenaline rush can help you get rid of laziness. It also improves blood flow so you can focus on your work.
    • Take a break. After a few minutes of physical activity, you will definitely feel better.
  4. 4 You need a plan and a means to an end. Once you lose something significant, you probably use it as an excuse for your wasting time. Organization and discipline will allow you to better understand yourself and achieve your goal.
    • It takes you a few minutes to figure out exactly what you need. If noise distracts you, wear headphones. If you are working with a laptop, bring a charger in advance so as not to be distracted.
  5. 5 Surround yourself with positive people. Negative people will pull you down without even knowing it. Positive people are inspiring and will help you tune in and move forward.
    • Of course, it is not necessary to completely break off relations with all the negative people in your life, but it is better to communicate and be friends with those who are positively charged.
    • When a person throws out negative emotions, it affects you too. You can try to fix it, but it's better just not to fall under the "hot hand" of such people.
  6. 6 Help others. Take the time to help people around you. In doing so, you will be able to see different sides of life. Develop an objective vision in yourself, it will be easier to find solutions to problems.
    • Lend a helping hand. When you help others, you feel important.
  7. 7 Take a break. You need to find balance, some kind of harmony. This takes time. Important events always get in the way of thinking about what you are missing.
    • Relax regularly.
    • For relaxation and relaxation, you can take a bubble bath, do yoga. Find something that calms you down.
    • In addition, try to spend your time wisely: communicate with family and friends, engage in useful activities.