How to write an IOU

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write an IOU Form in PDF & Word
Video: How to Write an IOU Form in PDF & Word


An IOU is needed when someone lends money to someone and really wants the debt to be repaid by a certain date. In addition, this document can be used as an agreement that payment for a product or service will be made later.


Method 1 of 2: Writing an IOU

  1. 1 Write the date and amount borrowed, or the cost of a product or service. The point is to indicate the amount of debt.
  2. 2 Write the date of the debt repayment. When should the borrower return the funds to you? Should he do it in one payment or in several? If for a few, then in what time frame?
  3. 3 Write down what percentage you get. Yes, when lending money to a relative, it is better not to remember the interest. However, the idea of ​​getting a percentage of the data borrowed money is not so bad, because:
    • Without interest, you are essentially losing money due to inflation and losing purchasing power.
    • Interest can force the borrower to repay the debt ahead of schedule. The logic is simple: the longer the borrower keeps the money, the more interest he has to pay. Is it profitable for him?
    • Don't raise your interest rate above 15-20%. To tell you the truth, such numbers are simply beyond the bounds of decency. Let the interest rate be beneficial to both parties.
  4. 4 Sign the document. Don't forget to decipher the signature.
  5. 5 The borrower must also sign the receipt. Yes, and decrypt the signature too.
  6. 6 It is advisable that someone witness the transaction. If the situation comes to court, a witness to the transaction will be very helpful for the lender, even if the transaction was concluded verbally.

Method 2 of 2: Legal Aspects

  1. 1 Obligatory Receipt will help in the event of an audit of your company. Accordingly, if you lend a large amount of money, it is important to correctly draw up a receipt.
  2. 2 Know the difference between a receipt and a promissory note. It is often difficult to obtain a decision on receipts in court, especially if they were concluded without a witness. Also, the receipt contains only the amount of the debt, and the obligation also contains actions to pay off the debt and the consequences of a delay in debt.
    • If you are lending a large amount of money, then, for the sake of peace of mind, prepare a promissory note - it is easier with them to defend your position in court.
    • The debt obligation must be notarized.
  3. 3 If you are in doubt about the strength of a receipt, consult a lawyer. The lawyer will be able to explain to you the details and nuances, as well as give you useful advice on how to arrange the transfer of money in debt.


  • Keep the receipt in a safe place.
  • Make copies of the document for each party to the transaction.