How to hint your lover that you like him

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 24 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Show A Guy You Like Him | Female BODY LANGUAGE 101
Video: How To Show A Guy You Like Him | Female BODY LANGUAGE 101


Telling a guy that you are interested in him can be very difficult. Nobody wants to show their cards without being sure of victory. So here's a guide on how to hint your crush on your crush.


  1. 1 Enter his social circle. This way you can meet him more often and spend more time with him.
    • Let him compare. The more time you spend with him, the easier it is for him to understand that you are communicating with other people that you do not like, differently than with him. He realizes that only with him you are flirtatious.
  2. 2 Show interest in what he likes and dislikes. If you become interested in his favorite things, you will hint to him about your compatibility. This will make you like-minded people, your tastes match - and this is already a step towards a relationship.
  3. 3 Compliment him and don't compare with other men. Praise the qualities you like about him and don't be shy. Show him that you think he is special, not like the rest of the guys.Flirting with other guys is a way of letting him know that others find you attractive (and that he should, too), but it can also lead him to think that you are flirting with everyone. So when flirting with others, tell him that you would prefer someone more like him. For example: “He's a really great guy, but I would never date him. I like guys with a good sense of humor, like you "
  4. 4 Use your body language correctly. It's a way to flirt with him and show your interest without using words. Interest can be shown in many ways, and they all have their own nuances.
    • Direct eye contact indicates that you are listening. In addition, by this you make it clear that you are interested not only in the conversation, but also in the speaker himself.
    • Slow nods as you listen indicate that you agree with what he is saying, and also signals a similarity in your thoughts - and therefore potential compatibility in a relationship.
    • When you lick or touch your lips, it draws attention to them and subconsciously signals that you are ready to kiss.
    • Looking to the side and upwards creates the illusion of "deer" eyes. This is a sign of vulnerability and interest in the conversation.
    • Legs turned straight in relation to the interlocutor shows that you are focused on him and do not pay attention to anything else around.
    • Legs crossed and pointing in his direction mean that you only like him and that you are covering your legs (and, in fact, yourself) from the rest.
    • When you sit or stand close to each other (the distance between you is about 46 cm or less), a special intimate space arises between you. This shows that you are not just having a casual conversation, but that you are exchanging personal, intimate details with him.
    • Mirroring also implies compatibility. By mirroring his gestures, you increase the mutual sense of trust. For every 10 of his gestures, "reflect" two or three.
    • When you dress up or dress yourself up, you show that you want the other person to like you.
    • Frequent touching creates a special bond between people. This is a very powerful signal that you are interested in the other person.
  5. 5 Tell him how you feel. This is difficult to do because people are often afraid of rejection. However, being straightforward is the best way to get him to talk about his feelings for each other. By saying “I like you,” you force him to answer how he feels about you. Of course, you may not get the answer you would like, but the situation will become clearer.
  6. 6 Always be nice to him. Guys love girls who are always nice to them. This will show him that you really like him. For example, write to him on Facebook, Skype or Vkontakte. If he answers you, then he (at least!) Does not hate you. If he likes you, he will write first.


  • Do not be afraid to talk to him ... He is also a man.
  • Do not overdo it, otherwise you will scare him with your behavior. Find a balance between being interested and outright stalking.
  • Don't rush events, stay calm. Give him a quick glance from time to time.
  • Try to be really funny and cute.
  • Never write anonymous notes, as he may think that the sender was another girl and that it was she who loved him.
  • Before you confess your feelings to him, make sure 100% that he likes you.
  • Never say "I hate you"
  • Invite him to do something fun together or invite him to your birthday.


  • Never confess to him in front of other people.
  • Don't force yourself to do something you are not sure about.
  • If you don't want to talk to him about something, don't talk.
  • Never instruct your friends to verbally convey something to him, as this can cause confusion.