How to connect with other people

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Connect With People - The Secret to Making Lasting Connections
Video: How to Connect With People - The Secret to Making Lasting Connections


Do you want to communicate easily with people, be able to make a good first impression or make business contacts? At first, this task may seem a little daunting to you. At the same time, if you focus on showing genuine interest in your interlocutor, learn to strike up an interesting conversation, and help people feel comfortable, you can easily start and maintain communication with anyone.


Method 1 of 3: How to make social contacts

  1. 1 Look for something in common. If you don't know the interlocutor very well, this task will seem daunting to you. However, finding something in common is much easier than you might think. Just pay attention to what the person is talking about in the course of fleeting conversations, and think about which of these topics can be used as a general interest. It could be a favorite sports team, a music group, or even the fact that both you and the person have five siblings. The key to the solution lies in listening carefully to people to determine what will help you make contact.
    • At the same time, you do not need to ask a person a hundred questions, it is enough to pay attention to topics that naturally arise in a conversation.
    • If it seems to you that there is nothing in common between you and this person, try to find at least one or two topics that interest both of you.This will be enough to establish contact with a person. You may find that you like books by the same author, that you lived in the same neighborhood as a child, or both are interested in learning Japanese. Do not be discouraged if at first it seems to you that you can hardly imagine two more different people.
  2. 2 Give genuine compliments. One way to connect with someone is to give them a genuine compliment. This means that you need to find something truly wonderful in the person and allow the person to feel recognized. The main thing is not to overdo it. You shouldn't look like a flatterer, you just need to emphasize what you really like about this person. One compliment is enough for a conversation. If you do not touch the physical characteristics of a person or too personal questions, then your compliment is unlikely to be inappropriate. Here are some examples of such compliments:
    • “You communicate easily with strangers. How do you manage it? "
    • “You have amazing earrings. If it's not a secret, where did you buy them? "
    • “It's amazing how you manage to build a successful career and spend a lot of time with your kids. I don't think I could do that. "
    • “I saw your tennis game yesterday. You have just killer feeds! ”
  3. 3 Pick up the topic that the other person mentioned in the conversation earlier. This is a great way to build closer relationships with people you know and are interested in. If, during your last conversation with a friend, she talked about an upcoming serious job interview or a new boyfriend she really liked, do not forget to ask her next time how she is doing in this direction. People need to see that what they say really matters to you and that you remember what they say, even if you haven't met for a while.
    • If your friend has to start a conversation herself on an important topic for her, which she talked about last time, and you say: “Oh yes, how did it go?”, Then it will look as if you, in fact, did not especially interesting is what happens to her.
    • Your friends need support and care, so if you want a deep connection between you, you need to be interested in what matters to them. This will help strengthen relationships even with just familiar people who will be pleasantly surprised if you mention in a conversation what was discussed at the previous meeting.
  4. 4 Help people feel comfortable with their interactions. Another way to strengthen your bond with people you know is to help them feel comfortable with your interactions. Put your own caution aside, be friendly, compliment, and let people feel relaxed in your presence. Do not judge their statements, do not make such an expression as if they were stupid, and in general, never demonstrate as if a person is doing or saying something wrong. Also, do not stand in the distance with a detached air, as if you do not really care about the speaker; let people be safe and pleasant to communicate with you, then it will be much easier for you too to communicate with them.
    • Learn to show warmth and spread positive energy and instill confidence in people. Become the person to whom you can tell anything and feel safe while doing it. As soon as people feel that deep down you are criticizing them or sharing what you are being told about with a dozen close friends, your connection with them will be destroyed.
    • If your friend is having a bad or bad day, show understanding and support. Sometimes it’s enough to just sympathetically shake the person’s hand or pat on the shoulder to make them feel better.
  5. 5 Open up. If you really want to build strong relationships with people, be ready to open up to them and let them see what kind of person you are.Some people are unable to build close relationships because they are too withdrawn from the inside and afraid to show their vulnerability. It is difficult for people to communicate with a closed and closed person. Of course, it is not necessary to tell everything about yourself to the smallest detail, but in the process of communication, as you get acquainted, you need to share some personal information so that you are seen as a person with whom you can build relationships. Here are some topics to talk about more openly:
    • Childhood
    • Family relationships
    • Past romantic relationships
    • Hopes for the future
    • Funny incidents from life
    • Disappointments in the past
  6. 6 Thank people. Another way to build relationships with people is to take the time to thank them. It makes people feel appreciated, paid attention to, and doing something meaningful to you. Let people feel you value them, and be honest and open about how much they mean to you. Even if it's just gratitude to a colleague for valuable advice or to a neighbor for helping with looking after the cat, sincere gratitude will certainly help strengthen your relationship.
    • Do not limit yourself to the usual “thank you” or grateful SMS. Take the time to look the person in the eye, thank them, and explain why their help is so important to you.
    • Research also suggests that showing gratitude will bring joy to you too. In addition, it is believed that in this case, both of you will be more willing to help other people in the future. Everybody wins here!
  7. 7 Try to strengthen the relationship. While this advice seems obvious, many people fail to build strong relationships just because they don't develop them, even if they really like the person. This can be due to laziness, shyness, or a lot of work. If you want to build a truly strong relationship, you need to put in more effort than one half hour small talk.
    • If you feel like you have made a good connection, invite the person to spend their free time together, for example, sit in a cafe with a cup of coffee.
    • Be reliable and reliable. If you are invited somewhere, you need to go or have a good reason to refuse. If you come across as a dispensable person, people won't want to spend time with you.
    • Of course, sometimes it's worth being alone, but if you don't go out, you won't be able to build relationships with people. Get out to hang out with people two to three times a week, even if it's just lunch with someone else.
  8. 8 Be present. If you really want to build a strong relationship, then when you talk with the person, you need to really be present in him. If at this time you are thinking about what to cook for dinner or who else to talk to, then the person with whom you are talking will understand this and will no longer want to communicate with you. Maintain eye contact, listen carefully to what the person is talking about, and do not be distracted by the phone or people passing by. It is important that the other person feels that you are giving them all your attention.
    • Learning to be fully present in the conversation will find that you enjoy the moment, and this will also enhance your conversation skills. You can hardly make a positive first impression if you are constantly tense about the conversation or the upcoming business.

Method 2 of 3: How to make contact quickly

  1. 1 Smile and make eye contact. If you want to instantly connect with someone, smile and catch that person's eye - these two tricks always go together and are absolutely necessary to get to know each other and start a conversation. It is scientifically proven that smiling is contagious, and your smile can win over another person to you and make them smile back.If you look into the eyes of a person during a conversation, you let the other person know that you are interested in talking to him. This will help you win the person's favor.
    • Avoid eye contact so that the conversation doesn't look too tense. The main thing is that your interlocutor does not think that you are thinking about something of your own during the conversation.
    • Try to practice and smile at every person you approach. This will help energize your communication from the start.
  2. 2 Call the person by name. Calling someone by their first name will make them feel important - or at least that you are interested enough in them that you will remember their name. Even just saying at the end of the conversation: “Anya, I was pleased to meet you,” you will give the person the opportunity to feel closer to you. Few things can make a person feel insignificant like asking, "What did you say your name is?" or “I seem to have forgotten your name ...”. So if you want to establish good contact with a person, you need to not only remember his name, but also name him.
    • Don't use the horrible memory reference as an excuse. If you really want to connect with someone, you should try to remember their name.
  3. 3 Use open gestures. Body language can help you make a friendlier and more open impression, which automatically encourages people to communicate. If you want the new person to immediately want to communicate with you, turn your whole body towards him and straighten up. Do not make nervous movements with your fingers, do not cover your face with your hands, but, as it were, direct all your energy towards this person, but without pressure or aggression.
    • If you turn away from the person, hunch over, or cross your arms over your chest, the person may think that you are not at all interested in the conversation.
  4. 4 Don't underestimate the value of good general conversation. Some people think that such conversations are trivial and are intended only for those who want to build a superficial relationship. In fact, if you start talking about something that is generally known, like the weather, it will make good contact and build deeper relationships with people. At the very beginning of dating, no one discusses the meaning of life or how the death of your grandmother affected you. Any serious relationship begins with a discussion of not at all serious topics, so that the acquaintance is built and developed gradually. Some tips for small talk:
    • Use simple topics to move into deeper conversation. You can casually comment on the great weather on the weekend, and then ask the other person if he took advantage of the weather to somehow have a special time.
    • Asking open-ended questions instead of asking only “yes” or “no” as an answer will keep the conversation interesting.
    • Pay attention to everything around you. If you see a flyer inviting you to a concert or camping trip, ask the other person if he is going there or what he thinks about this group or this place.
    • Maintain a light and relaxed atmosphere. It is unlikely that someone will immediately want to discuss too negative or difficult topics.
  5. 5 Let the person feel as special as possible. Of course, you should not shower the interlocutor with endless praise, but you can note something that makes an impression on you or seems interesting to you. This will certainly make the person feel special and help establish contact with him:
    • “Have you written a book? Wow! I can't even imagine it. "
    • “You know three languages! That's lovely!"
    • “It feels like we've met before. It's very easy to communicate with you. "
    • “You just have a unique laugh. He's so contagious. "
  6. 6 Ask questions. Another way to quickly win over a person is to be interested in a person, and not try to interest him in your persona. You can, of course, try to impress the interlocutor with amazing wit and unique stories. However, it is much easier to show a sincere interest in a person and show that you really want to know what kind of person he is and what he has to offer the world. Don't interrupt the person and ask relevant questions from time to time - this will help to establish a connection with your interlocutor. Here are some topics for such questions:
    • Hobbies and hobbies
    • Favorite music bands
    • Favorite entertainment in the city
    • Pets
    • Plans for the weekend
  7. 7 Maintain a positive attitude. People like joy and good mood much more than sadness and despondency. It's logical to assume that people will enjoy spending time with you and building relationships if you are always positive and talk about what inspires and supports you. Even if you feel like complaining about your troubles, try to focus more on the positive. If you really need to talk about your troubles, it's best to talk to someone you know well. It is worth sharing positive energy so that other people can feel good with you. People are unlikely to want to associate with someone who is constantly sad or angry with the whole world.
    • If you catch yourself making a negative comment, try to immediately make a couple of positive comments so that people still think you are optimistic.
    • This does not mean at all that you need to change your personality or deceive someone. Try to focus on the good things in your life. When meeting new people, you want them to remember you as a pleasant person.
  8. 8 Listen carefully. Trying to really listen to people is one of the best ways to make good contact quickly. When a new person is talking to you, try to listen carefully to what they are talking about, rather than interrupt or wait for your turn to say something. Once the person has finished speaking, react to show that you have heard everything they just said. This will help the person feel like there is contact between you.
    • If in conversation you mention something that the other person said earlier, it will impress him. Most people tend to feel unheard, so showing that you are really listening will make a great impression.

Method 3 of 3: How to make business contacts

  1. 1 First of all, rely on your current contacts. It may seem to you that you do not know anyone who could help you in your career. However, it will surprise you how many people know someone who knows someone else. If you are looking for a new job or want to take your career in a new direction, reach out to people you know and ask who they know. You can even send your friends an email describing the desired position, as well as your professional knowledge and skills. This will help you figure out if any of them can help you.
    • Don't think that using your connections instead of looking for work “on your own” means being lazy or trying to cheat the system. Research shows that the vast majority of vacancies (roughly 70-80%) are filled by searching through acquaintances, so don't be afraid to take the first step. In the end, it is unlikely that someone will hire you based on your acquaintances alone; in any case, you will have to demonstrate your professionalism.
  2. 2 Prepare your speech. If you want to make contact with someone in order to find a job, then you need to learn how to sell yourself - and do it quickly. You may only have one or two minutes to talk to someone who can help you find a job, and as soon as this opportunity arises, you need to present yourself in a better light.You can't just make small talk about the weather, you need a person to remember you and see in you someone he would like to help.
    • Whether you are selling a product or selling yourself, the key is to start with a powerful start to show why you are the kind of candidate the employer would not want to miss out on, or why your product is worth the investment.
    • Keep your speech short and energetic, and at the end, offer the person your business card and emphasize that you will be waiting for a response. Of course, it's worth making sure that the person is really interested in you or your product.
  3. 3 Find a way to help the person. Another way to make a business connection is to find a way to help the person you want to meet. You will have to look for a non-standard solution and find what you can do that is not directly related to your career. For example, if you know the person is writing a memoir, you might suggest writing a review based on your writing experience; if you know this person is looking for a location for their daughter's wedding, offer them a gorgeous location that your aunt owns at a good discount.
    • Do not think that you have nothing to offer this world. While you're just learning how to make contacts, you have a ton of other skills and abilities that can benefit people in many different ways.
  4. 4 Be persistent. You may think that persistence is off-putting and that if the employer or your new contact is really interested in you, they will make it clear the first time. However, you will be surprised at how often people refer to each other; Try to stand out by making an extra phone call, reaching out to the person at a business or social event, or sending them an email reminding them of the conversation. Of course, you shouldn't be intrusive, but you shouldn't give up ahead of time.
    • Think about it: the worst thing that can happen is if you try to get a person's attention and he doesn't respond to it. Well, that's where you started, so nothing got worse, didn’t it?
  5. 5 Be a memorable person. Another way to connect with people is to make them remember you. You need to come up with a way to become a memorable person, even if it is some small detail, for example, the fact that you speak Japanese fluently or that you, like this person, are completely passionate about the Russian writer Sergei Dovlatov. You just need to come up with a couple of ways to stand out so that later, when you try to get back in touch, you can remind of who you are.
    • If you find a way to stand out, then in a subsequent letter you can simply write: "We met at a business event 101. It was nice to meet a person who, like me, likes Dovlatov!"
    • Of course, you shouldn't go too far and stand out enough to make it look bad. Avoid typing your resume in green or dancing lambada - unless you're trying to make an unpleasant impression.
  6. 6 Make contact with people close to them. Another way to connect with more people is to get to know those around the person you really want to get to know. Check the person's LinkedIn profile to see if you have mutual acquaintances, or simply ask your friends to introduce you to someone who knows someone else. Feel free to do this and try to expand your network of business contacts as much as possible.
    • You never know who might be useful to you. So be friendly, kind, and open to everyone who comes into your field of vision.
  7. 7 Be accessible to people. It goes without saying that if you want to make business contacts, you should be easy to get in touch with.You should always have your business card with you, people should always be able to reach you on the phone, you can even advertise yourself through a website or blog. If someone heard about you, then, for example, it would be nice if you could be easily found through a search engine on the Internet: Google or Yandex. It will be annoying to lose contact just because you do not have your own website.
    • Today, many companies ask when hiring if you have a personal website. Don't miss a good opportunity just because you don't have such a site. If you use sites like Wix or Wordpress, this service is free and easy enough to learn, it only takes you a couple of hours to create a website, even if you are not very tech-savvy.