How to train and eat healthy

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Train Your Brain To Eat Healthier!
Video: How To Train Your Brain To Eat Healthier!


It is impossible to improve your physical condition by eating and exercising in one day, but this is not a reason not to start exercising yourself at all. For each person, the set of exercises and diet will be individual, depending on the state of health, weight, amount of calories consumed, age, gender, lifestyle, stress resistance and daily routine.


  1. 1 You can improve your health and fitness by following your diet. This is the best way to become stronger, gain self-confidence, and always maintain a high vitality.
  2. 2 Here are some expert tips for weight loss and motivation.
    • Set realistic goals. It's important to follow through with your plan. The ability to focus and highlight the main thing will allow you to lose those extra kilograms.
    • Develop a strategy. Willpower alone will not be enough! To lose weight and maintain results, your plan should include both exercise and diet.
    • Be realistic. Many people often set goals for themselves higher than they can actually accomplish.
  3. 3 Eat healthy meals often and in small portions. Five small meals a day is better, three large meals. Eating smaller meals more often can prevent overeating, as well as improve metabolism and help burn calories faster.
  4. 4 Write down everything you drink and eat. You don't need to count calories. Just write down everything you ate and how much. Understanding what you eat will help you better plan your diet.
  5. 5 Focus on exercise, not weight loss. Instead of wondering how many pounds you are going to lose this week, better plan what exercises you intend to do. This is definitely the smartest approach to weight loss.
  6. 6 Load yourself up gradually. Being overly optimistic about tasks can undermine your motivation. If you haven't exercised for a long time, start by finding three paths near your home, one and a half kilometers long, along which you will jog.
  7. 7 Believe in yourself. An all-or-nothing attitude will lead you to failure. Try to assess your strength fairly and objectively. If this week you have not achieved the desired result, keep training, and you will definitely succeed the next. There is no need to strive to set records instantly. At the end of the day, self-encouragement should be part of your plan, otherwise you will simply fail.
  8. 8 Limit sugar-containing foods up to three times a week. This includes chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. Take 24 hour breaks between sweets. ...
  9. 9 Eat main meals with less fat and more protein: chicken, fish beans, cottage cheese and low fat yogurt. Eat eggs, nuts, and red meat separately.
  10. 10 Plan at least one meat or cheese-free lunch and dinner per week. Prepare meals with whole grains and leave vegetables and beans without peeling to saturate the body with fiber and get rid of unnecessary fat.
  11. 11 Reduce the fat content of dairy products. If you drink undiluted milk, reduce the fat percentage to 2%, and then from 2% to 1%. Choose low fat cheese and yogurt. When shopping for cheese, be sure to check for sugar.
  12. 12 Eat fruit twice a day. They can be dessert or appetizer. Choose fruits for the season. They should be consumed in moderation as they are very high in sugar.
  13. 13 Drink water instead of soda, juice, milkshakes, and alcohol. Hot water with a slice of lemon is very refreshing in the morning.
  14. 14 Include at least two servings of vegetables in your diet for lunch and dinner. If you feel hungry, you can eat a little more.
  15. 15 Eat slowly. Saturation comes gradually. By eating slowly, you will have time to fill up and not eat too much. A Google query for "eating slowly" says that it takes your brain about 20 minutes to perceive the signal as a "saturation center." If you swallow food quickly, you overeat or even get bloated live, but it will not satisfy your hunger.
  16. 16 Eat as much fiber as possible. It will saturate the body faster and improve digestion.
  17. 17 Get some aerobic exercise. Cardio not only increases endurance and cardiovascular health, but it also helps build lean muscle mass by reducing body fat. In addition, aerobic exercise improves metabolism.
  18. 18 Motivation is the key to successful training. Remember, you are the smith of your health. No trainer or simulator will do all the work for you. There are endless motivating reasons to keep exercising and stay healthy for the rest of your life. Exercise in a way that does not impair your health or interfere with work or family life. Remind yourself that staying fit prevents health problems. In addition, the family will be happy for you, no less than you are.
  19. 19 Always turn off the TV when you sit down at a table. This applies not only to a full meal, but also to snacks. Studies have shown that when the TV is on, we eat more due to the fact that we are distracted and not aware of what we are eating.
  20. 20 A healthy diet, regular exercise, and a positive attitude are the only things that can help you lose weight consistently and properly.
  21. 21 Remember, if you want to lose weight, you need to control everything you eat and be active. Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and stay active. This will increase your chances of losing weight and improving your body. br>


  • Love yourself. Don't worry if you don't succeed. Enjoy! Tension can be transferred to your muscles and you will feel sore and unhappy. You will only make yourself worse if you worry too much about your health, so you just need to relax from time to time.
  • Foods that are low in fat are very healthy. But monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial. Trans and saturated fats are harmful. These fats raise LDL, which is the bad cholesterol. Healthy fats lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, which is the "good" cholesterol.
  • Diversify your diet. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, but you also need other essential nutrients. For example, fruits and vegetables are not rich in protein enough. Meat, beans, and tofu are good sources of protein. If you are not getting enough vitamins from food, you can take multivitamin complexes.
  • No fast diets! The effects of fast diets are highly variable, even if they are based on harmless foods. Once you stop dieting, the excess weight will return within a few days. You should also avoid various soups and slimming teas.
  • Sport is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Work out in the gym daily or whenever you get the chance. Even walking the dog will be helpful. If you engage in physical activity for at least an hour a day, it can be called moderate sports activity. Regular physical activity will boost immunity and prevent “modern diseases” such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. They will also improve mental health and prevent depression.
  • Don't overdo it. Constant training can work against you and there will be no effect from training. It is best to leave yourself a day or two to recover strength and energy.
  • Proper nutrition is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. You are what you eat, so if you eat right, you will be healthy. And if you're just getting started with a healthy lifestyle, chances are you don't know anything about healthy eating.
  • Sugar limitation is another controversial issue. Sugar, like fats, can be beneficial and harmful. Sucrose is bad sugar and glucose is good sugar. However, both are classified on the labels as just sugar. For example, sucrose is not additionally added to raisins, because it is rich in glucose and is very useful.
  • Control your weight. Exhaustion is just as bad as obesity. Your dietitian will tell you what weight is most appropriate for you. Keep in mind that only a complex: exercise and nutrition will help you achieve the desired result.
  • Adaptation. It is quite difficult to switch from laziness to a healthy lifestyle. Don't be discouraged if you are tempted to eat ice cream, a hamburger, or something similar. The longer you follow a diet of proper nutrition, the less often you will want to eat all sorts of rubbish.