How to pump up a relief press

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to pump PRESS fast. 100% WORKING METHOD
Video: How to pump PRESS fast. 100% WORKING METHOD


1 Day 1: do 30 minutes of rowing, 25 crunches, and 15 bent hip raises from a prone position. Start with cardio to get your adrenaline rush before moving on to strength training. This combination of exercises will burn fat, tone your obliques, and strengthen your hips and lower abdominals.
  • If your abs or hips get tired or tense quickly, work each side in multiple sets, working up to your target of 15 or 25 on each side.
  • Men should do an additional 10 reps on each side if they are vigorous enough.
  • 2 Day 2: do 30 minutes of elliptical exercises, and alternatively 10 minutes of corkscrew exercise from Pilates and 10 minutes of exercise "penknife" from Pilates. Pilates routines force you to focus on muscle control and slow, mindful movements that create strong, lean muscles.
    • Both the corkscrew and the jackknife stabilize your abs and back muscles, which will help tone your abs and strengthen your back, preventing injury and improving posture.
    • Exercise slowly and carefully until you feel comfortable; then increase your speed slightly, focus on tightening your abdominal and back muscles with each movement, and increase your reps. Take care not to injure your neck, back or shoulders.
  • 3 Day 3: do 30 minutes of running, followed by 40 ball curls and 40 leg raises. These abdominal exercises will work your core and lower abs, as well as your lower back. Alternatively, exercise in sets of 10 without stopping until all 40 reps have been completed.
    • Men should add an additional 10 to 20 reps if possible to maintain proper shape and control.
    • Take your time: the key is to tighten your muscles to control movement.
  • 4 Day 4: do 30 minutes on a stationary bike, followed by 2 sets of 12 scissors with the ball, and finish with 3 sets of 15 squats. If you feel physically able to do extra squats, place your hands behind your head and touch your elbow to the opposite knee while squatting to work out your lateral abdominal muscles in addition to your core abs, do 1 to 2 more sets of 15 of these squats.
  • 5 Day 5: Run 30 minutes on a treadmill, then do 20 boomerangs from Pilates and 3 minutes from one hundred from Pilates. Like many Pilates exercises, these movements work multiple muscle groups at the same time, strengthening your entire core and improving your muscle control.Do an additional set of 10 "boomerangs" and another minute of "hundreds" if you can.
  • 6 Days 6 and 7: Give your body a rest. Allocate 1 to 2 days of rest each week from cardio and 2 days of rest from exercises that target your abdominal muscles, preferably alternating your rest days throughout the week to give your muscles time to recover. Overworking the muscles can lead to injury. Don't try to do abs workouts every day. Good sleep is also required for effective and safe exercise. When you exercise, you actually break your muscles, and if you give them the right time to heal and refuel (following the Diet for Bumpy Abdominals), they will grow even stronger than before. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep if you are an adult, and 8-10 hours a night if you are a teenager.
  • Tips

    • Keep track of your progress and goals. Knowing why you're trying to get abs and recording your accomplishments will keep you motivated and energized. A tracker or journal can help keep track of your exercise program. Scheduling your exercise plan also provides a written reminder of what to do.
    • Opinions about weight loss and muscle training vary. At the end of the day, you have to find something that you enjoy and that you will be able to maintain for a long time. You can always change it until you achieve suitable results.
    • Make a photo diary of your body, but don't shoot too often (once a month is just right). Don't dwell on your photographs, as you can lose motivation if you see the difference right away. If you are consistent in your diet and exercise, you should see changes on a monthly basis. You will obviously not notice the changes in the mirror every day, because any changes will be very small improvements.
    • Remember, diet is also a very important part of your abs plan. Make sure you eat the right foods while you do these workouts.
    • Stretch before and after each workout. Light stretch marks are important; they prepare muscles for activity before exercise, and lengthen them afterwards to minimize cramps, soreness, and pain.
    • You don't need gadgets or a personal trainer to get your abs. No equipment, technology, device, or trainer is needed to achieve your abs. Training to the point of resistance and simple ab exercises, combined with a healthy diet for fat loss, is all that is needed.
    • The main function of the abs is to stabilize the core, which means that basic curls and pull-ups are not necessarily the best when it comes to abdominal hypertrophy. For full stimulation and efficiency, incorporate squats, deadlifts, and extra weight into your workouts, as well as flexion exercises such as crunches.
    • Combining cardio and strength training in your system will speed up your metabolism and build muscle faster as you lose fat.
    • If you do not keep track of your weight for another reason, ignore the reading on the scale. You can reduce body fat, but your weight may remain the same (or even increase) as you build muscle. Muscle tissue is denser than fat, therefore heavier than the same amount of fat. The weight of the water can also change your reading by a surprisingly large amount.
    • Do at least 150 minutes of cardio every week. There is no evidence that long-term cardio workouts are much better than short-term cardio workouts. Long runs a few times a week or a few mini sessions every day for 10 or 15 minutes are equally effective in achieving cardiovascular effectiveness if you are working at full heart rate.You have to work all muscle groups, and you cannot do this if you do the same cardio workouts every day. Effective cardio activity includes running, cycling, and dancing. Make sure you do a few different choices every week, and change your 5 day cardio plan every 2 to 4 weeks to keep your body from getting used to.


    • As with any exercise program, check with your doctor before making major changes to your workout routine, especially if you have health concerns.
    • You can't get abs just by doing abdominal exercises and skipping cardio workouts. Crunches, squats, ab machines, and intense abs workouts are not enough to make you a bunch of cubes. Crunches and squats help build your inner muscles, while cardio burns the fat that covers the muscles.
    • Do not overwork yourself and always rest if you feel that the exercise is too stressful. It is best to build your training plan gradually, according to your needs and capabilities.
    • Some exercises are not recommended for people with lower back problems. Follow directions for any exercise. If you are in doubt or have low back pain, talk to a physical therapist or fitness trainer for appropriate exercise routines or alternative exercises to help ease the strain on your back.
    • No matter how many abdominal exercises you do, you cannot lose fat in specific parts of your body. Without plastic surgery, there is no way to lose fat in specific parts of the body.