How to find missing items

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to find lost stuff ¦ Five top tips
Video: How to find lost stuff ¦ Five top tips


And now you have lost your car keys again and cannot find them. This is a cause for frustration and a reason for problems at work if you are late. But you can find the keys or any other lost item if you calm down and follow the further instructions.


Method 1 of 3: Take it easy

  1. 1 Inhale and exhale. Take a break and take a few deep breaths. Breathing helps you calm down and focus on something else.
    • Sometimes a person experiences stress when looking for a lost thing, but you just need to calm down, and the thing will be found by itself. Your emotional response distracts from looking for a particular item.
  2. 2 Clear your mind. Along with deep breathing, it is necessary to clear the mind of thoughts. Stop thinking feverishly about where you left the thing you are looking for, and simply clear your mind of thoughts.
  3. 3 Remind yourself that this is not the end of the world. Letting the adrenaline take over will prevent you from concentrating. Calm down and take a step back.
  4. 4 Consider the context. What were you doing when you last saw the thing? Where were you going? Based on the context of the situation in which you last saw the thing, you will probably remember where you put it.
  5. 5 Be confident in yourself. Tell yourself that you will definitely find the lost item. By encouraging yourself, you will not only calm down, but also find the strength to search for the right thing.

Method 2 of 3: Finding your lost item

  1. 1 Always check where you usually put the item you are looking for. This means that if you always put your keys next to the door, look at this place first. They could fall off the table or lie under the wallet.
  2. 2 Clean up your apartment. Sometimes the easiest way to find a lost item is to clean up the mess in your apartment. You will be better able to see where what lies, if you remove unnecessary things.
  3. 3 Be systematic. If you are sure that you have lost an item in a particular room, mentally divide it into several parts. Go to all corners, checking under furniture and picking up other things.
  4. 4 Check out unusual places. You could very well put the thing in an unusual place for it without even noticing it. For example, you might put a coffee mug in the fridge, especially if you were awake.
  5. 5 Search carefully. Sometimes we find things in places where a priori they cannot be. Take your time and search the entire room and you will find a lost item.
  6. 6 Check in your pockets. Don't forget to check your pockets for lost items. Examine your coat, pants, wallet, or bag.
  7. 7 Check in the car. If you always carry the item you are looking for with you, check to see if it is in the car, and then look around the house.
  8. 8 Remember what you did. Although this stage has already been passed, having scrolled through all your actions in your head, you will most likely remember where you put the thing and find it. Think about where you were when you last saw the thing.
  9. 9 Look in the same place. If you often lose what you are looking for, look where you found it last time, because it could be there again.
  10. 10 Call where you have been during the day. If you cannot physically travel to a particular place, call and find out if your belongings are there. For example, if you've stayed at a convenience store, call that store and ask if the item you want is out there.
  11. 11 Try to look for the lost item from a different angle. Try to look for the lost item by standing on a chair, leaning towards the floor, looking up and down the room. Sometimes our minds find things faster if we look at everything from a different angle.

Method 3 of 3: How to Protect Yourself from Losing Things

  1. 1 Say out loud where you are going to put this or that thing. For example, when moving a book to another place, say this place out loud: "I put the book on the shelf in the bathroom."
    • Psychologists note that speaking out loud helps to remember.
  2. 2 Determine which things you are most likely to lose. You may be constantly putting your phone in different places. In this case, determine exactly how you are losing it and change your habits. You may be losing it because you forget to put it in your pocket. If so, give yourself a setup to always put your phone in your pocket.
  3. 3 Clean up the clutter in specific areas. If you always find lost items on the table, you can, for example, keep order on it so that you can always see the things on it.
  4. 4 Always look around when you go out. Get in the habit of looking back when you get off the bus or taxi. This will help you remember things in places like this.
  5. 5 Be mindful. Typically, people lose things if their mind is not focused. If you automatically make the usual movements, there is a possibility of putting the thing in another place and forgetting about it. Try to be aware of your actions during the day.
  6. 6 Find the most suitable storage space. Items should be stored in the most frequently used places. For example, you can hang the hook next to the key door, which is where you will find them the fastest.
  7. 7 Always put your belongings in the appropriate places. When you enter the house, hang the keys on the hook. When you take off your shoes, put them on the shelf. By always putting things in their place, you will not lose them.
  8. 8 Write your name on things. If it comes to an expensive item, write the name, address, and phone number on it. In this case, having lost a thing in a public place, you can hope to get it back.
  9. 9 Make it personal. You can, for example, put a picture of children in your wallet. In addition, take a picture yourself, indicating who you are and why you want your camera back if it gets lost. Store this photo on your camera. By making the item personal, you have a chance to return the item in case of loss.


  • Try looking for the item later if you didn't find it the first time. Sometimes at the most crucial moment we cannot find the thing we are looking for, but we instantly find it a little later.If you really can't find the item, ask someone to help you with your search.
  • Don't put things where there is a mess!
  • Ask other people if they have seen a lost item.