How to find a teenage girl

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to watch My Teenage Girl with ENG Sub (kinda)
Video: How to watch My Teenage Girl with ENG Sub (kinda)


As a teenager, it may seem like it's not easy to find a girlfriend, especially if you've never had a relationship. Fortunately, by radiating self-confidence, developing a friendship with a girl, and boldly and openly asking her out on a date, you will probably find out over time that you have a partner without even realizing it!


Method 1 of 4: Get Her Interest

  1. 1 Show her that you are confident by standing up straight and making eye contact. Even if you are not very confident, you can appear to be so by maintaining good posture and looking the girl in the eyes when communicating. This will exude confidence while sending the signal that you are someone she needs to get to know.
    • Self-confidence is good, but arrogance turns girls off.
  2. 2 Smile when she is around. Just smiling will make you feel more at ease in the presence of the girl you like. Plus, it can really lift your spirits. A smile activates the hormones of happiness, the body relaxes and the heart rate slows down.
    • Smiling also affects people on a subconscious level, making them more likely to smile back.
  3. 3 Observe daily good hygiene. Girls are more likely to be attracted to a guy with a clean and well-groomed appearance. Shower every day, trim your nails, use deodorant or antiperspirant, and brush your teeth morning and evening.
    • Good hygiene is important for many reasons, not just the ability to find a girlfriend. It also promotes good health throughout life.
    • If you wish, you can put some cologne on your body when you dress, but do not overdo it, as the strong smell can turn off people.
  4. 4 Wear clothes that flatter your figure. You don't have to wear the most expensive designer clothes to look good. Just wear clean, unwrinkled clothes that are comfortable for you and that make you feel good about yourself.
    • Even if you don't have the money to go shopping, you can pick up some well-fitting clothes in your closet and then ask for clothes or a gift certificate for birthdays and holidays.
  5. 5 Find out if she likes girls if you are a girl too. If you are a female and interested in same-sex relationships, it can be difficult for you to figure out how to find a partner. If you're not sure if she's a lesbian, try asking mutual friends, see if she's flirting with you, or just ask her directly.
    • To casually find out if she likes girls, try saying something like, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
    • Signs that she is flirting with you may include the following: she looks intensely aroused in your presence, she finds excuses to touch or be around you, or she smiles when she looks at you. However, it can also mean that she sees you as a beloved friend, so take your time and make sure before you take the first step.

Method 2 of 4: Talk to a girl

  1. 1 Introduce yourself if you haven't met yet. This will show her that you are confident and that you like her. It might be a little scary to be the one to break the ice first, but take a few deep breaths and remember to talk to her if you want her to be your girlfriend someday.
    • Try asking her a question or asking her to do you a little favor to strike up a conversation. For example, if you are in a class, you might say something like, “Hi, I'm Anton. Do you have a spare pencil? "
  2. 2 Start casual conversation. After you introduce yourself, try to find a way to start a casual conversation.Ask her a question, discuss your studies, or chat about what's going on around you. Even if the conversation is not long, it will let her know that you have noticed her.
    • Avoid serious topics like politics, religion, or anything too sad (at least initially).
  3. 3 Make her laugh. If you can make a girl laugh, she is more likely to want to spend time with you. Try telling a joke, laughing at yourself (but don't overdo it), and find many reasons to laugh heartily yourself.
    • When you get to know her better, start sending her funny messages or memes to make her laugh.
    • If something funny happens next to both of you, turn it into a joke "for your friends" and refer to it in unexpected moments.
  4. 4 Ask her questions about her. Over time, as you interact with the girl you like, ask her questions that will help you get to know her better. Ask her about friends, pets, what kind of music she likes, or anything else that interests you. During the conversation, tell her something about yourself. The main thing is not to dominate the conversation by talking only about yourself all the time.
    • To find out what she enjoys doing outside of school, ask, "How do you spend your weekends?"
    • You can also ask her something like, "What's your favorite lesson?"
  5. 5 Listen her when she speaks. Show that you are paying undivided attention to her words by nodding and giving feedback while she speaks (for example, "Wow!" - or, "I didn't know that"). Try to look at things from her perspective to get deeper into the conversation. Plus, showing empathy can increase your chances of finding a girlfriend.
    • Hearing what she has to say is the best way to find out if you are compatible.
    • It will also show that you care about her thoughts, and she will appreciate it.

Method 3 of 4: Build Deeper Relationships

  1. 1 Spend time with her. There is no need to rush and ask her out right away. Keep your cool and spend some time together to develop strong friendships. In addition to giving you the chance to get to know her better, she too can get to know you and decide if she likes you.
    • If you are studying together, try to interact with her during recess or over lunch.
    • Try to spend time outside of school to keep the environment calm and relaxed.
  2. 2 Do what she likes. It's great to invite her to share your hobbies, but it's important that she sometimes chooses what you do as well. This will show her that you are a versatile person, that you treat her on an equal footing, and that you value your relationship with her.
    • For example, if she agrees to meet you and your friends for a pizza night, accept her offer when she invites you to a movie with her company.
  3. 3 Don't pretend to be who you are not. You are unique, and if you want to find a girl, she must appreciate you exactly for who you are. Focus on your talents and what makes you special, and let her get to know the real you.
    • If you pretend to be someone else and the girl you like understands this, she will most likely not trust you and may not want to take the time to find out who you really are.
    • It's not always easy to be vulnerable around another person, but take your time and gradually open up to it. She will most likely appreciate the opportunity to see you from the other side.
  4. 4 Make her thoughtful compliments. Try not to overdo it, especially during the friendship phase, but if you notice something that you really like about it, please report it. It could be a good grade she got on a test, a dress that suits her especially, or a new hairstyle.
    • You can also praise some of her character traits, for example, that she always behaves nicely, even with unpopular children.
    • Don't compliment her body, as this can make her feel uncomfortable.
  5. 5 Flirt with her. It's important to build a real friendship with the girl you like, but if you're wondering if she would like to date you, try flirting with her. Make eye contact as you talk, look for excuses to touch her arm, keep your arms out of the way, and keep a relaxed posture in her presence to show your interest.
    • The closer you get to know her, the more obvious flirting can be.
    • Give her some space if she doesn't seem open to flirting. For example, if she shows signs that she doesn't want to be touched, back down physically so as not to make her uncomfortable.

Method 4 of 4: Ask her out on a date

  1. 1 Look for signs that she likes you. When flirting with a girl you are interested in, pay attention to her reaction. If she seems to be receptive to your attention, for example, she blushes or smiles when you compliment her, she may like you. If she rolls her eyes or doesn't seem to like your presence, you should probably find another companion to hang out with.
    • Touch her arm, wrist, or shoulder and watch her reaction. If she pulls away, she's probably embarrassed. However, if she allows you to be touched, she may like you.
    • If she strays from you, respect her physical space and don't try to touch her again unless you're sure she wants to.
  2. 2 Pick the right time to ask her out on a date. The best time to ask a girl out on a date is when you are alone in a quiet place with little to no distractions. This way she can really focus on what you are saying.
    • If she is tense, something will distract her attention, or if there are many other people around, wait for a better moment.
  3. 3 Ask her be your girlfriend. How and when you do this is up to you, but it's best to be straightforward. Try to look her in the eye and think about what really makes her special to you. Then tell her that and ask if she wants to date you.
    • Don't think that she will understand what you mean. Make it clear what you want.
    • You can ask her out on a date before proposing to date, or even go on a few dates. On the other hand, you can first invite her to date, and then invite her out on a date. Do what feels most natural to you.
  4. 4 Schedule a time datesif she agrees. Perhaps you should prepare a few date ideas in advance, so you will have a lot of suggestions if the girl says yes to you. Think about what she likes and plan your date based on that.
    • Even if you're on a tight budget, you can still plan an unforgettable date that she will love.
    • For example, if she is very fond of romantic gestures, ask her if she would like to go for a picnic in the park.
    • Other options include cooking dinner for her, going to a soccer game together, or going to a disco she's looking forward to.
  5. 5 Respect her opinion if she says no. Unfortunately, even if you do everything right, there is no guarantee that she will want to date you. It may be very difficult for you to accept rejection, but try to do it with dignity.
    • If she refuses, try saying something like, “I understand, it's okay. See you tomorrow for lunch, ”even if you are very upset. This way, she will understand that she will not have to feel awkward in your presence.
    • The fact that this girl did not become that one does not mean that it is impossible to love you. Do not stop searching and you will find the right person for you.