How to start the year with a clean slate

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 6 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How the Fresh-Start Effect Creates a Clean Slate
Video: How the Fresh-Start Effect Creates a Clean Slate


After New Year's Eve, it's time to work on your New Year's promises! If you're looking for a way to start the new year with a clean slate, consider changing your look, tidying up your life, and setting your goals and intentions. For example, you might change your hairstyle, donate unworn clothes to charity, start exercising, or show more spontaneous acts of kindness more often. It's also important to have a schedule so you can better focus on completing tasks, stay organized throughout the day, and stay positive. Positiveness fills with happiness, which spreads to others, making them happy as well. Small changes can have a positive effect on those around you, so choose wisely. Whichever approach you choose, it's nice to start a new period of life with a fresh attitude and concentration, ready to enter the coming year.


Method 1 of 4: Tidy Up Your Look

  1. 1 Get a haircut to refresh your face. Make an appointment with your hairdresser at the start of the new year. You can shorten the ends slightly for a subtle makeover, or opt for a bold new hairstyle for a radical change of look.This will help you feel energized for the year ahead.
    • For example, if you have long, straight hair, consider cutting it to your shoulders and using a ladder to cut it.
    • If you have short hair, consider trimming the sides even further as a minor makeover. For example, if you have a boy-style haircut, you can make it even shorter.
  2. 2 Experiment with your looks by trying new things. External transformations will give you self-confidence when you enter the new year. For example, you can paint your lips a bright color, get another facial piercing, or upgrade your spectacle frames. Find one that suits your style and budget and dare to do something new!
    • You can also dye your hair a bright color, go shopping for new clothes, or spend money on a new pair of shoes.
  3. 3 Start exercising. Think about your current health and overall athletic goals, and then build a plan to improve your health based on that. For example, you can start by taking a 20-minute walk every day after work, or exercising to participate in an autumn marathon. Start with light exercise and gradually increase the load to stick to your goals.
    • If you're new to sports, find a gym in your area and start attending three times a week. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes each time you start exercising.
    • If you are not in sports for the first time, set a goal to improve your BMI (body mass index), or, for example, pump up your abs by the end of the year.

Method 2 of 4: "Refresh" your worldview

  1. 1 Practice gratitude daily to fill your life with kindness. Practicing gratitude will boost your overall mood and improve your outlook on life. Every day before bed, write down three things you are grateful for. Also, show gratitude to the people in your life by telling them that you value them.
    • For example, you can write something like: "I am grateful for my cat," - or: "I am grateful that today was a wonderful sunny weather."
  2. 2 Incorporate positive attitudes into your daily routine. A positive attitude is a simple, short sentence that can be used as a reminder throughout the day. Positive attitudes will increase your self-esteem over time, which is helpful as you enter the new year. To work with positive attitudes, find a phrase that resonates with you, for example, "I deserve it," or, "I can take on any challenge." Say this to yourself first thing in the morning and throughout the day when you start to doubt.
    • Tailor the attitude specifically to your life and circumstances. For example, if you are trying to be a more responsive friend, your attitude might be "I am cheerful and loyal."
  3. 3 Do spontaneous acts of kindness as often as possible. Spontaneous acts of kindness are small, deliberate acts done to bring joy to the lives of others. Do these actions without expecting to get anything in return, but rather to brighten up someone's day. This is a great way to start the new year on a positive, responsive note.
    • You can give lavish compliments, smile at strangers, and volunteer for charities.
    • Pick up trash from the side of the road, help an elderly person cross the street, or give food to a homeless person.
    • You can also pay for the coffee of the next person in line or leave a generous tip to the waiter.

Method 3 of 4: Tidy Up Your Environment

  1. 1 Start spring cleaning early to clean up your surroundings. After some time after the new year comes, clean your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and pantry. Disassemble all cluttered areas, discard trash and remove items that are out of place. Thus, you will enter the new year with a sense of cleanliness and order.
    • It would also be helpful to have your car cleaned.For example, get rid of all debris and clean up the center console and glove compartment.
  2. 2 Sort your clothes and get rid of things you rarely wear. New Years is a great time to take inventory of your wardrobe and get rid of items that no longer suit your figure or your style. Take the clothes out of each drawer and make one pile for the clothes to keep and another for the clothes that need to find a new home. Then fold your items neatly and return them to your dresser or wardrobe. This will clean up the clutter and freshen up your style.
    • After you create your “new home” pile, consider giving it to your friends, family, or donating to a thrift store.
  3. 3 Cover the walls with a fresh coat of paint to freshen up the room. Consider repainting the walls of your home early in the year. Cover the floor and furniture with protective film, and roller apply interior paint to the walls. For a change, you can choose a new color.
  4. 4 Get some new decorations to freshen up your surroundings. Visit your local thrift store or home improvement store and pick out a couple of new items to update your interior. For example, you can take 2-3 decorative cushions, a rug, a lamp, or a new bookshelf. After adding a few new items, your home will look fresh and refreshed.
    • You can also purchase small items such as paperweights, vases, and magnets.

Method 4 of 4: Define Your Goals and Aspirations

  1. 1 Make it a goal to try one new thing every month. Beyond personal promises, it's helpful to strive to step out of your comfort zone at least once a month. You can schedule to do one new thing every month, or highlight several options and choose from them when the time is right. Be that as it may, make the decision to do something that you have never done before, or learn about something completely new, to broaden your horizons and grow as a person.
    • To do something new, all you have to do is eat a dish you've never tasted before.
    • You can enjoy active sports such as kayaking, horse riding or skydiving.
    • And here are some other ideas: language courses, yoga lessons, or planning a camping trip.
  2. 2 List 20-50 things to try in the coming year. Some time after the start of the year, sit down with your notebook and write down a few things you want to do during the year. Choose simple, uncomplicated things like "eat more vegetables" or specific, realistic goals like "recover at university." Add as many items to your list as you see fit, and cross them off as you complete them throughout the year. The list is a visual guideline useful when trying to set goals.
    • You can use this list to come up with ideas for the monthly “try something new” challenge.
    • Options on your wishlist could be: visit New York, create your own pumpkin design for Halloween (if you're celebrating one), get a dog, sign up for a cooking class, and go to the seaside.
  3. 3 Update your summaryto be ready for new opportunities. Some time after the start of the new year, open your resume, re-read it, and find ways to improve it. For example, if you took up a new position at the end of the year, add it to the work experience section. You can also update the dates to match the new year. That way, if you want to apply for a job, you'll be ready when the time is right. ,
    • You can also update your contact information or address.
  4. 4 Strive to improve sleeping mode. As the new year rolls around, a fuller, more restful sleep is a great goal to add to your wishlist.You may want to do more relaxation before bed, such as taking a bath, drinking chamomile tea, and reading a book. Or, you can go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day to get into natural mode. Better sleep, in turn, will help you feel focused and energized throughout the year.
    • You can also use white noise or nature sounds to help you fall asleep faster.
    • Consider taking a melatonin supplement if you have trouble sleeping. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain that helps regulate sleep cycles. Taking 1-3 mg per day will help you sleep more peacefully over time.


  • Ask a friend to do some of these things with you. This is a great way to make New Year's promises fun and exciting.


  • Don't set too many goals. Sometimes trying to do too many things at the same time leads to depression rather than inspiration. Be realistic - start with simple, doable tasks.