How to think positively

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)
Video: How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)


Negative emotions tend to accumulate and spiral. If you want to stop diving into the abyss of negativity, then learn to let light into your life. You can always find a bright side and stay in a good mood, thereby freeing your life from negative emotions and developing your personality.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Bright Side

  1. 1 Start smiling more. When a person smiles, our brains activate neural messages that increase a positive attitude. Even if you are overcome by a blues, force your face to bring a ray of light into the day. It really works.
    • Do you want a bonus? By smiling, you release the positive outward among the people around you, conveying a good mood to them. Good for everyone.
    • If you are not in the best mood, then whining will not improve it. Try to force yourself to smile so that smiling becomes second nature.
  2. 2 Make small changes to the words you use. It's easy to say words that, even accidentally, can affect your mood. Using positive words instead of negative ones changes your mood and attitude towards life.
    • There is no need to identify yourself and your feelings. Don't say "I'm sad" or "I'm upset." Instead, you can transfer the negative to another plane. For example, "This movie made me sad" or "This is a difficult task that will upset anyone."
  3. 3 Do good, even if you're in a bad mood. Didn't the day go well? This does not mean that you have to live up to it. Instead, keep in a positive mood, and then answering smiles will set you in a positive mood. Here are some ways to improve the mood of others and yourself:
    • Clean the house before your spouse or neighbor arrives
    • Buy coffee or donuts for employees on the way to the office
    • Mow your neighbors' lawn or clear snow from the path in winter
    • Just say hello and compliment a stranger
  4. 4 Be with people you like. It's important for positive thinking to surround yourself with people who are positive and make you better. Try to spend time with people who are friendly, supportive, and appreciate who you are.
    • If you notice that a person always spoils your mood, then try to avoid meeting with him.
  5. 5 Pick an inspiring motto or quotes. If you have quotes or proverbs in a positive way in your pocket book, on your phone or in your head, then you will never succumb to despondency.
    • Subscribe to life-affirming pages on Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook so that online communication also brings only positive things to your world.
  6. 6 Keep a diary. If your mood has soured in the evening, then everything can be corrected. Prepare a cup of aromatic tea and pick up your diary. Just write down the events of the past day. What happened today? What did you do wonderfully well? Something went wrong? Write everything down.
    • Write down three positive experiences and explain why they went well. Write down three events that you failed, and try to find the reason. Try to be as accurate as possible when describing events.
    • Reread what you have written. Sometimes events that you thought were dire may not be so dire when you read them later. Was it worth then to spoil yourself because of them?

Part 2 of 3: Avoiding negativity

  1. 1 Search for reasons. What makes your mood worse? What can ruin your day? Find out what gives rise to your negative emotions in order to be able to cope with these reasons, remove them from your life.
    • Are you upset at certain times of the day? Due to a specific event? Is it because of a certain person? What can make you angry?
    • Maybe you just find it difficult to perceive events positively? If you find it difficult to tune in to the positive even while on vacation, then it is better to consult a doctor, because it can be depression.
  2. 2 Friends are people who support you. If a person does not contribute to your mental health, then they have no place in your life. If a person tires you, condemns or spoils your mood, then he only absorbs your time and energy. Try to avoid or limit your interactions with these people.
    • If you have to communicate with such people against your will, then it is better to immediately outline the boundaries. Be honest with them and tell them that you need some space and you better be alone.
  3. 3 Don't take the words of others to heart. If something brings you pleasure, then you do not need to resist this feeling. If you don't care about something, then you don't need to adjust to the opinion of others. Listen to your own voice and don't attach too much importance to the words of people you don't care about.
    • Do not ask someone else's opinion if it is not important to you. What difference does it make if your work colleague doesn't like the name of your kitten? The main thing is that you like this name.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to others. Rivalry can be a source of negative emotions. Avoid situations in which you have to compare yourself or your skills to other people. These situations create bad moods, resentment, and anxiety. To maintain a positive attitude, avoid situations that require you to compare yourself or compete with others.
  5. 5 Take care of yourself. Do not spare your energy for work and rest. Fill your schedule with activities that will keep you busy that you simply won't have time for negative thoughts. If you are focused and productive, it will be difficult for you to find even a minute for negativity. Think about what you are doing, about your accomplishments, and not about something else.
    • For some, being constantly busy can help release negative thoughts and emotions. For others, the opposite is true. Some people just need a little time to rest. If you are one of them, then try not to limit yourself.
  6. 6 Don't be sad about little things. The most important thing is to be happy and contented, to spend time with family and friends. Anything else? The rest is nothing. They are not worth your mood.
    • Block anything you don't like on social media. If you have a friend who is constantly showing off and annoying you, then simply unsubscribe from him.
    • Of course, if you are in trouble in life and you need to correct the situation, then a positive attitude will come in handy. Skip to the next section of the article.

Part 3 of 3: Making Your Life Better

  1. 1 Lead an active lifestyle. Exercise has a hugely positive effect on your mood by releasing stress-reducing hormones in your body and improving your mood. If you find a set of exercises that you like, and make physical education an important part of your life, then you will certainly improve your perception of the world.
    • Start small. To begin with, arrange walks for 30-40 minutes, walking around the neighborhood at a brisk pace. Nice music in your ears and fresh air is the best stress reliever.
    • Take up a team sport that you like: football, basketball, volleyball. There are probably sports fields in your area where the locals play.
    • If you don't like gyms, then you can find solitary activities to your liking - hiking, swimming or cycling.
  2. 2 Set goals and achieve results. Negative emotions can enter your mind the moment you start to wander around. To avoid this situation, you can set goals and make efforts to achieve them. It may be something insignificant, but the main thing is dedication, not the result.
    • Make a plan for the next five years with a set of goals, and each week try to take a step towards meeting those goals. Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you want to do? What can you do to achieve this right now?
    • If you consider yourself a successful person, but a bad mood prevails over you, then you can become interested in a new hobby. Learn to play a musical instrument or do something you have avoided before.
  3. 3 Make time for the holidays. It's important to take the time to do things that make you feel good. Even if you're busy or not in the best mood, having a holiday in the company of loved ones and friends can help keep you positive.
    • Celebrate accomplishments big and small. Graduation from an educational institution is a reason for a holiday. Even Friday can be a holiday, because working days have come to an end!
  4. 4 Eat well. We are what we eat, and food has a significant impact on mood. Green vegetables, saturated omega-3 fatty acids and folfates are the elements of your diet that can set you up in a positive way.
    • Always have breakfast. According to research, breakfast helps to kick-start the metabolic process, energize and be positive for the whole day.
    • For an energy boost, add the complex carbs found in oatmeal, whole grains, and sweet potatoes to your diet, and avoid simple carbs like sugary cereals and processed foods.
  5. 5 Relax at the right moment. Relaxation is essential for a positive attitude. If you are stressed, learn to take time out and relax when needed. This is not a sign of weakness, but the ability to take care of your health.
    • Take short breaks throughout the day. To recharge yourself with positive, it will be enough to devote 10-15 minutes to rest and listening to calm music or reading a magazine during a busy day.
    • Also, don't forget about vacations and weekends. Use all your vacation days to be able to rest and gain strength.


  • To think positively, you need to avoid people who are negative.


  • Staying a positive person is not easy, but if you want to survive in this world and reap the benefits of success, then you will have to learn to think positively, because a negative outlook on life has a detrimental effect.