How to meditate to fall asleep

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fall Asleep In MINUTES! Sleep Talk-Down Guided Meditation Hypnosis for Sleeping
Video: Fall Asleep In MINUTES! Sleep Talk-Down Guided Meditation Hypnosis for Sleeping


We know that sleep is critical to our mental and physical health, but sometimes falling asleep is a serious problem. Meditation is a great way to help the body fall asleep.There are many types of meditation for this, and research has shown that they are all quite effective. This article describes several meditation techniques that have been shown to help people fall asleep. Try everything and choose the one that suits you best!


Method 1 of 3: Guided Meditation

  1. 1 What is Guided Meditation? This is an audio recording in which you listen to the steps of meditation and just follow them. This works especially well for those who have never done meditation and don't know where to start.
  2. 2 Find a recording of a meditation for falling asleep. You can find many free audio files on the internet or YouTube. You can also buy a CD from a major bookstore or order online.
    • Look for a CD or file with good reviews, or from a reputable source like MIT Medical, which provides a variety of meditation audio files to help you fall asleep.
    • If you've downloaded a free file, it's a good idea to listen to it once before you send it to bed to make sure it isn't damaged or carries any hidden surprises, like an ad at the end.
  3. 3 Customize your audio. Prepare for bed and place the turntable next to your bed. Adjust the volume in advance.
    • Set the sleep or power saving mode so that the device will turn off automatically after playing a recording.
    • It is not recommended to use headphones for this kind of meditation, as ideally you will fall asleep before the end of the recording, and you do not want to get tangled in wires while you sleep.
  4. 4 Get ready and start recording. Put on your pajamas, turn off the lights, and get comfortable in bed before listening to the tape. Then relax and get ready for bed! If you are still awake after listening to the recording, take a few deep breaths and turn the recording back on.

Method 2 of 3: Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Sleep

  1. 1 What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Sleep? This is a technique in which different muscle groups in the body are alternately tense and relaxed, resulting in relaxation. Progressive relaxation can be done day or night for general relaxation, but it is especially helpful before bed. Complete progressive relaxation should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
  2. 2 Sit back. Put on your pajamas and get ready for bed. Dim the lights and arrange pillows and blankets to make you feel comfortable.
  3. 3 Close your eyes and start relaxing. Take a few deep breaths in and out and calm your mind. Concentrate on your body and tell yourself to relax.
  4. 4 Tighten and relax your muscles. Start at the top of your head and work your way down as described. Tighten your muscles so that you feel tension, but not pain. After 5 seconds, relax the tense muscles (some believe that this can be facilitated by a mental message or a voice command to "relax" the tense part of the body). After 10 seconds of rest, move on to the next muscle group and repeat the process.
    • Forehead. Wrinkle your forehead or lift your eyebrows up as if you are surprised, then relax.
    • Eyes and nose. Close your eyes so that your eyes become slits, then relax.
    • Mouth, cheeks and jaws. Open your mouth as if you are yawning, or just make a big face and then relax.
    • Arms. Clench your fists, then release them and relax.
    • Wrists and forearms. Hold your arms as if you are pushing an invisible wall and tense, then relax.
    • Upper arms. Tighten your biceps, then relax.
    • Shoulders. Raise your shoulders to your ears, then relax.
    • Back. Gently arch your back, then relax.
    • Stomach. Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling it in, then relax.
    • Hips and buttocks. Squeeze your glutes, then relax.
    • Hips. Tighten your thigh muscles above your knees, then relax.
    • Ankles and feet. Bend your legs, raising your toes as high as you can, then relax.
    • Toes.Squeeze your toes as hard as you can, then relax.
  5. 5 Repeat the procedure for the muscles that are still tense. If any muscle groups are still not relaxed, repeat the tension and relaxation process 3-4 times.
  6. 6 Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and let your body fall asleep. If you still feel stressed or unable to sleep, repeat the process, starting at the top of your head and gradually working your way up to your toes.

Method 3 of 3: Concentration Meditation

  1. 1 What is Concentration Meditation? During this meditation, you need to focus on your sensations in order to relax your body and mind. It is important not to analyze your thoughts and feelings that appear in your head during meditation; just skip them. The focus should be on the physical sensations you are currently experiencing while lying in bed.
  2. 2 Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Get ready for bed, put out the lights.
  3. 3 Breath. Start with 5 deep breaths - inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Concentrate on your breathing and feel your chest expand and your lungs fill with air. As you breathe, imagine how the events of the day and thoughts go out with the air.
  4. 4 Listen to the sensations. Take a moment to become aware of the sensations of body and mind. Take your time and don't let any thoughts bother you, just let them float by.
    • There is no need to solve any problems now. If something bothers you, look at it with a detachment and move on. Work on solving problems the next day when you rest.
  5. 5 Focus on your physical body. Start at the points of contact between your body and the bed. Is your weight evenly distributed? Think about how your head rests on the pillow and the blanket on your feet. Listen to your body, including your breathing. Pay attention to the temperature in the room and how the air circulates around your face.
  6. 6 Think about how you feel about your body. Is it light or heavy? Do you feel tension or pain? Mentally check your body from head to toe, if tension is felt anywhere, specifically tense that part of the body, and then relax, as in muscle meditation. Do this several times as necessary to completely relax your body.
  7. 7 Focus on your breathing again. Pay attention to the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. Focus on the physical sensations of your breath and the sounds your breath makes. If your thoughts begin to wander, focus again on how your chest rises and falls.
  8. 8 Think about the events of the day in a structured way. Take a few minutes to review the events of the day, from morning to now. Review the whole day, events, conversations, but do not analyze them.
  9. 9 Bring your attention back to the body. Once you have revisited the day to the present where you are lying in bed, return to the sensations of your body and breath.
  10. 10 Disconnect the body. Start with the toes of your left foot, think for a moment about each part of your body, and allow it to pass out or fall asleep. Move up to the waist, and then do the same with the other leg. Then move to the torso, each hand, starting with the fingers, and work towards the neck. Finish with your head and face.
  11. 11 Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and let yourself fall asleep. When the body is at rest, soon the mind will join it. Let your thoughts drift quietly and know that you will wake up refreshed and relaxed.
    • Many fall asleep long before this last step. If you fail, don't worry. Remember, your body wants to sleep, just like you, and soon it will happen. Relax and do not try to forcefully fall asleep.


  • When using meditation as a means of falling asleep, it is important not to dwell on sleep as the ultimate goal, but to focus on the meditation process itself.Sleep will come, but anxiety about falling asleep can delay this process.
  • If meditation doesn't work, consider making your sleeping place better. A dark, cool and quiet room ideal for sleeping. If you are woken up by a bright light from the phone charger, cover the indicator with adhesive tape.
  • If the meditation is disturbed by ambient noises, use a white noise recording.