How to fish in Minecraft

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Everything You Need To Know About FISHING In Minecraft!
Video: Everything You Need To Know About FISHING In Minecraft!


Fishing in Minecraft is one of the ways to collect food for your character, as well as a small chance of finding a special item. All you need to start fishing is a rod and a piece of water. Fish bite better if caught during the day and under suitable weather conditions.


Part 1 of 2: Preparing for Fishing

  1. 1 Create a fishing rod. To do this, you will need three sticks and two pieces of string. Place the sticks diagonally and the threads vertically under the top stick.
  2. 2 Enchant the fishing rod. The following enchantments are available for enchanting fishing rods: Durability increases durability, Lure speeds up fishing, and Sea Fortune increases the likelihood of getting treasure instead of garbage.
    • Charm of Strength comes across much more often than others. At 15th level, the probability of getting a Decoy or Sea Fortune is approximately 35%, at 30th level it is approximately 53%.
  3. 3 Find a rainy area if possible. While the boat is in the rain, the fishing speed increases by about 20%. This means that instead of the usual 25 seconds, you will have a peck every 20 (unless, of course, there is no bait on the fishing rod).
    • It rains simultaneously in all temperate biomes. It is enough to check one forest, swamp or plains to see if it goes at all.
    • If you have cheats enabled, type / weather rain to start the rain.
  4. 4 Clear the area above the water block. Break all the blocks above the chosen fishing spot. Fishing will take twice as long if some block is blocking sunlight or moonlight from hitting the water. Any opaque object (including leaves) will block light, and anything that interferes with movement will block rain.

Part 2 of 2: Casting the Rod

  1. 1 Find water. In the game, it doesn't matter where to fish. You can even dig a hole and pour a bucket of water into it. In this case, it would be nice, of course, to increase the hole by at least two blocks in width and deepen it by two more so that the line does not hit the solid block.
  2. 2 Use a fishing rod on the water. Take the fishing rod in hand and use it on the water (by right clicking on the computer). A fishing line with a float will fly out of the fishing rod.
    • The float can catch on objects and monsters, so be careful.
  3. 3 Wait for water spray to appear. The float will plunge into the water and then float to the surface. Keep watching and listening for noise. When splashes begin to form around the float to the accompaniment of splashing water, use the rod again to hook the prey. If all goes well, a fish or other object will jump out of the water and land next to you along with an orb of experience.
    • If you set the particle effects to minimum in the settings, the splashes will no longer be visible.
    • If you hesitate, the fish will get off the hook. Leave the float in the water to try again.
  4. 4 Pick up the item. If the item doesn't land next to you, look around. If it crashed into a solid block while winding the line, it may be lying somewhere to the side. Here's how likely it is to get an item with an unenchanted fishing rod:
    • The probability of catching a fish is 85%. Most likely, it will be "raw fish", but in addition to it, you may come across salmon, clownfish and blowfish. Caution: Pufferfish is poisonous.
    • The probability of catching garbage is 10%. This includes miscellaneous items such as damaged leather boots, tension gauges, and ink bags.
    • The probability of catching a treasure is 5%. You are equally likely to come across one of six items: Damaged Enchanted Bow, Damaged Enchanted Fishing Pole, Enchanted Book, Tag, Saddle, or Water Lily.
    • These six items can be fished in all versions of the game, but the odds given are for the PC version only.


  • If the line hits a solid block, it will get stuck in it (except for bedrock). This will not prevent you from catching fish, but reeling in the line will reduce the strength of the rod. When creating fishing ponds, consider the distance you need to safely cast your rod.
  • Raw fish has little or no effect on hunger. Cook it in the oven to increase its effectiveness.
  • The fish can be used to tame and breed ocelots.


  • Be careful with the yellow blowfish. Eating this poisonous fish will make your character sick, poisoned and hungry, reducing hunger and health. The negative effects can be removed with a bucket of milk.