How to heal with the chakras

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


There are different chakras in different parts of the body.which may have various violations. Feelings, thoughts, trauma and even illness can accumulate in the chakras, obstructing healthy energy flow. The following approaches can be helpful in connecting to chakras and healing as diseases and so emotional blockages.


  1. 1 Root chakra.
    • Warning Signals: Fatigue, disagreements with family members, disorientation due to lack of grounding.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: Visualize a stream of lava flowing below you, or as your legs and body release roots and extend deep into the ground. Since this chakra overlaps with the problems of its original ("root"), solving these emotional problems will help heal the first chakra.
  2. 2 Sacral chakra.
    • Warning Signals: sexual dysfunctions, hormonal imbalances, lack of creativity.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: The second chakra refers to the person's sexuality and creativity and is associated with the womb. Any creative or sexual release has the potential to connect with this chakra, but only if such an activity coincides with the person's personality.
  3. 3 Solar plexus chakra.
    • Warning Signals: Disorders of the digestive system, weakness in the "main" muscles, low immunity, low self-esteem.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: The energy of the solar plexus chakra is associated with a relationship with self and concepts of self-knowledge. Blockages in this chakra are common and can usually only be mitigated by reassessing personal preferences and life paths. It is best to absorb energy, as well as open and accept your true "I" in a secluded place, without rushing.
  4. 4 Heart chakra.
    • Warning Signals: High or low blood pressure, heart disease symptoms, anger, numbness, fear of love.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: The heart chakra is the center of emotions. To strengthen this chakra, you will need to experience the full range of life emotions: love and separation, pain and joy. Visualizing a bright white light in the center of your chest and slowly expanding it will help awaken this chakra and calm your inner resentment. Keeping a journal or talking with a close friend can also be helpful.
  5. 5 Throat chakra.
    • Warning Signals: Hyper- or hypothyroidism (hyper- or hypothyroidism), frustration, fear, or inability to express oneself.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: Sing, dance, write, speak - express and show your emotions! This chakra is purified through a sincere, open expression of truth. It is strengthened by upholding personal beliefs and supporting other people, ideologies, or groups, but mainly from what comes first.
  6. 6 Eyebrow chakra.
    • Warning Signals: Headaches, lack of understanding, feeling lost, lack of spiritual intuition.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: It will be helpful to call this chakra by another name and to visualize the “third eye” in the middle of the forehead, looking around with keen observation and discernment. Pressing the point between the eyebrows can also help. This way, you take the stress out of yourself and train your patience. Don't think too much - this will overload your chakra.
  7. 7 Crown chakra.
    • Warning Signals: Headaches, anxiety / confusion, fear, withdrawal, lack of trust / hope / faith.
    • How to strengthen the energy of this chakra: The crown chakra represents a connection to everything divine in all its manifestations, as if there is only energy and there is no matter. Imagine a ball of white energy glowing downward and enveloping the top of your head, opening and healing the crown chakra. Stretch the energy downward as a protective shield around your body. It can also help to talk aloud or to yourself with a higher power, goddess, god, guardian angel or spiritual guide.


  • Walking under the sun or moonlight, looking up at the sky, and walking on the ground can also help open the chakras.