How to treat sciatica with exercise

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Safe Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief
Video: 3 Safe Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief


Exercise is a great way to make muscles strong and relieve pain from sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve). While you can do these exercises at home, it is very important to be supervised by a professional physical therapist to avoid injury. Your physical therapist will be aware of your illness and will be able to work out the best type of exercise and training for you. Sciatica exercises work to strengthen the muscles in your back, which support your lower spine, increase your flexibility, and improve your posture.


Method 1 of 2: Exercise

  1. 1 Make a plank to properly straighten your head, shoulders, spine, and hips. By doing the plank correctly, you will improve the health of your spine and improve your posture.
    • Lie face down on a soft surface like a mat. Soft surfaces prevent friction and possible injury.
    • Lift up off the floor with your hands and toes to support your body. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders. Make a double chin and pull your shoulder blades back and down to maintain the desired spine position.
    • Tighten your stomach as if you are about to be punched in the stomach.
    • Contract your glutes and lift your hips.
    • Your head, shoulder blades, and buttocks should form one straight, horizontal line. This trains your core muscles to maintain proper spine alignment. Maintain this position for 10 seconds or until you begin to shake. This counts as an approach.
    • Breathe normally throughout the exercise. Do 3 sets with 30 seconds rest in between. Work until you can do 30-second lifts in good shape.
  2. 2 Do hip lifts to train your glutes and thighs. This exercise corrects the position of the pelvic bones and lower spine.
    • Sit with your arms and back resting on the edge of a sofa or bench.
    • Bend your knees and keep them hip-width apart. Keep your feet on the floor at all times.
    • Raise your body towards the ceiling, pushing out your hips. Bring the muscles of your buttocks together, as if you are about to crush an orange between them. This exercise corrects the position of the hips and lower spine.
    • Tighten your abdominals as you go up. The core muscles will work to maintain the desired position.
    • Exhale and push your body up.
    • Return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps with 1 minute rest in between.
  3. 3 Do a side plank to engage your obliques. These muscles protect the spine from unexpected twists.
    • Lie on your left side on a soft surface.
    • Raise your body by supporting it with your left elbow and the outside of your left foot.
    • Support your body in such a position as if you are trying to straighten up. Look straight, tighten your abs, pull back, lower your shoulders and squeeze your glutes.
    • You must hold this position for 10 seconds, constantly engaging the oblique abdominal muscles on the left.
    • Do 3 sets, holding the position for 10 seconds. Work to achieve 30 second delays in the shape you want.
    • Change sides and repeat.
  4. 4 Slide on the wall. Start by standing upright in front of the wall, lightly touching it.
    • Place your feet straight shoulder-width apart.
    • Place the backs of your hands on the wall, touching the wall with part of your head and above the elbow.
    • Now slowly slide down the wall as if you are trying to squat until your hips are at the correct angle with the floor.
    • Stay in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.
    • Then repeat the exercise 5 times.
  5. 5 Raise your straight legs. Lie on your back on the floor.
    • Keep both legs straight, slowly raise your left leg, keeping your knees straight.
    • Hold the pose for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.
    • Do the same with the other leg.
    • Repeat all 5 times.
  6. 6 An exercise Bridge. Lie on the floor with bent knees, feet flat on the floor.
    • Then lift yourself off the floor with your buttocks, leaving your back straight.
    • Hold for 5 seconds and relax.
    • Repeat 5 times.
  7. 7 Activate the piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle hardens (in a bad way) from prolonged sitting. This muscle pinches the sciatic nerve as it becomes firm. The purpose of this exercise is to keep the muscle active and relaxed. Do outward rotations as described below:
    • Lie face down on a soft surface. You can even do this exercise in your own bed.
    • Move your left knee to the side to create the desired position. This is the starting position. The inside of the left ankle should be placed on the upper back of the right knee.
    • Without moving your hips, chest, and back, lift the inside of your left leg off the floor as high as possible. The inside of the ankle should remain on the back of the knee at all times.
    • Return to starting position.
    • Do 3 sets of 10 reps with 1 minute rest in between.
    • Change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.
  8. 8 Exercise to ease pain in the hernial disc. There are several exercises you can do to ease the pain of a hernial disc by relieving pressure.
    • Lie on the floor on your stomach, keep both legs straight and elbows on the floor in line with your shoulders. Then rise slowly on your elbows and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
    • Stand straight on your feet, place your hands on your hips and gently lean back, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times.
    • Lie on the floor on your stomach with your legs straight, place both hands on your lower back, then slowly raise your head and chest, count to 5, and relax. Repeat 5 times to strengthen your lower back muscles.
    • In the same position, gently raise one arm and the opposite leg as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times to strengthen your lower back muscles.
  9. 9 Be careful when lifting weights. If you have to lift something, calculate the weight you need to lift. Do not lift anything heavy that can strain your back muscles.
    • If you need to lift something heavy, do it right: bend your knees, as if you are sitting in a chair, using your hips, let the muscles in your legs work, not your back.
    • Do not drag heavy things on the floor; instead, gently push them.
  10. 10 Maintain correct posture. Watch your posture when standing, sitting, and even sleeping.
    • Stand straight without bending your back.
    • Sit with your back straight and use a pillow to support your lower back, leaving your feet on the floor.
    • Make sure your sleeping mattress is firm and evenly distributes your body weight, keeping your back straight.

Method 2 of 2: Stretching

  1. 1 Stretch the hamstring. Stand in front of a table and place your foot on it, remaining in a straight position.
    • Try to touch your toes, leaning forward as much as possible until you feel a pull in your hamstring.
    • Hold for 5 seconds, then return your foot to the floor.
  2. 2 Stretch your back muscles. Start by lying on your back on the floor.
    • Bend both knees and pull them up to your ribcage.
    • You will be able to feel a slight pull on your lower back.
    • Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  3. 3 Stretch the piriformis muscle (ankle or knee). Stretching the piriformis muscle relaxes the piriformis muscle and increases its flexibility. The increased flexibility of the piriformis muscle reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve from below.
    • Lie on a flat surface with bent knees.
    • Place your left ankle on your right knee. Thus, your posture resembles a number 4. The outer part of your left ankle should rest comfortably on the front of your right thigh.
    • Pull your right leg forward, remaining in a position similar to a number 4. Grasp the back of your right thigh with your hands and slowly pull your thigh forward. You should feel a stretch in your left buttock. This stretches the piriformis muscle.
    • Keep your buttocks on the floor at all times and linger for 30 seconds. People over 40 should be delayed for 60 seconds.
    • Change legs and repeat the exercise.