How to treat autism

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The SMART Program: Treating Autism and Autism-Related Disorders
Video: The SMART Program: Treating Autism and Autism-Related Disorders


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are developmental disorders that cause significant impairment in social interaction and communication, as well as the presence of atypical behavior and absent-mindedness. ASDs appear before the third year of life and last throughout life. Individuals with ASD respond differently to stimuli and have very different ways of learning. The ability for reasoning and comprehension in people with ASD can range from extraordinary to severely impaired. This group of disorders includes autism. This article provides information to help you treat this disorder.


  1. 1 Ask a professional for help. There is no specific medical examination to detect ASD. Doctors rely on the child's behavioral symptoms during routine check-ups. There are also screening tests that can be done during your doctor's visit. If your child's doctor hasn't done regular screenings, ask them.
  2. 2 Understand that all children with autism are different. The right treatment should be tailored to your individual needs.
  3. 3 Be aware that some parents are using treatment regimens that are not fully supported by pediatricians in terms of coping with autism symptoms. These treatments are called complementary and alternative treatments. There is no scientific evidence that they are in any way effective. The following is a list of therapies that belong to this category and examples of what they include:
    • Energy therapy - reiki, acupuncture, therapeutic touch
    • Alternative medical systems - aromatherapy, homeopathy
    • Manual and body methods - deep pressure, water pressure, hydromassage
    • Brain-body intervention - auditory integration, meditation, dance therapy
    • Biologically active therapy - the use of herbs, special diets and vitamins
  4. 4 Know that magic elixirthat cures autism doesn't exist. There are medications that can help treat the symptoms of autism. The following is a list of symptoms that can be relieved with medication:
    • Outbursts of intense anger
    • Aggression
    • Increased energy levels
    • Self-harm
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Depression
    • Convulsions
  5. 5 Check with your doctor to make sure your child is getting the right treatment for their individual needs.


  • Keep in mind that many great and famous people have suffered from autism spectrum disorders, including Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison.
  • Early detection of developmental delays and prompt intervention can improve prognosis and help a child achieve success.
  • Always maintain close and open contact with your child's pediatrician.
  • Get into the culture with your child.Some people with autism have a rare ability that allows children born blind to learn to play the piano before they go to school, or to solve math equations that even smart adults cannot master. Pay attention to language, writing, visual arts (and other intellectual activities) and you will find what your child does well.
  • ASD can be detected as early as 18 months of age.
  • Children with ASD often have bad temperaments from an early age, so if your child has this kind of problem, or if you are worried that he may have an ASD, start teaching coping techniques from an early age.
  • ASDs include autism, profound developmental delays (including atypical autism), and Asperger's syndrome. These conditions have similar symptoms, but they differ in timing, severity, and the specific reasons that cause them.
  • Remember that an ASD cannot be cured and it will stay with your child for life. Also remember that just having an ASD in a child does not mean that he does not understand what is happening, and is somehow different physically from other people. Try to treat him like an ordinary person, help him if necessary until he is old enough to understand this. Instead, show him that this condition can be as much an advantage as it can be a disadvantage.
  • Some parents feel that changing the child's diet changes the way the child feels and behaves, but this is not the case.
  • It can be helpful to try teaching your child about acting and getting to know other autistic people. Acting will help him develop his social skills, and meeting other people with similar problems can help him perceive the world in brighter colors, or show a way to cope with difficulties.


  • Some children with ASD have psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Support a neurological diversity approach; About 1 in 100 children have autism (girls with autism occur in 1 in 4 cases), but such a child may be more fortunate than one who does not.
  • Children with ASD may also have epilepsy and mental retardation.
  • Some children with ASD may have attention deficit disorder, sensory problems, sleep difficulties, or gastrointestinal problems.
  • Never tell your child that autism is a disease for which there is no cure, it will be bad for them if they feel different or start trying to become like everyone else.