How to make handmade soap

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Complete Beginners Guide to Soapmaking
Video: Complete Beginners Guide to Soapmaking


For those who make handmade soap from scratch, we explain that alkali is essential in the chemical reaction that produces the finished soap. However, the disadvantage of alkali is that it is considered a corrosive substance that can cause burns, scarring and injury without proper precautions.

Fortunately, there are still ways for aspiring artisans to experiment with making their own soap without using lye. One of the methods described here is to use a pre-made Ivory soap and add a personal touch through herbs and essential oils. Working with different shapes to create a finished product can allow you to craft a themed soap that suits your preferences.


  1. 1 Take a handful of your mashed herbs and place them in a bowl. If you want a more concentrated aroma, you can add only one type of herb. Lavender and mint are a couple of good herbs to choose from. Pour 1/4 cup boiling water over your herbs.
  2. 2 Add five or six drops of essential oil to your herbal mixture. Again, the definition of essential oil aromas will depend on your preference. Try not to mix too many oils in the scent to avoid creating an overpowering, overpowering soap odor.
  3. 3 Stir the mixture until the herbs and essential oils are evenly mixed. In another bowl, finely chop up the Ivory soap. Pour boiling herbal liquid and oil mixture over the grated soap, completely covering the soap pieces.
  4. 4 Take a wooden spoon and stir in the herbal water and crushed soap until completely melted. Make sure the grass pieces are evenly distributed in the soapy mixture.
  5. 5 Wait about 15-20 minutes. The soap mixture should thicken well enough while remaining “pliable” and allowing you to fill the molds without damaging your skin.
  6. 6 Divide the mass into smaller pieces. You have the right to either press the portions into the chosen molds for soap making, or simply roll them into balls. When the soap has hardened in the mold, carefully remove it from there.
    • For easier removal of the soap from the mold, lubricate it with vegetable oil before pressing the soap mixture.
  7. 7 Leave the prepared soap to dry for three to four days on a glass dish in a cool place in your home. Enjoy the handmade soap after it dries!
  8. 8 Ready.


  • Instead of essential oils, you could add some of your favorite perfumes to the mix, as long as they are not flammable. Check the list of ingredients in the perfume product first.

What do you need

  • 1/4 cup water
  • Dried and shredded herbs
  • Essential oils
  • About two glasses of grated Ivory soap
  • 2 large mixing bowls
  • Wooden spoon
  • Glass plate
  • Soap stamping mold