How to expel spirits from the house

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get rid of Ghosts, Spirits in your home in one hour~Powerful info that works 100 percent
Video: How to get rid of Ghosts, Spirits in your home in one hour~Powerful info that works 100 percent


The presence of spirits in the house is very rare, and everything does not happen as colorfully as it is usually shown in films. Many people believe that spirits and demons cause clutter and fear in the home, but most often spirits are not troublesome and can be easily driven away. If you have checked everything and are sure that someone lives in your house, know that the situation can be corrected.


Method 1 of 3: How to tell if there is a perfume in your house

  1. 1 Pay attention to the paranormal in the home. Ghosts can manifest themselves in different ways, and these manifestations can be contradictory and incomprehensible.It is important to remember that real spirits are rare, and aggressive entities are even less common in homes, although in Hollywood it is considered differently. Pay attention to the following signs:
    • movement, disappearance and appearance of objects, especially similar or the same;
    • arbitrary switching on and off of electronics;
    • footsteps, strange sounds and voices, windows and doors open by themselves;
    • a sense of someone else's presence, often accompanied by goosebumps, panic, or fear;
    • recurring dreams, especially if they urge you to do something;
    • abnormally hot or cold places in the home, often small.
  2. 2 Look for sources of "paranormal" sounds and activities. This will help you calm down if something seems strange to you. Try to find a scientific explanation for what is happening. Find out what may be the source of strange sounds and lights. Whatever you believe, don't jump to conclusions. Perfume is very rare in homes, and usually everything strange has an explanation.
    • All houses, even old ones, shrink. Because of this, walls can move and make sounds, pipes can whistle and hum. In old houses, this happens all the time, and this is what explains most of the unusual sounds.
    • Strange odors are most often attributed to dampness in certain areas, which forms after rain or flooding.
    • Items can be lost due to open windows, cleaning, or misunderstandings between family members.
  3. 3 Assess your health and stress levels. Of course, it is unpleasant to hear in your address that everything is imagining to you, but in order to prevent this from happening, you need to objectively assess your condition. If you’re nervous all the time, sleep a little, eat poorly, and generally don’t feel very well, you may be experiencing strange things. Don't let your ghost worry spoil your health, both mental and physical. Try to take better care of yourself and get some rest. If you gradually begin to notice that the perfume has ceased to bother you, most likely it was all a matter of stress and overwork.
  4. 4 Try to ignore what appears to you as signs of perfume. Remember that most often people see traces of demons and spirits only when they go to see. What happens if you start to ignore the signs? Remind yourself that ghosts are extremely rare and that you are probably hearing just noise that has an explanation. Let go of thoughts of ghosts. If the manifestations of the spirits persist or become brighter, then you will need to think about it. However, it is very likely that the "spirits" will disappear as soon as you stop thinking about them.
    • If there is a perfume in the house, it will want you to notice it. If you do not pay attention to them, they will cease to disturb you.
  5. 5 If you are not sure if there are spirits in the house, ask a medium, psychic, or cleric to inspect your home. If the situation in the house has a strong negative impact on your emotional or psychological state, talk to a clergyman or esoteric and ask for advice. You may need to invite this person home to assess the situation. Sometimes it is enough to simply cleanse the space with incense or herbs.

Method 2 of 3: How to clean your home

  1. 1 Protect yourself with religious or spiritual paraphernalia that you feel connected to. Anything from Star of David to West African will do. gri-gris... Almost all cultures have items and clothing that are designed to protect the owner from evil spirits. It's important to use what you truly believe in. There is no point in putting on things that you don't believe in, because that won't work.
    • The mascots will also protect the home. Place a crucifix over the door or set up an altar at home to good gods and spirits.
  2. 2 Firmly ask the spirit to leave. Don't be angry or afraid. More often than not, spirits are chased away in this way.The request to leave must be repeated many times, especially during the cleansing of the house. It is important not to feel angry and fearful for two reasons: you will be calmer (which will make the cleansing process more effective), and the spirit will feel that you are not a threat to it.
    • Try the following Latin phrase: "Ecce crucis signum, fugiant phantasmata cuncta" (translated as "behold the image of the cross; all ghosts go away.")
    • Tell the ghost that you don't want to harm him and that the physical world is not where it should be. Convince him that they are waiting for him in another world and that he will be safe there.
    • Remember, not all spirits are evil. The spirit could get lost, confuse something. Perhaps he just continues to cling to life and will agree to leave if asked.
  3. 3 Light a bunch of grass and fumigate the room by rotating the bunch clockwise. This remedy has been used by shamans and clerics for centuries, and it is found in almost all religions. The effectiveness of this remedy has been scientifically proven - it helps a person to relax, calm down. Fumigation of the room allows you to protect the home and drive away ghosts. When fumigating a house, open the windows and take your time - let the smoke fill the room and calm you down.
    • To fumigate the house, long bundles of sage stems and leaves, tied with a rope, are used. The beam is ignited from one side. You can also crush dried sage in a small bowl and set it on fire, then fumigate the room with the smoke.
    • Some crops use other plants instead of sage.
    • Fill the house with smoke, especially those areas where the presence of spirits is felt.
  4. 4 Sprinkle holy water around the house. If you are a Christian, you can get water from the church. Spray water on walls, front doors and window frames, and where you can feel the presence of perfume.
    • Water can be sanctified in many churches. Find out in advance if this is done in the church that interests you.
  5. 5 Say a prayer from your religion or one of the common prayers against spirits. There are many prayers that drive away evil spirits, so choose the one that is closest to you. Don't underestimate this connection. If prayer seems powerful to you, use it. Here are some examples of common prayers against spirits:
    • prayer of the Lord;
    • prayer to Archangel Michael for protection;
    • prayer to the honest and life-giving cross;
    • personal requests for the spirits to leave your home.
  6. 6 Arrange kosher salt on raw rice throughout the house. These two substances are able to drive away spirits and rid the home of negative energy. In this case, you will need to leave a window or door open so that the spirit can leave. If you decide to read a prayer or ask the spirit to leave, say the words and at the same time arrange the salt and rice.
    • Remember, you must trust that you will succeed. If you do not believe or are afraid, you will not get your way.

Method 3 of 3: Working with a specialist

  1. 1 Talk to a clergyman or contact a medium or psychic who performs rituals of exorcism. It is important that you trust this person. If you trust the person, it will be much easier for you to solve the problem together. Trust is the key to success.
    • Ask questions to a clergyman, spiritual mentor, medium.
    • Talk to different people, but remember that there are not so many people who are ready to perform the rite of exorcism.
  2. 2 Understand why not everyone is willing to take on the exorcism. Since perfume is a phenomenon of the other world, you will need the help of a religious leader or medium. However, there is a problem: not all religions believe that spirits can settle somewhere, and not all religions provide methods for expelling signs. Of course, you should continue to adhere to your faith, but be prepared for the fact that more conservative people will refuse to help you.
    • Usually the specialist expresses a desire to look at the house before starting work.Agree to this - it will allow you to calm down if you are not yet sure whether your spirit is alive or not.
  3. 3 Study the history of the house and talk to neighbors to find out where the spirit may have come from. Perhaps there was a murder in your home, but the reasons may be different, from a tragedy that happened many years ago to a death that took a soul that was not yet ready to leave. If you and your assistant are well prepared, you will know what you are dealing with.
    • Knowing exactly why a ghost lives in your home can help you figure out which specialist you need. The spirit can be religious or secular - it all depends on your beliefs.
  4. 4 Find out as much information as possible about the spirit that lives in your home. Record anything that matters and keep a diary of paranormal activity. This information will help the specialist to expel the spirit. It is important to record not only physical phenomena - sometimes the presence of the spirit is felt by the body.
    • Does the spirit seem evil and harmful? Do you feel in danger or is he just bothering you?
    • In what rooms is the spirit usually found and what objects are it interested in? Are there places where he doesn't go?
    • What made the spirit assert itself? When did you first feel his presence?
  5. 5 Remember that a successful banishment depends a lot on your fortitude. After all, spirits are powered by the energy that a person can give them. Fear, especially constant fear, as well as anxiety and restlessness, help the spirit to subdue you. A person who ignores the manifestations of the spirit becomes less susceptible to its influence. In this situation, you play as important a role as the spirit, whichever specialist you choose. Stay calm, keep your head up and your problems will soon be resolved.


  • Be a strong person. Spirits can feed on the energy of weak people, so gather your strength. You may feel foolish about having to resist the spirits, but it's important not to give up. Spirits were once people, and they will bypass the side of a person who is not afraid of them.
  • Often, a symbolic image is enough to cleanse the energy of the house. Hang a cross over the front door, spread sea salt in the corners, fumigate the rooms with a bunch of sage.


  • You can move to the house where the spirits live. Spirits usually remain, however negative entities (eg demons) can behave in unpredictable ways. Spirits and entities can also move to a new home after you, but this is very rare.
  • Explaining all the oddities in the house with spirits should only be if all other reasons were excluded. Do not be nervous ahead of time - try to find all possible reasons.