How to avoid drunkenness

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to minimize hangovers
Video: How to minimize hangovers


It is very easy to get drunk. On the other hand, the ability to drink and not get drunk is an art, or at least the ability to control yourself. And this is definitely a skill that you can develop with experience and willpower without going overboard.


  1. 1 Don't drink. So, it is quite obvious that this is the simplest solution, but often it comes across the most ridiculous excuses or assumptions that force you to drink. How to refuse if everyone else is doing it? This does not make alcohol mandatory. You should actually ask yourself why it is so important for you to keep up with others by supporting the offer of a drink every time you go for a walk or anywhere there is alcohol. And if this is an event at work, why even indulge anyone? This way, by keeping your head clear and unclouded by alcohol, you have a better chance of winning clients, mentors, and deals, rather than giving people the impression of alcoholic despair.
    • Don't drink alcohol when you're worried, unhappy, or stressed.These conditions can make you drink until you drink up the hope of getting rid of emotional pain.
    • Learn to give up drinks. Just say no. If even your assertiveness is gaining momentum, take your will into a fist and bend your line.
  2. 2 Eat before drinking. If you know that you are going to go somewhere where you will be seduced with alcohol - first of all, saturate your belly. It may be tempting to give up food to leave room for alcohol, but that's the trick - it's a one-way ticket to fast drinking and one almighty hangover, not to mention an incomprehensible loss of control between the two. Lack of food in your body will make you drunk much faster, and it is also very risky, as this "binge" can lead to decreased alertness, nutritional deficiencies, judgments, long-term serious health consequences and illness.
  3. 3 Set a limit. Try and stick to the real maximum daily alcohol limits suggested by your government health agency or advisor. Try to even stick to it even harder than the current restrictions. In general, one glass or a standard bottle of the drink is likely to be sufficient, provided that you are not a treated alcoholic and you are not contraindicated to drink alcohol for health or other reasons. And if you are not able to stop yourself after the first sip, it will be difficult for you to limit yourself further, and your limit should be zero; in this case, you will need to use some of the other tips in this article.
    • For men, the maximum drinking rate is in the range of 1-3 drinks per day and for women between 1-2 drinks per day (in some countries there are weekly recommendations). In many countries, complete abstinence from alcohol is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The exact dosage depends on the alcohol serving size in your country, so follow the guidelines recommended by the relevant medical ministry; in addition to gender, restrictions also depend on age, health status, drug addiction or use.
  4. 4 Continue drinking one drink. Decide for yourself that the first alcoholic drink of the evening will be the last, and do so. Drink it alternating with soda, water, or soft drinks purchased at the same time. Also, take it slowly. As you go along, drink one serving per hour until you reach your overnight limit.
    • Another alternative is to dilute non-alcoholic drinks with alcoholic beverages, for example, in shandi - half beer and half carbonated lemonade. You might even ask for three quarters of the lemonade and the rest of the beer!
  5. 5 Use a clever trick. If you find yourself in a place where you are constantly worried that you are not drinking, get creative and pretend that you are drinking when you are not. Ask the bartender to pour soda into a low glass. Ask to add another component to it. The resulting drink in your hand can easily pass for gin and tonic, vodka and tonic, or other alcoholic beverage. Drink and stay sober.
    • You can also pour Coca-Cola. Just instill that this is "cola with something else."
  6. 6 Drink deliberately. Drink in order to feel the taste, not the effect of intoxication. Savor the taste and aroma of alcohol instead of just drinking. Indeed, shell out for an expensive but nicer drink that will be the only drink that evening. Perhaps one glass of aged wine, fine malt whiskey, or aged beer will do just fine. Whatever you choose, consider all the nuances.
    • Bring the glass to your lips and tilt it. Instead of drinking, just inhale the scent.
    • Taste the drink with a sip. If it's not tasty, don't drink it!
  7. 7 Copy the tricks of the wine and beer tasters. If you have to try alcohol in your life, you will soon realize that it is very important to be in control.
    • Drink, don't sip.
    • Keep the glass a good distance from you when not drinking. Keep a distance of 20 cm between you and the glass of alcoholic beverage.
    • As you drink, keep looking through the glass at the room and not at the ceiling. This means you drink less and enjoy more.
    • Evaluate what you drink. This is perhaps one of the secrets of how not to get drunk - learn to appreciate what you drink, and not consider the drink as a means of temporary good mood. Read the previous step on alcohol conscientiousness to achieve this.
  8. 8 Tell those around you something else to stop harassing you with a drink. If you are on vacation with friends who constantly insist you need a drink, tell them that you are not feeling well, that you have to take medications that are incompatible with alcohol, or that you need to get up early tomorrow. Another reason could be that you are cleansing or fasting for medical tests and alcohol may not be part of your healthy regimen.
    • If you don't want to lie, actually sign up for some exercise, yoga, or workout sessions on the beach early in the morning. This will encourage you not to drink to the point of alcoholic intoxication, and will also be a good example for others.
  9. 9 Choose a good place for a drink. You are more likely to drink a lot less when you are in a certain area due to distracting surroundings, such as eating, bowling, darts, or billiards. You are also more likely to skip drinks if the lighting is bright, the area is not crowded, and you feel comfortable.
  10. 10 Avoid temptation. If you know you will want to drink more than you should drink, there are a number of ways to remind yourself to stop. Some suggestions include:
    • Use the rubber band click trick. Place the elastic on your wrist. Whenever you feel tempted to drink, click yourself with the rubber band to make a choice not to drink.
    • Ask a friend to remind you when to stop. This may be a friend who does not drink or knows well his own norm and when to stop. Or it could be a member of your family.
    • Get distracted. Get up and dance, talk to someone for a while, play billiards, order a real cocktail and enjoy it.
    • Hold a soft drink in your hand while chatting if it makes you feel at ease.
    • Allow yourself different rewards like shopping, your favorite treat, going to the cinema, traveling with a friend, etc. instead of alcohol.
  11. 11 If you drink frequently until you are drunk, reconsider your drinking habits and reasons. Are you a conscious or unconscious consumer of alcohol? Do you drink until you get drunk because others are doing it, or is it helping you to bond or relax? Do you drink because it’s the only thing that is offered there? Think about what really makes you drink until you get drunk and what it gives you. If the answer is “not much, but I'm not going to change anything,” do something about your bad habit by taking responsibility and showing others how to have a good time without alcohol.


  • Be aware of alcohol-related problems. There is a wealth of educational information available online and at social centers that talk about alcohol-related problems and illnesses. Grab this and read it to help yourself stay sober.
  • Of course, a pill was created that allows you to drink without getting drunk.Unfortunately, these pills are more dangerous than beneficial, for example, hiding alcohol problems and alcohol poisoning when a person does not know when to stop. At times like this, it’s better not to rely on so-called “miracle pills”, but to pull yourself together instead.


  • Buy alcoholic beverages yourself if you don't trust your friends or others to do so. Even if they have good intentions, buying alcohol for you when you don't want to is unfair and peer pressure.
  • Don't mix drinks. This makes it difficult to control how much you drink.
  • If you eat more, thinking that you can drink more, you will still get drunk. Don't overuse it.
  • If you are unable to drink without getting drunk, talk to your doctor about prescribing therapy or treatment.
  • Avoid discussions about alcohol, making suggestions about who will get drunk, or claiming that you are completely out of alcohol at all. Not because this is a boring topic of conversation, but because it will attract attention as a question, and there will be a threat of an argument - you will be forced to drink if the argument becomes too reasoned and assertive. Instead, change the subject or go to the restroom.