How to avoid internet pornography

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains
Video: How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains


Just google "porn" and the search engine will return a million results. If you, like many, are trying to overcome an addiction to Internet pornography, block pornography in the browser, or prevent your children from viewing it on the Internet, use the tips below.


Part 1 of 3: How to Overcome an Addiction to Internet Pornography

  1. 1 Don't use the internet for a while. To be sure to stop watching pornography on the Internet, you need to limit access to its source as much as possible - the Internet itself. Hide your smartphone, tablet, and computer away, or have a friend or family member pick them up for a while. Don't surf the Internet for a few days to clear your mind and body.
    • Ask a friend to help you. Spend an entire day offline together, leaving all your electronic devices at home so you don't use them at all. Together, it will be easier for you to deal with it.
    • If you decide not to use a smartphone, you will need a regular push-button mobile phone. You can buy such a phone at any cell phone store. Before buying a phone, make sure that this model really cannot be connected to the Internet.
  2. 2 Get help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. If you have health insurance, find a psychotherapist who can be covered by it. Some professionals evaluate their services based on the financial capabilities of their clients. Be sure to check if your chosen therapist specializes in this kind of addiction.
    • For residents of Russia: compulsory health insurance does not cover the services of a psychotherapist. However, in some cities there are centers for free psychological assistance to the population, where highly qualified specialists are employed. If your employer or yourself pays for voluntary health insurance (VHI) with the fullest coverage, it probably includes psychotherapy as well. Find out from your insurance company whether your policy covers such services, to what extent and what specialists working on VHI can advise.
    • Resources can be found online to help you cope with your pornography addiction. They provide the ability to download e-books or even offer to seek online advice. On the other hand, to take advantage of this option, you need access to the Internet, and this can be fraught with danger.
  3. 3 Find a hobby that truly captivates you. Do something new and interesting. It is advisable that at this time you are out of the house or that you do not have access to the Internet. As soon as you feel the urge to watch pornography, distract yourself with a new hobby.
    • If you find it difficult, calculate how much time you spend watching pornography and think about how much useful and constructive you could do in that time.
    • Many of those who previously had an addiction to Internet pornography say that the new hobby not only took their minds, but also made life better, more interesting, and also helped them feel their importance and usefulness.
  4. 4 Use your imagination. If you've looked at pornography on the Internet to get sexually aroused, try using your own imagination. If you are dating someone, introduce your partner. Imagine a little, and then come back to reality.
    • Agree that when you watch pornography on the Internet, you are just passively watching someone translate your sexual desires and fantasies into reality. Or maybe you should try to implement them yourself.
  5. 5 Communicate with your partner frankly and honestly. By hiding your addiction from your partner, you risk losing his trust, which can lead to a break in your relationship. Be honest and frank, talk about your struggle and that you are going to get rid of this bad habit.
    • Your addiction affects your partner's life, whether you notice it or not. Any addiction can cause a deterioration in the relationship, as the partner will try to understand what is happening to you. Upon learning of your addiction, your partner may be shocked, embarrassed, or feel betrayed. When trying to get rid of this addiction, consider your partner's feelings.
    • Explain to your partner how they can help you and appreciate their support. Your partner may also need counseling. You can try joint psychotherapy for couples.
  6. 6 Install programs or filters on all your devices that block pornographic materials. It will be easier for you to resist the temptation to view pornography if you take steps to automatically block pornographic material on all electronic Internet devices.
    • It is better if you do not set the password yourself, but your partner or friend whom you trust. If you are tempted to remove the lock or filter, you will not be able to do it yourself.

Part 2 of 3: How to Avoid Browsing Pornography

  1. 1 Download and use a reliable and secure web browser. These browsers include Google Chrome and Firefox. These browsers block certain types of websites and cannot harm your computer.
    • Google Chrome and Firefox have add-ons or extensions that can be installed on the browsers themselves to block pornographic sites and pop-ups. After downloading a browser, go to the database of add-ons or extensions for that browser to install the blocker in it.
    • Turn on the pop-up blocker in your web browser. Thus, if a pop-up advertisement of a pornographic nature appears on any web page, it will be blocked by the browser automatically.
  2. 2 Set the "safe search" mode in your search engine. Using Google, go to "Settings". This button is located in the upper right side of the screen. Click Turn On Safe Search to hide inappropriate content.
    • With Safe Search enabled, any inappropriate content, including pornographic sites, will be blocked. Search results in all categories, including images, are blocked.
    • This function can be easily turned on and off, and it is also possible to block it with a password or pin code. Use this option if you want to block inappropriate content for everyone in your family from search results.
  3. 3 Block the viewing of pornography on all devices with Internet access. Pornography can be viewed on any web-enabled device, including smartphones and tablets.Make sure Safe Search and Blocker are turned on on all devices you use.
    • To set this lock, refer to the instructions for your smartphone or tablet. You can install and use them in different ways, depending on the phone model and the browser installed on it.
  4. 4 Don't open spam emails. Suspicious emails are automatically filtered into the spam folder found in almost any email. It is important not to open such messages, not to follow the links indicated in them, and not to download attachments. If you receive an email from a recipient you don't know or from a suspicious account, please be aware that the content may be dangerous to you.
    • Pornographic material is found in approximately 25% of all spam messages. In addition to pornography, such spam emails can be contaminated with viruses, so do not open them or download what they contain.
    • Do not reply to such messages. If you reply, the spam sender will receive confirmation that your account is active. He will continue to use, sell and send spam to your email address.
  5. 5 Perform a security check on your computer. With a variety of free, effective anti-malware and anti-spyware programs, you can scan your hard drive for viruses and then remove them. If you have malware on your computer, you are more likely to see pornographic pop-up ads. Therefore, be sure to remove them from your hard drive.
    • Use a free program that is easy to install and convenient to use, such as BitDefender or another antivirus. This will help protect your computer from malware and spyware that make it more vulnerable to virus attacks.

Part 3 of 3: Protect Your Family from Internet Pornography

  1. 1 Talk to your children about the rules for using the Internet. These rules should apply to laptops and computers as well as smartphones, tablets and other portable devices.
    • The first thing to do to protect children from online pornography is to discuss the topic with them. Explain the dangers of pornography and list any things that you think they shouldn't be looking at.
    • Discuss what the penalty will be if they do not follow these rules. Try to explain in such a way that your children understand that they should not, under any circumstances, look at such materials.
  2. 2 View your kids' browser history. Even if blockers are installed, you can find ways to bypass them. If you type in a search, for example, "childbirth" or "breastfeeding", the search results may display materials that pass through the pornography filter, but are still inappropriate for children to view.
    • Make sure that the children cannot unlock the lock or filter you have set. Come up with a password or pin code that they won't guess.
    • Don't forget to update your browser security. If your browser needs an update, be sure to download and install it. These protections will help block pop-up ads, which may also contain pornography.
  3. 3 Place your home computer in a prominent place. Ask all family members to use their personal computers or laptops in full view or without closing the door to their bedroom.
    • It's harder to keep track of what your child is looking at on a tablet or smartphone, so try limiting the amount of time you use them. You can set a rule not to leave your tablet or smartphone in the bedroom at night.


  • When planning to purchase a browser extension, first use the free trial to see if it meets your needs.
  • Having decided not to use the Internet and a smartphone for a while, tell your friends and family how else you can contact you.