How to avoid pornography

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains
Video: How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains


The internet is a big and wonderful place. A place that contains many temptations and dangers. Whether you are protecting yourself and others from watching porn, or trying to combat an addiction to pornography, you will find helpful tips in this article.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid Porn

  1. 1 Clean your computer. If you find porn on your computer (no matter how it got there), delete it.To do this, follow these steps:
    • Clear your browser. Clear your browser cache, browser history, and search history. If you open a porn site even by accident, the browser will remember this and display ads for porn sites and other unsafe sites.
    • Scan your system for viruses. If you see pop-ups related to porn (and indeed any), then the system may be infected with a virus. Show your computer to a technician to remove the virus, and then install antivirus software that can protect your system in the future.
    • Be careful with the search terms and sites you visit. Some searches lead to pornographic content and untrustworthy sites that contain malicious code. Turn on the "Google Safe Search" option to protect yourself from dangerous search queries and untrustworthy sites. Open only trusted and trusted sites.
  2. 2 Filter internet traffic. This will allow you and other users to avoid watching porn. You can block access to all sites except for a few select sites, or block access to only certain sites (for example, adult sites). Choose the most suitable method:
    • Use StayFocused, a browser extension that lets you control which sites you can access and how much time you can spend browsing those sites.
    • Turn on Parental Controls (Windows). This is a powerful feature that protects your family members from many online threats.
    • Set up free OpenDNS software to block inappropriate content across all devices in your home. This program is often used in schools and is suitable for protecting your family members.
  3. 3 Choose media. Some media are more likely to distribute unwanted or dangerous material. Because of this, it is only necessary to select certain media. Films are very easy to select by their rating, but it is much more difficult to do it with television programs. Turn off channels that show porn and watch shows before showing them to your family. Controlling content online is the most difficult, so use filters or significantly limit the time your family members spend online.
    • For example, YouTube has a content filter to help you protect yourself and your family from adult videos. At the bottom of any YouTube page, click the Safety: Off button.
  4. 4 Spend time with your family, not alone. Move all computers to rooms where your family can go, and do not close the doors when working on the computer. It will help you and your family members fight porn addiction.
    • For example, move your son's computer from his room to the living room.
  5. 5 Avoid public places where you can see (view) pornographic material. If in a public place you find pornographic materials (in any form), refuse to continue visiting such a place.
    • For example, on the outskirts of the city, you may find pornographic material more often than in other parts of the city.
    • If you see porn while commuting or walking to work, change your route.
  6. 6 Avoid being punished. Many people think that punishment (including physical punishment) is a good way to get rid of bad habits, but no one should be punished for watching porn. Punishment is effective because the person experiences pain, discomfort, shame, and humiliation. However, these feelings and emotions, caused by punishment for watching porn, can lead to an aggravation of the problem, up to the disruption of a person's sexual life.
  7. 7 Encourage. Whether you are trying to get rid of your porn addiction or want to protect your loved ones from doing so, rewards are the most effective motivator.
    • For example, reward your son with additional pocket money if he spends no more than 5 hours a week on computer work.
    • You can also reward yourself by eating sweets, for example, if you don't watch porn.
  8. 8 Rate the problem. Sometimes viewing pornography is not a problem. You must assess the situation from different perspectives and decide whether you should take the necessary action to control it.
    • For example, if your son is addicted to watching pornography, then this is quite normal during puberty. In this case, pornography is the best solution for releasing sexual energy; banning porn may cause your son to look for other ways to get rid of his pent-up energy. Not only can you let your son watch porn, but you can also tell him that overuse of adult content leads to a misunderstanding of sexuality and that this addiction needs to be controlled.
    • If you are concerned that, for example, you are not seeing porn of your own free will, talk to your spiritual guide. Many religions teach that wrongdoing is not our fault.

Method 2 of 3: Develop Healthy Habits

  1. 1 Swap bad habits for good ones. For most people, watching porn is just a habit. One of the best ways to break a bad habit is to replace it with a healthy habit. You have to keep yourself busy with something else when you feel like watching porn.
    • Physical exercise. Replace porn viewing with exercise, such as running around your block or going to the pool.
    • Clean up the house. Many are accustomed to cleaning only some rooms, for example, in the kitchen, but forget about the need to clean the toilet and bathroom.
  2. 2 Make sure you don't have time to watch porn. Tighten your daily schedule to the point where you don't have time for porn (since you will have many other things to do). For example, take up a new hobby (for example, write articles for Wikihow), learn a new skill (this is useful and fun), or find another way to occupy your time (it is best to spend more time with friends and family).
    • For example, you can start learning a new language using free online services like Duolingo. Learning a new language will not only take your time and save you from watching porn, but it will also benefit you in life.
    • Or start practicing martial arts. The Japanese martial art of aikido is for people who are not strong; in aikido, the opponent is defeated with a minimal amount of movement, which is suitable for people who have little experience or are not in good physical shape.
  3. 3 Seek out a spiritual guide if you are unable to cope with bad habits on your own. Although religion cannot help all people cope with this problem, it does help many people and should not give up this opportunity. Do whatever can help you, and don't listen to other people.
    • Go to the nearest temple (or other structure designed for worship in the religion you belong to) and talk to the priest (imam, rabbi, etc.). You may need to make an appointment, but someone will be sure to talk to you at any time.
  4. 4 Find the best way to sexually defuse your porn addiction. Find a sexual partner who shares your views and try to diversify your sex life. This will discourage you from watching porn.
    • If you already have a loved one or a loved one, diversify your sex life with your partner. You may have to put in a lot of effort, but it will be worth it.
  5. 5 Think about the reasons that might make you give up bad habits. Adequate level of motivation (if any) will allow you to effectively control your desires and impulses. However, it works best if you combine motivation with the other methods we've talked about, such as rewarding or setting up internet filters.
    • Think about the influence your loved ones have on you. For some people, the negative impact of porn addiction on relationships with their wives or girlfriends, or the fear that children might see porn, are enough factors to stay away from pornography. If you are young and still living with your family, think about what will happen if your little sister catches you watching porn.
    • Think about your own feelings and free time. Some people are perfectly motivated by the negative effects of pornography on themselves. Polls show that sexual activity increased in 60% of men who stopped watching porn, and almost two-thirds of men felt more energetic and active. Porn is very time consuming (for those who are seriously addicted to porn), so imagine what you could do in that time.
  6. 6 If you are unable to overcome your porn addiction, see your doctor or psychologist. Porn addiction can lead to even bigger problems, so don't put off fighting it until later.
    • Talk to your family doctor about your problem. Even if a doctor cannot help you, they will refer you to the right specialist.
    • There are specialized resources on the Internet such as Sex Addicts Anonymous. Groups of such people are struggling with a specific problem, and they know perfectly well how to help you.

Method 3 of 3: Help Others Avoid Porn

  1. 1 Don't judge people. The first thing you should do when helping other people fight porn addiction is not to judge them. Don't portray the situation in a way that makes the person feel guilty for what they are doing. Sexuality is a normal human phenomenon. Most religions teach that you should not judge other people. By judging people, you make it harder for them to break the habit. Many people who were ready to change close after conviction and do not want to fight porn addiction.
    • Remain calm and avoid judgmental phrases such as "Why are you different from your older brother?" or "If you take a great interest in pornography, you will become a pedophile!" Don't make assumptions about what people think or compare them to other people.
  2. 2 Talk about your problems. It is best to start the conversation with something that bothers you personally. Sometimes people just don't understand that they have an addiction or how it can affect other people. If you are open and honest, it will be easier for you to connect with people and explain the situation to them.
    • Say something like, “I know you enjoy watching porn, but I'm worried about how it will affect you. Life is not limited to only this - there are many interesting things that you can do right now and that will bring you joy, but you spend all your free time in your room. Take more from life. "
  3. 3 Help people understand that their behavior is offensive. Talk to them about the negative consequences of being addicted to pornography. In doing so, use a variety of arguments and evidence. If you are talking to a believer, focus on religious arguments; otherwise, focus on real evidence, logical reasoning, emotional reasoning. Use different types of arguments and evidence if you are unsure which one will work best for a person.
    • An example of a logical argument: “Think about the impact your pornography will have on your sex life! You are used to changing your partner with a simple push of a button, that is, very quickly. This will negatively affect your ability to maintain long-term relationships with your sexual partners. "
    • Example of an emotional argument: “What happens if your little sister sees you watching porn? What will she think of you? As a young woman, she may be intimidated by such a relationship between a man and a woman, which could affect her adult life. "
  4. 4 Try offering the person a different activity to do instead of watching porn. For example:
    • Offer to study a new subject (with you) at a nearby study center. For example, consider attending and paying for a cooking class (for you and for the person you are helping to get rid of porn addiction).
    • Distribute household chores. For example, if your son spends a lot of time in his room in the evening, assign him daily evening walks.
  5. 5 Develop a plan of action in case your efforts fail. Porn addiction is very difficult to fight and it does not always end with success. Therefore, develop a plan of action in case your efforts fail so that neither you nor the person you are trying to help feel frustrated. Frustration can lead to negative feelings and thoughts that overwhelm all previous efforts. Dealing with porn addiction will take a lot of time and effort, so please be patient.
  6. 6 Get rid of excessive sense of responsibility. Understand that, after all, you cannot be held accountable for everything someone else does. You are trying to help people who have matured or are on the verge of making independent decisions. They will face challenges throughout their lives, and they must learn to deal with these challenges. You cannot control the lives of other people - that is not your responsibility. If the people you tried to help get rid of porn addiction felt negatively affected, then those are their problems, not yours. You have done everything that you could do, and no one can ask more of you.


    • Try taking a cold shower or drinking cold water.
    • If your body needs sexual release (masturbation), try doing it without watching pornography. Over time, your brain will become less and less obsessed with pornography, and soon you will be in complete control of yourself.
    • Plan some special activity (going to the gym, reading, painting, and so on) if you have an irresistible urge to watch porn.
    • Outdoor activity reduces pornography cravings. Play a sport like golf, jogging, swimming, basketball, cycling, or gardening.
    • Believers can find help by turning to their faith, or by talking to a like-minded person or church minister.
    • Throughout the day, go through the list of reasons why you want to break this bad habit and the list of things to do to keep you from relapsing.
    • Mentally break your life activity into three types: 1 - Green (safe - not leading to temptation); 2 - Yellow (dangerous, which can lead to temptation, for example, watching TV channels alone); 3 - Red (actions directly leading to the viewing of pornography).
    • As soon as you feel that you are approaching the yellow zone, it is time to react: stop and find some safe activity.
    • How badly do you want to get rid of your porn addiction? To do this, you need to sacrifice something.Ask yourself, do you really need internet at home? Do you need cable TV? Or a TV in general? It may sound like a last resort, but the lack of internet and television will severely limit access to pornography.
    • Don't spend a lot of time alone in front of your computer.
    • Throw away your Ethernet cable or give it to someone and only use the Internet in the library, university, public places. After developing alternative behaviors and controlling thoughts, you can connect to the Internet (using an Ethernet cable) at home.
    • Install a filter program that will control you by the person you trust.
    • If something looks intriguing, don't let curiosity take over. Just remove it or close the window.
    • Be wary of sites in countries where internet pornography laws are overly lenient. The last two (or more) characters indicate the domain name of the country of origin of the site (for example: - German domain name).
    • Be careful when visiting video sites such as YouTube; many videos may contain porn. If you need to watch a video, watch it, and immediately close the window. Do not stay on such a site.
  • Do not register on porn sites. Even if you delete your account, your data will still be stored on the site server.
  • Think about your family and friends: how you might disappoint them if they find out what you do in your free time. How would you feel if you knew that your son / daughter is watching this? Even if you don't have children or they are very young, how will you feel if they watch porn when they grow up?
  • Don't open spam. Filter and block it. If that didn't work, change your email address.
    • If you get lost, don't give up. Keep fighting.
    • Porn addiction can be compounded by feelings of shame, loneliness, and hopelessness. If you need help and advice, you can turn to a priest, your family member and friends; with their help, you will gain some emotional support. Perhaps you should join a group of people with the same problem and work on it together.
    • After you have had a relapse, identify the reasons that prompted you to return to watching porn. Get rid of anything that may be causing the problem, and then you will have more opportunities to completely get rid of the addiction.
  • In order to find some information on the Internet, use search engine filters.


  • It is quite common to find advertisements for pornographic content on unreliable sites, such as sites related to pirated content, hacking and gambling.
  • Do not contact sites that offer you free keys for various programs. These sites usually have banners with explicit pornographic content that will tempt you.
  • Don't click on links in questionable emails that end up in your inbox (don't open such emails at all!). If this is a link you want to follow, copy and paste it into your browser instead of clicking on it. Very often, links hide scripts with malicious code.
  • Don't try to guess the site's address. Many porn sites have similar URLs to non-porn sites. Use internet search engines
  • Be careful when working with search engines: do not enter ambiguous words like "girls", "pussy" and some others.
  • Don't assume that the most important thing is the number of days you haven't watched porn. You can hold out for a year or two, and then lose it. Although, having held out for quite a long time, you need to ask yourself: "How far am I from porn addiction now?" In other words, avoid complacency.
  • Don't open attachments in suspicious emails. To protect against pop-ups and other malicious codes, use a free email service to register on sites.
  • It is very important to get support from your wife and girlfriend, but you need to choose the right moment to inform her about your addiction. If she is unaware of your porn addiction, the news could have a devastating effect on your relationship.