How to get rid of evil gossip

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to deal with Gossip, Backbiting & Slander - Mufti Menk
Video: How to deal with Gossip, Backbiting & Slander - Mufti Menk


Are you annoyed by what people say about you behind your back? Stop it now.


  1. 1 Don't gossip. This will build confidence. If someone has the audacity to write gossip about you, then they probably do the same to others, which ultimately leads to a loss of trust in them. Do not say: "Well, she ...", but rather say something like "This is not true, but you can remain unconvinced about this."
  2. 2 Find the source of the problem to understand who exactly is making up and spreading the gossip. Make sure you are absolutely calm before doing this. Ask why the person is spreading gossip. However, it is not necessary for a specific person to be the source of the spread of gossip. Oftentimes, most rumors arise from one misunderstanding that turns into a much more serious problem.
  3. 3 Live your life so that people understand that this gossip is a lie. Rumors are a form of social bullying and it is important that you do not let the bullying affect your life.
  4. 4 Be polite to the person who spreads the gossip to show that you are the best. Even if you hate him to the core, don't give them such pleasure to see that it affects your life in some way.
  5. 5 Refute gossip when asked about it. If you lose your temper and start making excuses, it will seem like you have something to hide.
  6. 6 Contact a higher authority (director, boss, or someone else) if you think you are being threatened. Ask to remain incognito and report a conflict you have with a certain person. If the authority you contacted does not take any action, then you should contact a higher authority, etc.
  7. 7 Make friends with a gossip-spreader's friend. This will help you win the battle.
  8. 8 Sorry, but don't forget. After you win, the gossip will probably want to be your friend. Even if you don’t feel like it, refuse so that others will not be accustomed to behave this way with you in the future.
  9. 9 Continue to live as if nothing happened.
  10. 10 Don't tell anyone everything about your personal life and business. Be careful with who you trust, as not everyone can keep secrets and, moreover, you do not know who can listen and watch you. Try to keep a low profile. If in doubt, ask someone you can trust (parents, boss, best friend, relatives).
  11. 11 Don't let gossipers know that you are angry, defensive, or upset. This will give them a reason to think that you are hiding something. It is best to be calm, honest, and consistent.
  12. 12 NEVER ask them not to interfere. They may think that you are hiding something, and your rudeness can anger them and cause them to spread rumors about you to others. As a result, their pressure on you will increase.
  13. 13 Be confident in yourself. Even if this is not the case, then you can try to become one. You must exude confidence even in the most difficult situations. The key to confidence lies in knowing your benefits. Show them to the world, but don't forget about modesty!
  14. 14 Keep calm. Even if you have had the worst day of your life and are having a hard time dealing with it, you should still remain calm as you are invincible!
  15. 15 If malicious gossip, rumors and false information becomes serious enough, then it goes beyond bullying and can lead to you losing your job and problems with the law (crime, defamation, insult).


  • Stay away from gossip or any other discussion that includes swearing, sarcastic remarks, sarcasm, humiliation (just yawn modestly, thereby making it clear that this topic is not interesting to you).
  • Remember that it will come back to them!
  • Gossip is usually based on lies. Someone wants to feel better about humiliating other people. You are beyond that. Let go of the situation, because very soon they will get bored of all this and they will stop.
  • Use formal phrases such as "Take into account the source", "If you do not use too obvious an insult, he (a) will not understand whether to take offense or not."
  • Be above that. Don't say / write anything about anyone that you don't want to hear about yourself. Be a decent person. Gossiping can seem easy. But all you have to do is tell the others that you don't want to be involved. You will see how quickly people will start to trust you after that.
  • Rumors can really hurt, but you shouldn't lose your cool. Very soon people will switch to another topic.
  • Remember that gossip and chatter does not help you find new friends, it can only cost you yours. This not only damages relationships and reputation, but can also get you into serious trouble.
  • Think about the old sayings “If you have nothing good to say, then it is better not to say anything, do not wash dirty linen in public, even the most careless conversation can cost lives. If this does not concern you, then do not poke your nose into other people's affairs, keep your mouth shut and your thoughts to yourself. "
  • Remember, if you were told something in secret, then keep this information to yourself.
  • Find a creative way to express your feelings. Try drawing, sewing, writing, or starting a group.Try to express your feelings symbolically so that the gossip doesn't know exactly how you feel.
  • If you feel that perhaps they are not talking about you, try to say something interesting, but not true and not evil. Over time, you will see if this imaginary gossip has changed or remains the same as you voiced.


  • Don't let insults ruin your life.
  • Remain calm and remember that when people ask if this is true or not, just say “No” and say it’s a lie and translate the topic. Good luck!
  • Never lose your temper in front of their eyes. Always be calm, even if you feel like arguing with him / her.
  • Do not pay any attention to insults in your direction. Most of them are deceitful, because in reality they only indicate envy towards you.
  • Avoid gossiping. Also, avoid confrontation, but try not to look like a coward.