How to get rid of algae in a fountain

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to clear green water in a fountain | Any Pond Limited | UK
Video: How to clear green water in a fountain | Any Pond Limited | UK


Algae often irritates the owners of water fountains.Depending on environmental conditions, algae can regrow every few weeks, even with constant use of anti-algae treatments. In addition to the fact that algae does not add beauty to the fountain, they can also interfere with its work. While there is no surefire way to get rid of algae in a fountain, there are a few things you can do to prevent it from building up. Regular cleaning of the fountain and proper maintenance of the pump will help prevent algae from growing in the fountain.


Part 1 of 3: Install the fountain

  1. 1 Place the fountain in the shade. Direct sunlight accelerates the growth of algae. Install the fountain in a shaded or covered area to minimize algae growth.
    • If you do not have a completely shaded area on the territory, a partially shaded area will slow down the growth of algae.
    • If there is no shadow source, place an umbrella or canopy near the fountain.
  2. 2 Fill the fountain with water and plug it in. After installing the fountain, fill it with clean tap water, such as a garden hose. Then insert the plug into a power outlet to connect the fountain to the power source.
    • The fountain can also be filled with chlorinated water. It will act as a disinfectant and prevent unwanted growth of biological organisms.
  3. 3 Add algae remover. It is best to start using anti-algae products immediately after turning on the fountain or deep cleaning it. These funds can be bought in an online store, as well as in hardware and hardware stores.
    • If you are concerned about the health and safety of the fauna that will use the fountain, buy a product that is safe for animals. Most of the products sold at hardware stores and pet stores are safe for animals, but check the packaging just in case.
    • Popular choices are Tetra AlguMin and Tetra Algizit. If fauna is not a problem (for example, if we are talking about a fountain in the house), then a cap of bleach can be used as an anti-algae agent.
    • Before adding the algae remover to the fountain, check the instructions to make sure the product you purchased will not harm the fountain.
    • The instructions for each remedy will vary, but it is often sufficient to simply add the product to a running fountain on a regular basis.

Part 2 of 3: Monitor the Status of the Fountain

  1. 1 Change the water in the fountain once a month. Changing the water will help remove the live algae and prevent it from building up in the pumping system. Drain all water from the fountain and let it dry completely before refilling with water.
    • Before refilling the fountain with water, you need to rinse the fountain itself and wipe off all deposits and deposits from the surface of the fountain and its decorative parts (for example, from pebbles).
  2. 2 Clean the pump. The pump is responsible for the circulation of water in the fountain and slows down the growth of algae. Wipe the various parts of the pump with a sponge or stiff bristled toothbrush and distilled water.
    • If you need to open the pump to get to the inside of the pump, follow the owner's manual. All pumps are different and what works for one may not work for another.
  3. 3 Submerge the pump under water. The pump will not run until you submerge it in water. Keep it underwater at all times to ensure proper water circulation and prevent the build-up and growth of algae on the surface.
    • Typically, water must be added to the fountain during the first few days after starting to operate to keep the pump submerged.
  4. 4 Deep clean the fountain. Deep clean the fountain every two months. Turn off the fountain, drain all the water, and wipe it down with a fountain cleaner, which you can buy from a specialty store or order online. Use dishwashing liquid as a last resort.
    • Choose dishwashing liquid if you need a product that is safe for animals (such as birds and small mammals) that will use the fountain.
    • Brush the fountain with a toothbrush to scrape off algae and other organic matter.
    • Remember to thoroughly rinse the fountain out of the dishwashing liquid, as it can damage it.
    • Clean the inside of the fountain pipes with a pipe cleaner available at any hardware or hardware store.

Part 3 of 3: Remove Algae from the Fountain

  1. 1 Clean the fountain. If you find that algae is present in the fountain, the first step is to thoroughly clean its individual parts. Disassemble the fountain and rinse each surface with soap and hot water, and allow them to dry completely before reassembling.
    • Before soaping and rinsing the fountain, wipe it down with distilled white vinegar or a cleaning solution by diluting 1 cup (240 ml) of bleach in 4 liters of water. Rinse the fountain well to rinse off the bleach.
  2. 2 Use an algicide. Unlike anti-algae agents, algaecides are used to eliminate flowing algae in a fountain. You can buy the product at your local hardware store, online store, and specialist retailers.
    • Read the instructions on the algicide bottle to learn how to use the product correctly. Check the instructions for how much to add to the water and how often.
    • For fountains, it is better to use non-metallic algicides, since the likelihood of staining after them is small.
  3. 3 Replace pump. If there has been a lot of algae growth in the fountain for a long time, consider replacing the pump in order to improve the circulation and movement of the water. You can do this yourself or call a specialist. It all depends on the size of the fountain and your experience.
    • Fountain pumping systems can be very different from each other. Check your user manual to find out what components are required for your fountain.


  • There is no substitute for regular cleaning of the fountain. It doesn't matter what kind of water or how many anti-algae products you use, you still need to clean the fountain regularly.
  • If the fountain is used by birds or other animals, you should consider the effect of certain substances on their health. Read the labels on the packages and, if there is nothing about this, contact the manufacturer for the necessary information.


  • Since the bleach will destroy metal, it can harm some parts of the stainless steel fountain.
  • Do not use copper cleaner if the fountain contains natural copper or powder coated copper parts. The copper will lose its protective layer due to the cleaner, which will accelerate its wear due to weather conditions.

What do you need

  • Toothbrush
  • Sponge
  • White vinegar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Tap water