How to get rid of "ears" on the hips

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 7 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove the "ears" on the hips?
Video: How to remove the "ears" on the hips?


1 Avoid processed foods. Let's clarify the situation. Getting rid of "ears" is not some difficult science: after all, these are just fat stores that your body, unfortunately, decided to store in such an inconvenient place. The first thing you should give up? Harmful products. They are high in empty calories, unhealthy fats, and very few nutrients. So give them up!
  • Anything fried or already cooked and packaged goes on the prohibited food list. As well as pastries and sweets. If food isn't a good source of protein, vitamins, healthy carbohydrates, or fats, it isn't right for you. This means that you will switch to everything fresh and start cooking!
    • It is impossible to completely avoid these products and it is illogical to say that they are completely banned. So instead of thinking “This it is forbidden", Think of it as a treat that you can indulge in from time to time.
  • 2 Choose healthy carbohydrates. Your body is good for foods that contain complex carbohydrates and a lot of fiber, such as brown rice, whole wheat products, quinoa, vegetables. With them, you will not get hungry so quickly, and they will give you energy for a long time. Processed carbohydrates, if not immediately converted into energy, can accumulate in the form of fat. Avoid foods such as white rice, white bread, cookies, tarts, and cakes.
    • Need some advice? Use eggplant strips or salad instead of bread. When you go to a restaurant, tell them that you don't need a basket of bread. Order brown rice instead of white, and replace your spaghetti with whole grain pasta, quinoa, or thinly sliced ​​vegetables like bell peppers.
  • 3 Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. You may have heard somewhere that you need to eat a rainbow, and this is true. The more food of different colors, the better.How to do it? Vegetables and fruits! Nutritionally, they are invaluable - they are full of vitamins and minerals and very few calories. You can eat a kilo of salad and everything will be fine - imagine if you ate a kilo of fried chicken!
    • Green leafy vegetables are especially beneficial. Spinach, collard greens, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli? Great choice. But carrots, onions, peppers, pumpkin - brighter vegetables - are good too.
    • Blueberries, oranges, bananas, apples, kiwis, grapes, strawberries and papaya are superfruits. They are full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Plus they are just delicious!
  • 4 Consume healthy fats. Yes, there certainly are. And they are good for you! A diet that includes healthy fats (but not too much a lot, of course) can help lower cholesterol levels and protect your heart. So while unhealthy (saturated) fats are worth cutting out, healthy (unsaturated) fats may remain in your diet.
    • Healthy fats are found in nuts, avocados, olive oil, and oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and trout. The main thing is to observe the measure: even healthy foods can be harmful if consumed in excess.
  • 5 Drink water. It may be too good to be true, but it really is. Drinking more water can save you extra pounds when the only effort you have to make is to bring a bottle or glass to your mouth. Seriously! Studies have shown that people who drink the right amount of water and a little more (about 3 liters for women and 4 liters for men, including the water contained in food) weigh less. Cold water can even speed up your metabolism! So keep a bottle handy; it's awfully convenient.
    • The health benefits of water are not limited to weight loss. It is good for the muscles and organs, for the skin, hair and nails, promotes the regularity of certain processes that are not usually talked about in public, makes you feel full and can even energize you. Plus, when you drink water, you are not drinking those sugary bubbly drinks that are bad for you!
    • Replace all sugary drinks in your diet with water: sodas, tea and coffee with sugar, lemonade and juices.
  • 6 Eat three meals a day. You should eat in three whole meals, with light, healthy snacks in between. So you will not feel hunger and strive to satisfy it with something harmful. Avoid skipping meals; this will harm your diet rather than help.
  • 7 Create a plan that you can stick to. All this talk about not eating junk food is good, but if you don't have a plan, it will be difficult for you to stick to these rules. You know what you have to do, but what are you will do? Find a plan that suits you and your goals.
    • Consider setting a calorie goal for yourself for each day (our article "How to Calculate How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Lose Weight" can help you with this). If you don't like this idea, target a certain amount of vegetables (or make a similar rule). And keeping an eye on it today is as easy as shelling pears with smartphone apps!
    • Make a training plan. Do you want to train 4 times a week? How long? Do you want to exercise until you burn a certain number of calories, or target a certain time or amount of exercise?
  • Part 2 of 3: Physical Activity

    1. 1 Know that you cannot shrink just one part of your body. This is not what you would like to hear, but it is true. While you can tone your thighs, the fat will still be there. So endless leg raises won't help you achieve the results you want - it has to be a combination of diet, fat loss, and toning. We wish that weren't the case, too!
      • Each person has a slightly different body.Some begin to lose weight from above, some from below, some from the abdomen, some from the limbs. In other words, it can take patience. You may notice that your belly began to shrink before your hips. If this is your case, relax. You are on the right track.
    2. 2 Burn the fat first. This is the number one goal. To get rid of those "ears" from your slim thighs, you need to get rid of fat. What's the most efficient way? Cardio training. No ifs, ands, or buts. 4 or 5 times a week, ideally 30 minutes, but you can also break this down into shorter workouts.
      • There are dozens of types of cardio exercises - it's not just running! You can work out on an elliptical trainer, ride a bike, swim, box, play tennis, even dance! If it makes your heart beat faster, then this is for you.
      • If you don't like exercising for long periods of time, try intense interval training. It has been seen that they burn more calories in less time. So train for 15 minutes on a treadmill, alternating between walking and running. Your heart will beat faster and after that, burning calories!
    3. 3 Then move on to building muscle. Once you get rid of the fat, you have to work on what is underneath - otherwise you will become what they call "skinny fat" or "fat skinny". So after cardio, before or at a completely different time, start pumping your muscles.
      • If you don't like dumbbells, you can use your own weight to strengthen and tone your body. Planks, squats, lunges, burpees - they will all help you tighten your figure. Pilates and yoga are also great activities that will bring results!
    4. 4 Don't forget variety. Workouts get pretty boring if you don't diversify them. In addition, if you do the same thing over and over again, at first it can bring results, but then the forward movement will stop and you will run in circles without any progress. To deal with plateaus and frustration, start cross-training. In other words, do different sports! It's also the best way to stay motivated.
      • So take a break from the gym and head to the pool. Use an elliptical trainer instead of a treadmill. Go hiking, tennis, or rock climbing. Take a free trial Pilates class, try hot yoga, or sign up for a Zumba. The possibilities are endless!
    5. 5 Take every opportunity for physical activity. Even if you can afford no more than an hour at the gym with your schedule, that doesn't mean you can't find activities throughout the day to stay active. You will be surprised how many calories you can burn by doing a few yoga poses while you watch TV!
      • Small actions add up to a big effect. So park away from work, go up and down stairs, walk your dog longer, do a spring cleaning, dance while you dress and pack your bag. Still skeptical? Experts at the Mayo Clinic have concluded that the calories burned during daily activities are more important than they could imagine. Trust these people!

    Part 3 of 3: Helpful Exercises

    1. 1 Take steps forward. Most gyms have workout benches or step platforms; perhaps you have your own if you train at home. Take a dumbbell in each hand, lower your arms at your sides. Step onto the bench with your right foot, then your left. Step back off the bench with your right foot, then your left. Repeat 10 times. Change your leg and repeat the exercise 10 more times.
      • Beginners should start with 1 kg dumbbells and gradually work up to 7 kg. Aim for 3-4 sets for each leg.
      • Accelerate! See how much you can do this exercise and do more with each workout.
    2. 2 Perform side leg raises. Wear leg weights and hold onto a wall or stable furniture to maintain balance. Raise your straightened right leg as far forward as possible. Lower your leg and repeat 10 times. Change your leg and do the exercise 10 more times. Legs should be straight! You should feel a burning sensation!
      • Aim for 3-4 sets for each leg. Of course, do as many as you can at first, but gradually increase the number of reps and sets.
    3. 3 Perform leg raises while lying on the floor. Stretch your legs and lie on your right side with one thigh on top of the other and resting your head with your right hand bent at the elbow. Raise your leg as high as possible and lower it. Repeat 10 times and change sides. Tighten your abs! Your core muscles should always be tense.
      • Aim to do 3 sets for each leg over time. You can also use an expander or leg weights to increase the load.
    4. 4 Perform leg raises from a position on all fours. Get on all fours with your palms under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lift your left leg, bent at the knee, as far as possible to the side. Hold for 2 seconds and lower it back. Tighten your abs and thighs. Repeat 10 times and change legs.
      • When you get good at this exercise, do it quickly, practically bouncing when you change legs. When you lift your left leg, push it out with your right. Can you do this for a full minute?
      • Aim to do 3 sets for each leg over time. 3 is a good number of sets for almost any exercise.
    5. 5 Do squats. It is good if you can do them in front of the mirror - this way you will constantly monitor the correct position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and grab dumbbells. Raise them to shoulder level with your elbows bent and squat with your stomach in.
      • Lower yourself so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position and rise. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. Try to linger in the squat as long as possible. And for another 5 seconds!


    • It is a good idea to check with your doctor before starting a workout, especially if you are experiencing pain in your lower body or have any health problems.

    What do you need

    • Step exercise platform
    • Dumbbells
    • Ankle weights
    • Expander