How to get rid of birds

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Birds Without Killing Them! That’s Just Being Humane!
Video: How To Get Rid Of Birds Without Killing Them! That’s Just Being Humane!


1 Determine the type of bird. Some species are easily identifiable, but if you are not sure, you need to find out to understand if they are protected by law. Some countries and states take the protection of local fauna quite seriously.
  • To determine the type of birds that bother you, write down their basic shapes and features, color and behavior.
  • Sparrows, starlings and pigeons are protected by state or federal law, although they may also be protected by local regulations.
  • 2 Determine if you can move the birds. Once you know what species of birds you are dealing with, check if you are allowed to relocate nests according to local laws.
    • Mexican finches, African pigeons, wandering thrushes, kinglet and barn swallows are protected by law, so if you see their nests, you better leave them alone. They usually nest for two weeks before laying eggs and do not leave until the chicks hatch. Then you can go and move the old nest.
  • 3 Move any other nests. If allowed by law, then moving nests can serve as a signal for birds that this dwelling is unfavorable. After removing the nest, clean the area with strong disinfectants.
    • You may need to do this repeatedly. For example, if a sparrow recovers its nest, you should drive it out as early as possible.He may try to restore the nest again, but if you stop him in time, the bird may give up and fly away.
  • 4 Find out what attracts birds. It will be much easier to move and keep birds away if you first find the reason for their invasion of your property. Of course, there are some things you can't change, but there are a few things you can do to turn your home into an inhospitable place for pesky birds.
    • Once again, it is helpful to know what kind of bird you are dealing with. You may find that certain things can attract or drive away certain types of birds. For example, a raven scares the distress signal of other ravens. It is enough to use voice devices that imitate this sound to scare them away.
  • 5 Move all sources of water. If you have a bird drinker, moving it will make it difficult for birds to build nests in your yard. If you do not have a drinker, check the area for any standing water or rainwater accumulation nearby. Get rid of them as well.
    • Eventually, you will turn your yard into an unfavorable habitat for birds, and they will fly away to another place.
  • Part 2 of 2: Drive the birds away

    1. 1 Install a bird repellent. Spread a spiked net on garden beds and windowsills. Sharp, vertical wedges will prevent birds from squatting. It is not difficult to build such a thing and requires little cost. If you notice leaves or dirt stuck between the thorns, you will have to clean them out.
      • If you live in a populous city and notice a pigeon problem around your home, install anti-intrusion spikes around the perimeter of your roof in addition to window sills and ledges.
      • Birds as small as starlings are not intimidated by anti-invasive thorns and sit between the thorns.
    2. 2 Install visual deterrents. Plastic scarecrows that scare away birds can be placed in the yard. It is cheap and non-polluting, but birds can soon get used to scarecrows and become ineffective.
      • Try using plastic owls, snakes, coyotes, or swans depending on which species are pestering you. You must remove them immediately, otherwise the bird will understand that they are artificial.
    3. 3 Hang up glowing strips of aluminum or metal foil. Some birds, especially woodpeckers, are easily frightened by glowing objects. Hang long pieces of aluminum foil where woodpeckers congregate. It is best to hang them in trees. The wind will sway the ribbons iridescent with light.
    4. 4 Use audio devices. More specifically, use a device that simulates an alarm for the species of bird you are trying to get rid of. Birds instinctively notify each other of danger, so the birds should fly away as soon as they hear such sounds.
      • Birds are good at distinguishing between real alarms and recordings, so look well at sound simulation companies. Choose a device with results already available and successfully tested by other customers.
    5. 5 Isolate all possible nest and roost sites. Look for small spots around your home or on the walls around your yard where birds can nest. Use construction padding, metal wool, glass, wood, or wire mesh to seal or cover any hole larger than half an inch.
      • You can also cover the bottom of the beams with a mesh. This will also help prevent birds from nesting there. The netting can also be useful to cover the fruit trees from which the birds eat, making it harder for them to settle in your yard.


    • Catching and freeing birds is highly ineffective. When you catch a bird, make sure you are far from your home before releasing it. Despite your best efforts, there is no guarantee that they will not return to your home.
    • Understand that it is very dangerous to use chemicals against birds. Birds usually play an important role in the local ecosystem, even in the most populous environment.So when you poison the birds, you basically poison the whole neighborhood with native species and also, very possibly, the aquatic environment.
    • Do not use a sticky, sticky protective additive. Birds' skin and feathers can become sticky and slow down their movements.