How to get rid of pinworms

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pinworms | How To Get Rid of Pinworms | Threadworms Treatment (2019)
Video: Pinworms | How To Get Rid of Pinworms | Threadworms Treatment (2019)


Pinworms are small parasitic worms that cause severe itching in a person's anus. Sometimes you can deal with minor infestations of these parasites yourself with home remedies. However, due to the fact that pinworms are extremely infectious, it is recommended to seek medical attention to get rid of them as soon as possible. After reading this article, you will learn how to get rid of pinworms.


Method 1 of 3: Maintaining good hygiene

  1. 1 Observe perfect cleanliness. The life span of pinworms is about six weeks, so during this time you and your family members need to strictly monitor personal hygiene and keep the house clean, eliminating possible foci of infection in time.
    • Pinworms are extremely contagious, so hygiene is necessary for all family members, without exception.
    • Even after getting rid of these parasites, you can re-infection from a person whom you yourself may have infected earlier.
  2. 2 Wash your hands often. To prevent pinworms from spreading, wash your hands often with warm water and soap.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly after every use of the bathroom and changing bedding.
    • Children should be taught to wash their hands and make sure they do it regularly, as the infection is often carried by children.
  3. 3 Trim and clean your nails. Pinworm eggs often get caught under the nails when scratching, so you need to trim your nails short and peel them off to reduce the chance of infection.
    • Cutting your nails will also help you to avoid the harmful habit of nail biting, which increases your risk of infection.
  4. 4 Wash your clothes, sheets and towels. Since pinworm eggs can get on your clothes, as well as on bedding while you sleep, you should wash your clothes daily in hot water and powder.
    • Underwear, pajamas, towels and washcloths must be washed daily throughout the infection period.
    • You should also wash your bedding daily, unless you are taking any antiparasitic medication. In this case, it is necessary to wash the bed linen on the first day of treatment, and then wash it every three days.
    • Dry your laundry in a tumble dryer. Heat is more effective at killing worms than other drying methods.
    • To prevent the spread of infection, provide separate towels and washcloths for each family member.
  5. 5 Wash every day. For pinworm infestations, take a hot shower at least once a day. When doing this, use soap and shower gel rather than just pouring water on it.
    • Pay special attention to the skin near the anus, washing away all possible pinworm eggs from there.
    • Showering in the morning will eliminate more pinworm eggs than in the evening.
    • A shower is preferable to a bath, as it reduces the risk of parasite eggs spreading to other parts of your body. When you take a bath, the eggs of the worms can get into your mouth or other areas of your body.
  6. 6 Clean potentially contaminated surfaces. This is very important, as pinworm eggs can stick to things that you touch frequently, such as clothes, toys, dishes, and furniture. Outside of the human body, the eggs of the parasite can remain alive for 2-3 weeks.
    • Clean the toilet seats daily with special detergents.
    • Clean and disinfect shelves, tables, and other surfaces regularly.
    • Clean and disinfect children's toys.
    • Store your toothbrushes in a closed drawer and rinse with warm water before use.
  7. 7 Stop itching. Although pinworms usually cause severe itching, you should refrain from scratching the area around your anus, otherwise pinworm eggs can get on your hands and under your nails, and then spread to other people.
    • By brushing the infected skin, you can bring eggs under your nails.
    • Wear gloves at night to prevent combing during sleep.
    • Trim your nails. Thus, even if you accidentally scratch yourself, there will be less chances that you will bring the eggs of the worms under your nails.

Method 2 of 3: Home remedies

  1. 1 Add more probiotics to your diet. Eat probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, or take probiotic capsules. Probiotics promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system, thereby creating an unpleasant environment for worms.
    • Add one glass (250 milliliters) of yogurt to your daily diet, or take 2 capsules of probiotic supplements, which will significantly increase the probiotic content in your digestive system.
    • When buying and consuming probiotic supplements, always follow the directions that come with them.
  2. 2 Drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar daily. Dissolve a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water and drink this mixture every day. Some people think that the acid in vinegar creates an environment that is unfavorable for pinworms.
  3. 3 Eat plenty of garlic. Garlic acts as a natural anthelmintic to help the body get rid of worms and other intestinal parasites, so if you suspect that you or someone in your family has pinworms, include it in your diet.
    • Increase the amount of garlic in your diet.
    • You can also take garlic tablets 2-3 times a day to increase the dose. Take the tablets for a few weeks or until symptoms are relieved.
    • You can also take two crushed garlic cloves mixed with a teaspoon of honey daily.
  4. 4 Take grapefruit seed extract. This extract is another recommended home remedy for pinworms; you can get it at a pharmacy or health food store. Grapefruit seed extract is believed to have antiparasitic properties.
    • If you prefer grapefruit seed extract tablets, take one tablet 3 times a day. If you chose a liquid preparation, it is recommended to dilute 10 drops of the extract in a glass of water and drink this mixture three times a day.
  5. 5 Reduce your sugar intake. Minimize your intake of foods rich in starch and sugar, as pinworms absorb sugar, which leads to their rapid reproduction and growth.
    • Keep your sugar intake to a minimum: Some believe this step can starve the parasites to death.

Method 3 of 3: Medication

  1. 1 Get over-the-counter anthelminthics. Look for oral preparations containing pyrantel pamoate. This substance paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms, as a result of which they are excreted from the body along with the stool.
    • To determine the required dosage and frequency of use, follow the instructions on the package.
    • This medication should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you have liver problems.
    • Pirantela pamoate can interact with other drugs and food additives, so it is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking it.
  2. 2 Ask your doctor for a prescription for antiparasitic medicines. People who are extremely uncomfortable with severe worm infestations are usually treated with powerful antiparasitic drugs that quickly kill mature worms.
    • Albendazole and mebendazole are two of the most common drugs used to treat worms. These medications prevent the worms from absorbing sugar, causing them to become depleted and die.
    • These drugs can cause mild gastrointestinal distress, including abdominal pain and nausea.
    • More serious side effects include sore throat, fever, bleeding or bruising, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If you experience any unusual side effects, you should immediately stop taking the medication and consult your doctor.
    • The doctor may not recommend taking these funds to pregnant women and children under two years of age.
  3. 3 Buy an anti-itch cream. Ask your doctor for an itch cream that is safe to use near the anus. These creams are available with or without prescription.
    • Although antiparasitic drugs are sufficient to eliminate worms, you may still experience scabies during the first stage of treatment. This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, since even after getting rid of mature worms, their eggs can still remain in your body. By brushing your skin, you can spread the eggs, which will worsen the situation.
  4. 4 Be prepared to re-treat. Two weeks after the first cycle of treatment, your doctor may recommend that you get a second cycle.
    • The symptoms of pinworm infestation may subside or disappear altogether after the first week of treatment, but this only means that the medication has killed the mature worms. A second course of treatment will relieve you of newly hatched worms that were not eliminated in the first cycle.
  5. 5 Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene. While the drugs are effective, you and all your family members need to practice good hygiene to reduce the risk of re-infection. To prevent re-infection and reduce the risk of passing pinworms to others, follow the guidelines listed in Method 1.


  • Because children do not understand the importance of hygiene, they often act as carriers of worms. Teach your kids how to avoid pinworm infestations and make sure they follow your directions.
  • Try a combination of the above methods for getting rid of pinworms to be more effective.


  • Pinworms are highly contagious, so the entire home should be treated to reduce the risk of re-infection and spread of infection.
  • Over-the-counter anthelmintic drugs can interact with other medicines and supplements, so check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking them.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before treatment, as some drugs may not be safe for them.