How to get rid of numbness in feet and toes

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Foot and Toe Numbness When Exercising
Video: How to Treat Foot and Toe Numbness When Exercising


Numbness in the feet and toes can be caused by a variety of causes and is often accompanied by a tingling sensation. Often, numbness occurs simply as a result of sitting your leg, but it can also be associated with serious medical conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. It is important to know what causes numbness in your feet and toes, as it can not only affect your ability to walk, but it can also be a symptom of more serious problems.


Method 1 of 3: Accidental numbness

  1. 1 Move around. Numbness in feet and toes is often due to sitting or standing motionless for a long time. The best way to get rid of this kind of numbness is to move around by stimulating circulation in the feet. Try walking for a bit or just wiggle your leg while still sitting.
    • Regular exercise will help you not only get rid of the numbness that has already occurred, but also prevent it. Try to keep moving throughout the day - even a short walk will be beneficial.
    • For some people, numbness can occur as a result of strenuous exertion, such as after jogging. If this is the case, try to reduce the load by doing less intense exercise, such as swimming or cycling.
    • Stretch your muscles before exercising. Exercise with comfortable shoes and on a flat, horizontal surface.
  2. 2 Change your posture. Numbness often occurs when sitting in a position that pinches the nerves in the leg. Try not to squat or cross your legs for extended periods.
    • If you have to sit for long periods of time, try raising your legs from time to time to improve blood circulation in your feet.
  3. 3 Don't wear too tight clothing. Overly tight pants, socks, and other items of clothing worn on your feet can obstruct blood flow to your feet, causing them to numb. To improve blood circulation, loosen these items or change them to looser clothing.
  4. 4 Massage your foot. Gently massaging your numb feet will help restore circulation and relieve numbness faster.
  5. 5 Warm your foot by wrapping it in a warm blanket or electric heating pad. Numbness and tingling in the foot may occur due to cold. Warm your frozen foot well to relieve numbness.
  6. 6 Wear comfortable shoes. Numbness can be caused by shoes with high heels or tight socks that squeeze your toes. Your feet and toes can also become numb if you wear too tight shoes, especially during exercise. Find comfortable, well-fitting shoes. You can use insoles to make your shoes more comfortable.
  7. 7 Know when to see a doctor. Accidental numbness is experienced by all people from time to time, and should not be particularly worried about it, especially if it is caused by obvious reasons, such as sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time or wearing tight clothes and shoes. However, if you often feel numbness, or it does not go away after a few minutes, you should see a doctor to make sure that the numbness is not due to any more serious cause.
    • Get immediate medical attention if numbness in the foot is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, paralysis, loss of bladder or bowel control, or poor speech.
    • During pregnancy, the feet and toes are often swollen, which can lead to numbness. If your doctor has told you that the numbness is caused by pregnancy and not by any medical condition, follow their recommendations on how to relieve your condition.

Method 2 of 3: Diabetes-Related Numbness

  1. 1 Establish a diagnosis. Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of chronic numbness in the feet and toes.This condition causes nerve damage and impairment of blood circulation in the feet, resulting in numbness. Numbness is often one of the first signs that diabetes is developing, so if you occasionally experience numbness for no apparent reason, you should see your doctor and get tested for diabetes.
    • Numbness is a very serious symptom in people with diabetes because it often prevents them from feeling the pain in their feet caused by pricks, cuts and hot objects, which can lead to serious injury and injury.
    • Poor circulation, in turn, slows down wound healing, increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, with diabetes mellitus, the feet require particularly careful care.
  2. 2 Monitor your condition. With diabetes, the best way to prevent circulatory problems and neuropathy, which can cause numbness, is to have your blood glucose checked regularly. Work with your doctor to create a schedule that works for you.
    • Check your blood glucose regularly with a blood sugar meter and have your glycosylated hemoglobin tested several times a year.
    • Although numbness in the feet and other symptoms of diabetes can make it difficult to exercise, do your best to maintain an active lifestyle. Aim to work out 30 minutes a day by going to the gym or simply going up and down the stairs of your house.
    • Eat healthy, balanced meals. Your diet should include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish, and low-fat dairy products. Eliminate foods that cause blood sugar spikes, such as sweet rolls, cakes, and sodas, from your diet.
    • Take all your prescribed medications, including insulin, on a regular basis.
    • Smoking can worsen the symptoms of diabetes, so talk to your doctor about how you can quit smoking.
  3. 3 Lose weight. Extra pounds and obesity increase numbness in your feet and toes, so to help ease some of your symptoms, ask your doctor for advice on safe ways to lose weight.
    • Losing weight will also help you lower your blood pressure, which can also reduce numbness. If your weight loss has not been enough to bring your blood pressure back to normal, ask your doctor if you should take blood pressure medications.
  4. 4 Use products that are specifically formulated to treat your feet with diabetes. Compression stockings and socks stimulate circulation and reduce numbness. Special lotions containing capsaicin can also help relieve numbness.
  5. 5 Use the various techniques we recommend to relieve occasional numbness. In diabetes mellitus, you can also use some of the methods used to get rid of accidental numbness, such as wiggling the feet, raising the legs, massaging the feet, applying warming compresses. While these methods can temporarily relieve symptoms, remember that they will not cure the disease itself, so stay alert, monitor your condition, and remember to take care of your feet.
  6. 6 Ask your doctor about alternative therapies. Some studies have found that relaxation and biofeedback techniques and pain relievers can help relieve numbness in the feet associated with diabetes. If the standard methods do not bring relief, try these methods.
    • Your doctor may also prescribe a medication to help with numbness, although this will likely not work in the instructions for use.

Method 3 of 3: Chronic Numbness Caused by Other Disorders

  1. 1 Treat injuries and injuries in time. Numbness can be caused by various injuries to the feet, toes, ankles, head and back. See a podiatrist, neurologist, or chiropractor who can help you heal the damage and relieve numbness.
  2. 2 Check with your doctor about any medication. Numbness in the extremities is often caused by drugs used in chemotherapy and many drugs prescribed for various diseases. If you feel numb after taking a new drug, talk to your doctor - the side effects of this drug may outweigh its benefits. There may be other drugs of this type that do not have these side effects.
    • Never stop taking medication without first talking to your doctor. Some drugs require a gradual dose reduction.
  3. 3 Take vitamin supplements. Numbness can be caused by a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin B12. Get a blood test for vitamins and minerals, and if you are deficient in vitamins, start taking the dietary supplements recommended by your doctor.
  4. 4 Take medication for chronic numbness. Persistent numbness in the feet and toes is a symptom of many conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Lyme disease, and many others. Appropriate medications can help relieve the underlying condition and reduce numbness in the feet.
    • If you have not had any previous history of chronic illness, numbness in your feet and toes may be the first sign of this condition. Describe to the doctor in detail all the symptoms you are experiencing so that it is easier for him to determine what tests and studies are needed to make an accurate diagnosis.
    • If the diagnosis is already known, but numbness appeared after it was made, at the next visit to the doctor, be sure to tell him about the new symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe additional medications or treatments.
  5. 5 Limit your alcohol intake. Drinking too much alcohol can cause numbness in the limbs, including the feet and toes. By reducing your alcohol intake, you can prevent numbness.
  6. 6 Treat symptoms. If you have already taken all the steps necessary to recover from an illness that is causing numbness in your feet and the numbness does not decrease despite this, practice methods to get rid of accidental numbness. While these methods (lifting and massaging the feet, applying warm compresses, movement) will not cure the disease, they will temporarily relieve the symptoms.