How to get rid of flies in a gutter

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Drain Flies
Video: How to Get Rid of Drain Flies


If a flock of small flies suddenly appears near the sink in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the shower, they may have settled in your drain. Their neighborhood is very annoying, and if you don't get rid of them in time, they can multiply and cause you even more trouble. However, there are some easy ways to get rid of these flies in your home.


Method 1 of 4: Identifying the problem

  1. 1 Identify problem areas. Inspect all drains in your home and any areas inside or outside the home that have standing water. Any area where you see several flies can be considered problematic.
    • Fortunately, flies do not fly far from their habitat, therefore, even if they are bred in the same room, the problem rarely spreads to the whole house, especially if you take action quickly.
  2. 2 Wipe the drain area dry before going to bed. This is the first thing you should do to make sure the flies are in the gutter.
    • You may have a different type of fly that is attracted to rotting fruit or other food. Before taking action against flies in the gutter, make sure they are in the right place.
  3. 3 Place transparent adhesive tape on each drain hole. Place the tape in the center of the drain, sticky side down.
    • Do not seal the drain completely, as the flies will not be able to take off and you will have no proof.
  4. 4 Check the tape in the morning or a few days later. If flies are stuck to the tape, then the problem is in the drain.
    • Even if you don't find flies after the first night, repeat the process for at least four nights to account for the fly's breeding cycle.

Method 2 of 4: Destruction of the culture medium

  1. 1 Clean the gutter mesh, if present. Remove the filter from the contaminated drain in the shower and clean it completely, removing any accumulated hair.
    • Destroy the growth medium by removing all hair, dirt and debris in which flies can lay their eggs.
  2. 2 Moisten the drain if necessary. Pour 4–8 liters of warm water into the drain to moisten it slightly.
    • Note that this should only be done if the drain hole is not used regularly. The drains you use every day are sufficiently hydrated without any additional measures.
  3. 3 Use a wire brush to clean the pipes. Brush the pipe as deep as possible.
    • Rotate the brush up and down slowly to scrub the dirt off the pipe wall.
  4. 4 Remove dirt with a plumbing cable. Insert the cable into the drain and turn to collect and remove the dirt that has accumulated below.
  5. 5 Pour pipe cleaning gel into the pipe. Pour about 125 ml of the product around the edge of the drain.
    • It is necessary to apply the agent precisely along the edge so that it flows further along the walls of the pipe.
    • Pipe cleaning gels destroy organic matter. You can also use bacterial or fermented cleaners.
    • Vinegar, boiling water, and bleach are folk remedies for getting rid of flies in the drain, but many experts argue that these methods are ineffective.
    • Baking soda mixture and vinegar poured into the drain may kill flies; at least she'll clean the drain.
    • You may need to re-pour the same amount of cleaning solution down the drain once a day for five to seven days.
  6. 6 Finish with a plunger. After a few hours, rinse the pipe cleaner with plenty of water. Remove any remaining organic matter from the sink with a plunger.

Method 3 of 4: Killing Adult Flies

  1. 1 Kill adults with a fly swatter. Go to the gutter and kill the flies with a regular fly swatter.
    • By clearing the pipes, you have destroyed the egg-laying area, but you still have to fight the adults for about 20 days. You may want to take extra steps to get rid of as many flies as possible.
  2. 2 Spray insect repellent. If the fly swatter is ineffective, use an insect repellent that works in a confined space.
    • Close all doors and windows in the area where the flies are found.
    • Spray the insect repellent upward for 5-8 seconds for 28 cubic meters (with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, this is approximately 11 square meters).
    • Leave the treated area and keep it covered for 15 minutes or more.
    • When you return to the premises, open all windows and doors. If possible, turn on an electric fan to disperse any residue.
    • Repeat the procedure once a week.

Method 4 of 4: Prevention

  1. 1 Keep the drain clean. House gutters should be cleaned at least once a month, but if you've already had fly problems, do it once a week or two.
    • It is not necessary to clean very thoroughly. To keep it always clean, just pour 125 ml of pipe cleaner into the drain every time and let's take action.
    • If the drain is rarely used (for example, it is in a garage or basement), fill it with a little mineral oil. This will prevent flies from appearing until there is no more water in the drain.
  2. 2 Use an insect control product. Spray directly into drains and along drain lines.
    • The insect growth control agent prevents the larvae from turning into flies. Since only adults can reproduce, this tool will greatly reduce their ranks.

What do you need

  • Transparent adhesive tape
  • Metal pipe brush
  • Plumbing cable
  • Drain cleaning gel
  • Ventuz
  • Fly swatter
  • Insect spray
  • Insect control agent