How to get rid of carpet bugs

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles (4 Easy Steps)
Video: How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles (4 Easy Steps)


Carpet bugs (kozheedy) are persistent pests that can cause serious damage to carpets, clothing and other fabric items. While getting rid of them can be tricky, you can still do it yourself. If you see signs of infestation, including larvae, shell debris, and faecal pellets, act immediately and use the right products to get rid of carpet bugs in your home and prevent them from returning.


Method 1 of 3: Thorough cleaning

  1. 1 Determine the source of the infection. Both adult carpet beetles and their larvae can enter the house, with the latter causing the most damage as they eat organic materials such as wool, leather and silk. To determine what to focus on when cleaning, look for the source of the infestation, that is, an area with a lot of bugs and traces of maximum damage. Check out dark hiding places: basements, areas under carpets and rugs. Pay attention to the following signs:
    • Brown and rough shell-like shells of larvae.
    • Brown faecal balls about the size of grains of salt.
    • Adult beetles are slightly larger than the head of a pin - they are oval in shape and can be of very different colors. The beetles can fly and usually live outdoors, although they lay their eggs indoors in dark, nooks and crannies.
    • The larvae are slightly longer than adult beetles and are often covered with tufts of hairs, although some varieties can be shiny and smooth. The larvae can be brown, red, white, or striped.
  2. 2 Vacuum your home to remove grubs and bugs. Vacuuming carpets thoroughly is the best and fastest way to get rid of carpet bugs and their larvae. While it is advisable to pay special attention to the source of the infestation and the areas most affected, the entire home should be vacuumed to ensure that all bugs are removed. Then immediately discard the bag containing the collected dust.
    • Continue vacuuming floors and carpets at least once a day for a week. For severe infections, you can vacuum several times a day for the first few days.
    • Vacuum all upholstered furniture and fabric covered areas if they cannot be placed in the washing machine.
    • Check your rug labels for how to clean them and rent a steam cleaner if needed.
  3. 3 Throw away contaminated fabrics and clothing. If the beetles have severely damaged any fabric, throw it in the trash can outside. Leaving these items in your home will make it harder to clear the infection.
    • Throw away badly damaged fabric, even if you do not find carpet beetles and their larvae on it.
  4. 4 Wash all clothing and other fabric items, even if they appear to be free from bugs. Place all your clothes, towels, blankets, sheets and other fabric items in the washing machine and wash them at high temperature with detergent. Carpet beetles, their larvae and eggs are very tenacious, and hot water with detergent is the best way to kill them.
    • Dry clean all items of clothing that cannot be washed.

Method 2 of 3: Special remedies

  1. 1 Spray areas that cannot be washed or washed with insecticide. Look for an insecticide that says it will kill carpet bugs. Apply insecticide to fabrics that cannot be cleaned otherwise, and follow the directions for use. Do not spray insecticide all over your home - it should only be applied to selected areas.
    • Apply the insecticide only to areas where lint collects, such as under and around the edges of carpets and rugs, near the walls of cabinets and shelves where fabric items are stored, and in cracks and crevices. Do not spray insecticide on clothing or bedding.
    • Remember to wear gloves and protective clothing when spraying insecticide. Do not stay where you have already sprayed the insecticide and then wash your hands.
  2. 2 Sprinkle boric acid over hard-to-reach areas. If you find it difficult to reach any contaminated areas, such as the attic or cracks in the walls, sprinkle boric acid evenly over them. You can also spray boric acid by mixing one tablespoon (4.2 grams) of boric acid in two glasses (480 milliliters) of hot water. Stir the water to dissolve the acid completely, pour it into a plastic spray bottle and spray on hard-to-reach crevices.
    • Boric acid has a whitening effect, so do not use it on dark materials.
  3. 3 For persistent infections, use sticky hormone traps. In the event of a serious infestation, place sticky traps throughout your home to attract and trap bugs and avoid further problems. Place traps around where insects can enter your home (windows, doors, and crevices) and where bugs are especially abundant.
    • Choose hormone or pheromone traps that are appropriate for your type of carpet beetle. You can also use hormone-free sticky bug traps, especially to catch insects that come in through windows.
    • Check traps 1-2 times a week.
    • Traps can be purchased at a garden supply store or ordered online.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing beetles

  1. 1 Find and eliminate possible sources and nests outside the home. To prevent carpet bugs from returning, check for holes in mosquito nets and doors, and try not to leave them open. Examine the area around the house and get rid of old cobwebs and nests of birds, rodents and bees, in which carpet beetles can hide.
    • You should also check for any signs of carpet beetles or their larvae on the flowers and plants you bring into your home. If you find them, move the plants out of the house.
    • For particularly persistent or repeated infestations, the insecticide can be sprayed around the lower outside of the house and near windows and doors. However, keep in mind that the insecticide can affect other, harmless insects, so use it as a last resort.
  2. 2 Clean contaminated areas frequently. Vacuuming carpets and washing clothes as often as possible, at least once every two weeks, is the best way to prevent carpet beetle infestations. Also, clean up spilled liquid and dirt immediately, as food and sweat debris can attract carpet bugs.
    • Keep as little hair, lint, and pet hair as possible, as these are all food for carpet bugs.
  3. 3 Place unused clothing and other fabric items in sealable plastic containers. Store out of season clothing and other fabric items you are not using in closed plastic bags or containers. Ventilate them in the sun at least once a year, clean them and check for carpet bugs.
    • Place insecticide-soaked rubber strips in your clothing for extra protection. You can also use balls, shavings, or moth powder.
    • If you find carpet bugs, wash or dry clean your clothes and other fabric items before storing them again.
  4. 4 Opt for synthetic materials instead of organic. This will reduce the risk of infection, as carpet beetles only feed on organic materials. This is especially true for carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture.
    • Carpets and rugs are often made from synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, polymer fiber, and olefin.
    • Synthetic materials such as acrylic, acetate, nylon and polyester are often used in furniture making.


  • If you are having trouble getting rid of carpet bugs on your own, use the services of a professional. Specialists use stronger products to help clean carpets and fabrics completely.
  • Carpet bugs can also get into the felts and hammers in the piano, which can adversely affect the sound of the instrument. If this is the case, consult a piano tuning and repair professional.
  • Do not worry too much if you find individual carpet bugs in the house - they often fly into the house and quickly leave it. Special measures are only necessary if you find larvae.

What do you need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Washing machine
  • Detergent
  • Insecticide
  • Gloves and protective clothing (for spraying insecticide)
  • Boric acid (optional)
  • Sticky traps
  • Plastic containers or bags for storing clothes and bedding
  • Rubber strips or moth balls