How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips to Beat Inferiority Complex
Video: 5 Tips to Beat Inferiority Complex


Every person in this world, regardless of height, weight and skin color, may feel somehow inferior in comparison with others at some point in life. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough, beautiful enough, or smart enough. Although these comments are not based on reality in any way. This article presents simple steps that you or someone else can take to overcome your inferiority complex.


  1. 1 Keep in mind that every person in this world is different; no one has the same face and body. Your inferiority can also be viewed as a unique trait. What made you think that your trait is worse than others? There is no such thing as a norm regarding people, so how can any inferiority arise?
  2. 2 Ignore what others may think of you as being "inferior." 99.9% of all people will pass by without paying the slightest attention to you.
  3. 3 If you have a complex about some part of the body, then think carefully about the logic of this; no one on the street will stop you for having what you consider inferior.
  4. 4 Overcome your biggest fears. Do you think people will look at you and talk about you? It's okay to have this kind of fear, but remember that everyone is different. Any ridicule you hear should be considered a laughing problem, and their comments should not be taken seriously.
  5. 5 If you find it difficult to cope with an inferiority complex, then get the help of a friend. Good friends will help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Good friends will only tell you the truth and you can work on how to start thinking better of yourself. If you find it difficult to share your fears with your friends, then ask them if they ever felt inferior. You will be surprised at what reasons people can worry about.
  6. 6 Study other people (but don't stare). How do they feel about their body? This can help you in your situation.


  • You are wonderful the way you are and you don't need Wikihow to tell you that.
  • Focus on your strengths and positive qualities.
  • You are unique, love yourself. Each person who appears in this world is beautiful in its own way.
  • Remember that you are not alone or that you are so different.
  • Believe in yourself, you are unique.


  • Never treat your identity as inferiority!
  • Never listen to those who humiliate you.
  • If you have a physical handicap, then do not look in the mirror too often at first.

What do you need

  • Mood to change
  • Good friends
  • Desire to be positive