How to use mothballs

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
✅  How To Use Homebright Original Moth Balls Review
Video: ✅ How To Use Homebright Original Moth Balls Review


Mothballs work very well with clothes moths. Many people forget that these balls are made from hazardous pesticides and do not take proper precautions when handling them. Never leave balloons outdoors. Instead, place clothes with mothballs in a sealed box. Prevent moths by regularly putting on, washing and drying clothes. Keep your home and clothing free from animal fibers and stains (from food, perfume or sweat).


Part 1 of 3: How to Protect Clothes with Mothballs

  1. 1 Place the clothes in a box with a lid. Use mothballs only in closed and sealed containers. Choose a plastic box or garment bag that you can close and store in your closet or under your bed. Place the clothes in the box.
    • The moth feeds on animal products such as wool, leather, and felt. They even chew through synthetic fibers to get at the sweat stain.
  2. 2 Place the mothballs in the box. Read the directions on the package to find out how many balls you need. Take enough balls to deal with the clothes moth. Just place the balls on or next to your clothing.
  3. 3 Close the box or garment bag. Make sure no air is leaking out of the box. After that, put the box in a safe place: under the bed or in the closet. The mothballs will dissolve over time.
  4. 4 Before putting on the clothes that were in the box, wash them with vinegar. Clothes will smell like mothballs, so wash them first. Soak clothing in equal parts water and vinegar, or add a glass (240 ml) of vinegar to the detergent drawer during washing.Take a spray bottle, pour a solution of water and vinegar into it, and spray on clothes that cannot be machine washed or tumble dried.
    • To remove odor, place your clothes and anti-static cloths in the trash bag.
    • Do not dry your clothes in the dryer until the smell disappears, otherwise it will remain forever.
  5. 5 Wash the box with vinegar. You can also use vinegar to remove odors from the box. Pour equal amounts of water and vinegar into the box. Leave the solution on for a couple of minutes, then rinse the box with warm water. Repeat this procedure before removing the box and before each use.
    • You can also wash cabinets and other places that smell like mothballs with vinegar.

Part 2 of 3: How to prevent moths

  1. 1 Do your laundry regularly. Taking proper care of your belongings will get rid of the stains that the moth tends to reach. Wash all items, even those made from synthetic fabrics. Make sure there are no fibers left in the pockets. Wash as usual to remove sweat, perfume and drink stains. Dry your clothes in the dryer to kill eggs and larvae on your clothes.
    • Do not starch your clothes before storing them in the closet, or they will lure moths.
  2. 2 Store clothing in an airtight container. Moths will not be able to get into closed boxes or bags, no matter how dirty the clothes are. Keeping clean clothes in such a container is a great way to protect your clothes without resorting to toxic mothballs.
    • Some people use the smell of cedar and chests. However, smells are absolutely useless, and chests help only because they are closed containers.
  3. 3 Spray your clothes with warmth once a month. Take out clothes once or twice a month that you do not store in closed containers. Place it in the dryer and start the drying cycle. Alternatively, you can leave it in the sun for a few hours. The heat will kill the moth eggs.
  4. 4 Brush your clothes thoroughly to remove the larvae. After you heat the garment (remember to do this 1-2 times a month), scrub the insects out of the garment. Shake things well or brush all around the clothes to remove hidden eggs and larvae.

Part 3 of 3: How to eliminate moths in your home

  1. 1 Vacuum the entire house. Mothballs cannot be used outdoors, so you will need to remove food sources for moths throughout the house. Vacuum desk drawers, cupboards, and other furniture. Clean up all the places you usually forget about, such as under furniture. Vacuum up all fibers and hair.
    • Mice and rats that have eaten rat poison and died somewhere can cause moths to appear, so clean up wherever possible.
  2. 2 Wash drawers and cabinets. Take all the clothes out of them. Use a surface cleaner, mild dish soap, or laundry detergent. Soak a rag in the product and wipe everything with it. Wash clothes separately before putting them back in the closet.
  3. 3 Treat cracks in the walls with boric acid. Boric acid is a powder that you can buy at your local pest store or horticultural store. Use the product as directed on the label. Powder every crack and crevice in your home. Boric acid will take care of the moths that live in them.


  • Even if your clothes are made of synthetic fabrics, moths can still gnaw at them to reach animal stains. Wash your clothes before storing them.
  • The moth loves places that are often not visited. Clothes that you only wear 2-3 times a week will be a great goal for her.
  • Never inhale the smell coming from the mothballs. If you smell them, then you are doing something wrong and jeopardizing your health.


  • The mothballs are pesticides.They give off vapors that are harmful to humans, animals and the environment. Using mothballs outdoors may be illegal.
  • The mothballs cause unpleasant side effects including headache, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing.
  • Curious children and animals can mistake mothballs for food or toys.
  • Never use mothballs outdoors or to scare away snakes or squirrels.