How to look for a job

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Job Search Strategies and Techniques - How To MASTER Your Job Search
Video: Job Search Strategies and Techniques - How To MASTER Your Job Search


Perhaps you are not comfortable with your current job, or you are trying to find a first job after graduation. Squeezing into the job market isn't easy, regardless of age or experience. To get started, talk to your acquaintances and browse the vacancies on the Internet, change your resume and motivation letter to meet the requirements of the employer, and start sending out outstanding applications. This process may seem daunting, but being determined and having a plan will help you find the right option.


Part 1 of 3: How to Apply

  1. 1 Read the job description carefully. Finding job information is your first step. Read the job description carefully. Pay attention to the required qualifications and job responsibilities.
    • Do not apply for jobs that do not match your qualifications at all. For example, if you do not speak Spanish, then do not respond to an ad that says “Knowledge of Spanish required”.
  2. 2 Underline your keywords. Pay attention to which words are emphasized. For example, a marketing job might include terms like digital marketing, SEO, and Google Analytics. Be sure to include such terms in your resume and motivation letter.
  3. 3 Review your materials. Often, job search services and company websites contain a requirement to submit materials online. Before applying, check all your papers, including your resume and motivation letter. Also, review the fields for entering personal information and make sure the information is correct.
  4. 4 Prepare for your interview. Hopefully, your efforts will be rewarded with an invitation to an interview. In this case, you need to prepare. You should prepare examples that showcase your past achievements and potential benefits to the company.For example, you might say, “I understand that you need a new approach to increasing sales. I'm ready to share some ideas for a targeted marketing campaign with you. "
    • Choose a business attire.
    • Maintain eye contact and speak confidently.
    • Come on time.
  5. 5 Stay in touch. Business etiquette is to write a short thank you note after the interview. Usually they use email for this. You can write “Thank you for the invitation. I was interested to learn more about your company and I will be glad to become a part of the team. "
    • You can also write a letter after sending the application for a job: “I want to make sure that you have received my application and attached documents. I will gladly provide you with other examples confirming my qualifications, if such a need arises. "

Part 2 of 3: How to Prepare Materials

  1. 1 Adapt your resume as per job description. A resume is a list of your skills and abilities. It is equally important to show the potential employer that your skills match the needs of the company. Change your resume for each job that interests you. Notice keywords and topics in your job description to reflect them on your resume.
    • For example, if a job listing says “first-class communication skills,” then you should provide specific examples of past use of those skills.
    • You don't have to completely rewrite your resume every time. Just highlight the skills that are important to a particular employer.
  2. 2 Create a personal profile. At the beginning of your resume, tell the employer a little about yourself. Write a short paragraph outlining your skills and explain how you can help the company. Be concise and business-like.
    • Describe your most important skills in a few sentences.
    • Don't use broad definitions like organized. Use descriptive words like "negotiator", "decision making" and "effective time management".
  3. 3 Write a motivation letter. In most cases, a resume is sufficient, but in some vacancies there is a requirement to provide a cover letter. Prepare one draft in advance that can be adapted to specific jobs. A good motivation letter describes your experience and qualifications. Use specific examples to describe why you are the right person for the job.
    • Perhaps the job description indicates an employee who knows how to work in a team. For example, you might write how you managed a joint project while you were doing your internship.
    • The length of the cover letter should not exceed one page.
  4. 4 Edit documents. Review your resume and cover letter several times. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Ask your friend or relative to read the documents. A fresh look will help you spot mistakes that you might have missed.
  5. 5 Organize your social media pages. In the modern world, job search occurs primarily online. Accordingly, you should make a good first impression on the web. Create positive and business-like social media profiles. You never know where a potential employer will look for information.
    • For example, create a business profile on Skillsnet. Specify your specialty accurately and concisely, such as Financial Analyst.
    • List your experience and skills.
    • Remember to check your profile for errors.
    • Attach contact details and a link to your resume.

    Alyson Garrido, PCC

    Career Trainer Alison Garrido is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by the International Federation of Coaching, facilitator and speaker. Helps clients in job search and career advancement, building on their strengths.Advises on career development, interview preparation, salary negotiation and performance appraisal, and individual communication and leadership strategies. He is a founding partner of the New Zealand Academy for Systems Coaching.

    Alyson Garrido, PCC
    Career coach

    Our expert confirms: Create a profile and keep track of the relevance of the information. Be sure to include your skills and previous jobs. Also formulate your specialization, which will clearly describe your occupation instead of a general position.

Part 3 of 3: How to Find Jobs

  1. 1 Search online. Today, many companies and organizations, if not the absolute majority, publish vacancies on employment services and company websites. If you want to work for a specific company, then start with their website. You will probably come across the tab “Our vacancies” or “Employment in the company”. Explore the options available.
    • You can also use various job search services. Enter keywords and your geographic location on popular sites like, or
    • For example, if you want to sell medical equipment in Samara, then use the terms “sales” and “medicine”, and select “Samara” as your geographic location.
    • You can also search for vacancies on the Avito website. It is well suited for direct employment. That being said, don't forget to check out the company's website and read reviews from former employees before submitting your resume and contact information!
  2. 2 Engage social media. Such services help not only to have fun or chat with old friends. You can find work on social networks. If you want to look for work on such sites, it is recommended to close your "personal" profile from outsiders and create a new business page. Use the following sites to search:
    • Skillsnet: This site is an analogue of the Western service LinkedIn, which is blocked in Russia. Write your profile so potential employers can get to know you better. You can also attach your current resume and publish other materials.
    • Twitter: People are increasingly using the service to find work. If you are familiar with the service, then subscribe to companies of interest to you and follow the publications with vacancies. You can also search for tags like #work.
  3. 3 Contact the Job Center. You don't have to limit your searches to the internet. In all major cities of Russia, you can register with the Employment Center in order to receive job offers, benefits or undergo retraining. Prepare a passport, work book, education documents and a certificate of the average salary at the last place of work in order to register.
    • It is also possible to get a subsidy to start your own business.
  4. 4 Use connections. Strengthen connections with your industry and meet new people. Make a name for yourself and talk to people who can help you find a job. So, you can ask: "I am getting used to marketing and want to ask if you have any suitable vacancies in mind." Personal referrals can prioritize your resume over other applicants! Who can I contact:
    • former teachers;
    • former employers;
    • employees of the company you want to work for;
    • people who work in an industry that interests you.
  5. 5 Tell everyone that you are looking for a job. Friends and family can come to your aid. They may have heard of jobs you don't know about. Perhaps your friends' friends are looking for employees. Everyone in your social circle should know that you are looking for a new job.
    • You might say, “I'm looking for a job in the publishing industry. Haven't heard of any vacancies in this industry? "
    • You may need to use the services of an employment specialist.
  6. 6 Go to job fairs. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn about potential employers. Job fairs are held in many cities. Also, such events can be held by private organizations.
    • Find information about upcoming job fairs online.
    • At the fair, check out brochures from different companies and talk to recruiting agents.
  7. 7 Be organized. A clear plan will become your reliable assistant. Take the time to develop a job search plan. Be careful not to submit multiple applications for the same vacancy. Create a calendar of your weekly and daily job search activities. Specify the following tasks in the calendar:
    • search for vacancies on the Internet;
    • communicate with former employees and employers;
    • work on resume and motivation letter;
    • submit a certain number of applications every week.


  • Always keep your resume up to date.
  • Apply for multiple jobs at once.
  • Respond to constructive criticism correctly.
  • Explore new opportunities in your area.