How to deal with an annoying guy

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways to Deal With Annoying People
Video: 3 Ways to Deal With Annoying People


Does some boy get you? There are ways to stop his behavior. You can ignore him or wonder why he gets you. He may not even be aware that he is bothering you.On the other hand, if he harasses you or hurts you, report it to the teacher or parents immediately. Aggression is not something to ignore.


Method 1 of 3: Making sense of his behavior

  1. 1 Write down what annoys you. List what his behavior makes you mad. Some of his actions may hurt your feelings. Maybe he calls you names? Maybe his words and actions are just unpleasant, but not offensive? For example, does he constantly ask you to do something instead of him? Each behavior has its own approach.
  2. 2 Determine if his behavior is harassment. Harassment is when someone's behavior makes you feel pain, humiliation, and / or fear. Examples of harassment include unwanted calls, messages, letters (including emails), or visits. Harassment, verbal abuse and threats, and the use of animals to intimidate you are all types of harassment.
    • If a boy harasses you, physically hurting you in any way (pulling your hair, throwing things at you) or making you feel bad about it, tell a trusted adult right away. If there are no adults nearby and you feel in danger, call the police.
    • It is illegal to insult a person on the basis of race or disability. As well as sexual harassment. You should immediately report these forms of harassment to your teacher.
  3. 3 Think how long it has got you. Was it just once? Or does he tease you all the time? If this behavior repeats itself repeatedly and throws you off balance, seek help from an adult. Repeated harassment can lead to depression, anxiety, loss of sleep, and decreased school performance.
  4. 4 Consider the reasons. Perhaps this boy is trying to hurt your feelings, is jealous of you, or is trying to make friends. Sure, it sounds strange that he pisses you off for the sake of friendship, but he probably just doesn't know how to approach you. If this is your brother, then he may not have enough time with you. Some guys may think teasing you is fun. They expect you to mistake their behavior for a good joke. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Do I want to be friends with him? If so, think about how to move your communication on a more positive level.
    • Is he rude to other people around me too? If he is sarcastic or deliberately annoying to others, he may be just a bully. In this case, it is worth contacting the teacher.
    • Has your relationship changed? This often happens with younger brothers. You used to spend time with him, but now you have stopped? Can he feel abandoned?
  5. 5 Talk to him. If you don't see the danger in this, ask the boy why he is bothering you. Perhaps he does not understand that he is behaving annoyingly. Then politely ask him to change his behavior. If he wants to be with you all the time, delicately explain that you are not interested in his company. Be kind but adamant. If he doesn't want to talk to you, discuss his behavior with a teacher or another adult.
    • For example, if you are dealing with an annoying boy, you might say, "Hi Dima. Why are you always throwing paper balls at me in class? It distracts me from completing the assignment. Please stop. If you need something from me, just be polite ask. "
    • If a boy wants to be friends with you, but you don’t like him, you can say: “Hi, Vasya. I appreciate that you want to spend time with me. I think that you are a good person, but our interests do not coincide with you. Please stop coming to my house every day. "
    • If this is your brother, chances are he looks up to you. You will communicate with him for the rest of your life. Set aside time in your schedule to be together on a specific day.However, ask him to respect your need to be alone with yourself or with your friends. If you pay attention to him, chances are good that he will not pester you at other times. You can say: "Listen, Lesha. I love you very much, but sometimes I need some personal space. Let's go cycling on Saturday morning?"
    • You don't have to play or be friends with anyone. You are free to choose your friends and those around you should respect your decision.

Method 2 of 3: Terminating His Behavior

  1. 1 Ignore it. If you are already tired of talking to the boy, and he still does not stop behaving this way, ignore him. This is a good option as long as his actions do not harm you or cause you suffering. If you stop responding to his behavior, he may stop.
  2. 2 Talk to your friends. They may have ideas as to why this boy is teasing you. Maybe some of your friends can talk to him about you. Plus, your friends can stand up for you. If this boy realizes that others have also noticed his behavior, he will probably want to stop it. In this case, peer pressure can be effective.
  3. 3 Talk to an adult. If you are concerned about this boy's behavior, tell a trusted adult about it. Your teacher or parents can provide guidance on how to deal with the problem. Explain that you feel uncomfortable at school, at home, or in your community.

Method 3 of 3: Moving Forward

  1. 1 Understand that this is not your fault. Many children who are bullied or harassed by others blame themselves for this. They think they have an internal defect that allows others to tease them. They may be shy or unable to fight back. But this is no excuse for ridicule. You are unique and special. No one has the right to be rude to you.
  2. 2 Remember, you are not alone. You have friends, family and teachers who are ready to help you. For example, in the United States, 40 to 80% of schoolchildren are attacked at some stage by their peers. Therefore, school psychologists are well prepared to help children cope with these difficulties.
  3. 3 Surround yourself with positive people. If you're dealing with an annoying guy, it's not a bad idea to take refuge with your friends. They will help you get this boy out of your head, and will also serve as a buffer zone between the two of you.


  • Try to ignore him - he will most likely get bored quickly.
  • Monitor your behavior. Now that you know how it feels to be teased, take a closer look at your own actions. Never poison anyone's life, whatever the reason.
  • If he is constantly singing an annoying song, try to drown him out with your own singing, conversation, or noise (popping, banging, banging). Above all, make sure the teacher doesn't notice.
  • Find a way to annoy him in return. For example, if he is constantly cheating on your homework that is handed out at the beginning of class, ask the teacher for two pieces of paper. Decide everything correctly on one, and not on the other. If he starts to copy from the wrong piece of paper, then all his work will be wrong. Most importantly, do not forget to leave a copy with the correct answers.